Biden's Attack On Gig Workers Is Really An Attack On Freedom.

White House resident Joe Biden just announced plans to regulate gig work and other types of contractor jobs. Biden wants to create new regulations that would strictly define what a contractor is and push most into traditional employment positions. Using the type of dishonesty that he's known for, Biden claims he wants to regulate contractors to protect them from being abused by the corporations that pay them to perform needed services. He also claims that contractors are being denied healthcare, overtime pay, and the right to join labor unions.  But what he fails to understand, or perhaps chooses to ignore, is that contractors typically don't want traditional jobs. They are the frontline of the self-employed, the on-ramp of entrepreneurship. Contractors want the independence to do what they want to do, when they want to do it. They don't want to punch a time clock or have their income potential limited by a boss who decides what they're worth. When contractors want more money, they find more work to do, and they do that work well if they expect to get assignments in the future. Although Biden portrays contractors as victims, the contractors see themselves as business owners, so threats of regulation are threats to their businesses.

So what's this really all about? There are several end-goals. Labor unions see contractors as threats to their power, so they've been lobbying Congress for a long time in back door attempts to destroy the contractor industry. And elected officials, especially the thieves in revenue departments, think that by eliminating as many contractors as possible they have a better chance of collecting taxes. They seem to be convinced that contractors cheat on paying taxes more often than employees, but they've provided no evidence of that. Biden's real agenda, in my opinion, is much more sinister. Remember the phrase "Build Back Better"?

"Build Back Better" was Joe Biden's campaign slogan, but it was also the slogan used by the World Economic Forum's puppet politicians around the world in 2020. It's the battle cry of the globalists who want to turn the world into a technocratic fascist prison enforced by surveillance cameras, digital ID's, pandemic and climate crisis lockdowns, CBDC (central bank digital currency), and censorship of all opinions the authorities don't approve of. They want to rule nations using a hybrid of Marxism and fascism on the front end and cold, immoral technology on the back end. In that system there's no place for creativity, independence, or entrepreneurship. Compliance and control will take their place.

And that's why they want to eliminate contractors. They need to bring everyone into the controlled, soul-killing world of routine employment. They want to be able to track everyone's location, activities, earnings, and expenditures. They want to make sure all income arrives by direct deposit which can later be transitioned into the CBDC monetary system. They want to be able to control us by cutting off our income if our social credit scores drop too low. They want us to be dependent on their system and have nowhere else to go to earn a living. They want obedient slaves, not people who can think on their own and create their own future.

Once the contractors have been reigned in and then crushed, next they'll go after the small businesses in cities around the world. After the small businesses are gone, they'll go after the statewide and regional businesses. And finally they'll take over anything that remains. The mega-investment firms like Blackrock, State Street, and Vanguard will rule the world, and everyone will work for them.

That's why it's important that contractors, including the Uber driver who brings you food from McDonald's, remain independent. If Biden and the technocratic globalists succeed in destroying the contractors, all other forms of independent and locally owned businesses will soon begin to fall.

Before you can Build Back Better, you must first burn everything to the ground. And Joe Biden is holding a match.

Psychotic Parasites Are Destroying Us.

nuclear bomb mushroom cloud

The daily news is becoming too depressing to read. We're kept in a constant state of ever-increasing fear thanks to the irresponsible, immoral, and often insane behavior of the people we let run the world. We live on a planet that has everything we need for a peaceful life: food, water, natural medicine, materials for shelter, and amazing views that calm our souls. But we've been tricked into letting the worst among us, people who are possibly possessed by dark forces, take control of our paradise and turn it into a living hell. 

In a world where no one should be hungry, no one should feel hatred, and no one should fear the next day, we have millions living in poverty, scrounging for food in trash cans, numbing themselves with drugs & alcohol, and blaming everyone except the guilty for their situation. We're divided into an infinite number of groups pointing fingers at each other for every problem we have to endure. Meanwhile a cabal of wealthy, psychotic parasites live like kings, consuming all the Earth's resources and complaining when we dare to pick up a crumb they've mistakenly left behind.

These parasites are so greedy and morally bankrupt they'll do anything to expand their power and wealth. Wars, famines, pandemics, and genocides have been their tools of choice, along with ample amounts of fear, chaos, confusion, ignorance, mind-altering substances, religious doctrines, fake science, and anything else they can come up with to keep us docile and quiet.

