Stop Biden From Killing Our Children.

From Children's Health Defense:

Biden Administration Makes Available 10 Million Doses of COVID Vaccine for Kids Under 5 — Before FDA Authorizes Shot. The Biden administration today said it has made available 10 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines for children under age 5 to states and healthcare workers with “millions more available in the coming weeks.”

Even worse, Biden and his handlers are targeting minorities with their toxic injections. "The administration said it “will remain laser-focused on equity and making sure that we reach those hardest-hit and most at-risk communities,” CHD reported.

The plan includes working with programs such as Head Start and the Women, Infants, and Children, or WIC, Program in addition to Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, known as CHIP, and Latino, Black and Native American community programs.

Children's Health Defense has issued a "call to action" and asks that we contact our representatives immediately to try to stop the FDA from granting an EUA (emergency use authorization) for the use of Pfizer's and Moderna's covid "vaccines" in young children. It only takes 30 seconds of your time to send the pre-written letter.

Here's where you can do your part to help children who don't have a voice and could soon become victims of the corrupt pharmaceutical industry and its enablers in the government: 

Send Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s letter.

Thank you for helping humanity survive. Small actions can yield huge results!

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