The Democrat's Shocking Slide Toward Violence And Depravity.
It's not your imagination. The Democratic Party really has lost its way. The political party of peace-loving hippies, John F. Kennedy, and Jimmy Carter has become the home of angry, immoral, irresponsible goons. They hate freedom, they hate America, they hate you, and they even hate themselves. They love big government, depravity, and violence.
They make fun of religion, but they worship authority, technology, Big Pharma, and anything sexual.
Their destructive terror troops call themselves ANTIFA, yet they're the real Fascists, trying to scare us into silence and compliance. They're the useful idiots for the wealthy elites who are financing the enslavement of humanity.
The Democratic Party has been hijacked by left-wing extremists. No moral, self-respecting person should support the cesspool that is has become.