We should be living in a time of spiritual peace. But instead we now face the very real threat of global nuclear annihilation. Government leaders, a mere handful of people among the billions who live on this planet, have created conflicts where none should exist. There's a war in Ukraine, and we're told it affects all of us. But it shouldn't. It's not our war. It's a war created by governments because of the demands by the psychotic parasites who think it will provide them with a bit more land, a bit more money, a bit more power. If they have to threaten to blow up the entire world, then so be it. These people are so insane they actually think they can detonate a few hydrogen bombs, do a bit of sweeping up, and live to see another day, just with fatter bank accounts. If a few million of us regular people die as a result, well that's just collateral damage.

The fact that so many of us are caught up in this maniacal system and think it's normal is equally frightening. Let me be clear: there is nothing normal about the system we exist in. It's a corrupt, morally bankrupt system that needs to be ripped up by its roots so that something healthy can take its place.

We shouldn't live in fear. We shouldn't have to ask for permission to voice our opinions. We shouldn't have to pay taxes that fund our own destruction. Our governments shouldn't be conducting psychological and medical experiments on us. We shouldn't be tracked and surveilled like farm animals. We shouldn't have to ask for permission to move from one place to another. We are born free, and we have the right to remain free. No government and no wealthy psychotic parasite should be able to take that away from us.

But the madness will continue and the suffering will go on until we decide we've had enough. How bad must things get before we make that decision? I pray we come to our senses before it's too late.

The News Media Keeps Us Ignorant About Reality.

Humanity is literally in a war, fighting to remain free while wealthy globalists and their puppets in the government (federal, state, and local) work around the clock to turn the world into a giant, digitally controlled slave colony. We've never faced a threat as dangerous as this in recorded human history. Millions of people have united to defeat this threat, yet millions more have no idea we're in a war at all. How can this be? I decided to find out. Below is a chart showing several of the most important topics related to this war, along with columns showing eight of the most popular news sites online. There are four columns from liberal media sites and four columns from conservative media sites. I visited all of their websites on August 27, 2022 and counted how many articles each had on those important topics. The totals are from the main (first) pages only and don't include deep links. I wanted to view each site exactly as a typical reader might, and most readers don't go past the main page except to read specific articles found on the main page. And you might think that reviewing only a single date doesn't provide an accurate picture, but I feel that it does. I made the chart after reading weeks of news on all of these sites and realizing few of them ever report on these topics. 

Let's look at the results:

While I expected to see a considerable amount of bias depending on which way a site leaned politically, in reality there wasn't much of that on the topics I reviewed. There was bias but it was focused on petty left/right differences and stories about Joe Biden's policies or anything and everything to do with Donald Trump. On the topics related to the imminent threats to our freedom, most of the sites had nothing to say at all. 

If you've talked to friends about the evil deeds of the global elites and the World Economic Forum and gotten no response but a blank stare, my chart shows why: there were no articles about them from any of the eight news sites I reviewed. Your friends look at you like you're crazy because the mainstream media never talks about the globalists or the WEF unless it's time for the annual G7 or Davos meetings, and even then the coverage is spun to make the meetings look like gatherings of compassionate leaders trying to make the world a better place. But nothing could further from the truth.

Your friends are also likely ignorant about the large number of scientists who don't support the theory of man-made climate change. They've probably never seen the proof that chemtrails contain harmful chemicals that not only affect our weather but also damage our health. They probably accept the increasingly discredited theory that viruses cause diseases. The evidence is almost overwhelming that virology is a quack science, but you'd never learn that from a news industry largely financed by Pfizer and other pharmaceutical giants.

But notice the one category that almost every news site focuses on: Distractions/Celebrity News/Fluff. These are the endless stories about Hollywood, athletes, musicians, tech gadgets, sex scandals, and other unimportant diversions that waste our time and take attention away from things that actually matter. CNN, CBS, and Fox News were all exceptionally heavy with such nonsense. Breitbart typically fills up their page with stories about unhinged liberal celebrities as well, Joy Behar being one of their favorite people, but on this particular day they showed some restraint. But still they had 14 useless articles and nothing at all about vaccine injuries and deaths, the global genocide, or the coming threat of CBDC/central bank digital currency. 

On topic after topic that directly affects our ability to remain free from fascist totalitarian control, the news media is silent. It appears that they are intentionally suppressing information the public needs to make informed decisions. 

The result is that the distracted and overwhelmed masses remain largely ignorant about what is going on all around them. Most don't have the time or energy to dig through research papers or to discover trustworthy alternative news sites. They consume and believe the most convenient sources of information presented to them, a habit that takes them down a path of misinformation and propaganda, or, as the chart shows, they're led down a path that shows them nothing at all.

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