The 12 Biggest Conspiracy Theories In The World Today.

The brilliant Dr Vernon Coleman has written this list of the twelve biggest conspiracy theories in the world today. But it's not what you expect: Dr Coleman has flipped the script and exposed mainstream narratives as the real conspiracies that too many people still believe. Share this list with everyone you know. Maybe it will help a few escape the matrix of misinformation.

Conspiracy Theory no 1:
Conspiracy theorists believe that the earth is getting hotter (or colder) because of human activities. This decades’ old conspiracy theory has been revived and now has many uneducated followers. Politicians, journalists and a few other simple folk genuinely seem to believe that we are all either going to fry or drown. The science shows that there is no sense in this wild and dangerous conspiracy theory.

Conspiracy Theory no 2:
Conspiracy theorists believe that in the USA, the Twin Towers were demolished on 9/11 by terrorists. Every educated person knows that this was a false flag exercise but conspiracy theorists, led by senile politicians, are still trying to pretend that they’re right. In fact, of course, most people in the world know that the attack was an inside job designed to provide an excuse for oppressive legislation.

Conspiracy Theory no 3:
Conspiracy theorists believe that vaccines have helped eradicate infectious diseases. There is no scientific evidence to support this myth which is used by the drug industry to sell their products. The evidence shows that many infectious diseases were conquered long before vaccines were introduced, and that instead of helping people, over-enthusiastic vaccine programs do more harm than good. Far more research is needed. Meanwhile the promotion of vaccines should be regarded as a criminal activity.

Conspiracy Theory no 4:
Conspiracy theorists believe there was a pandemic in 2020 which killed millions. The evidence produced by governments themselves shows that the covid-19 infection blamed for the pandemic was no worse than the ordinary flu and that there were no more deaths in 2020 than in previous years.

Conspiracy Theory no 5:
Conspiracy theorists believe that the so-called covid-19 ‘vaccine’, an experimental mRNA product, is safe and effective. Evidence which I released in 2020 showed that the jab was associated with a wide range of serious health problems. Evidence also showed that the jab didn’t do what people thought it did. The warning was ignored and billions of jabs were given. It now seems clear that more people will be killed or injured by this so-called ‘safe’ product than any other drug in history. I’ve been asking government doctors to debate the safety and efficacy of these products live on TV with me for three years. When the authorities refuse to debate, you know they know they’re wrong and will lose the debate.

Conspiracy Theory no 6:
Conspiracy theorists believe that in order to stop global warming (conspiracy theory no 1) we must all stop using fossil fuels – even though this will lead to billions of people dying from cold and starvation. Cultists wrongly believe that electricity can be obtained from solar and wind power but figures show that these will only provide intermittent supplies and will only produce 5% of our current needs. Moreover, solar and wind farms are energy negative producers and are of very little or no value. Germany has wisely ripped out its onshore wind farms to get at the coal underneath them.

Conspiracy Theory no 7:
Conspiracy theorists believe that we should stop using plastic products and use products made from other substances – such as paper. Science shows, however, that paper bags, cotton shirts etc., are much worse for the environment than using plastic. Conspiracy theorists ignore the evidence and insist on banning everything made with plastic except face masks.

Conspiracy Theory no 8:
Conspiracy theorists believe that face masks help stop the spread of diseases. The scientific evidence, however, proves that face masks do more harm than good and are worn only by virtue signalling cultists and bank robbers.

Conspiracy Theory no 9:
Conspiracy theorists believe that encouraging immigration will help a nation’s economy by reducing the average age of the nation’s citizens. Unfortunately, the evidence shows that unlimited immigration may produce a severe economic burden if too many of the immigrants prefer to settle for benefits and free housing.

Conspiracy Theory no 10:
Conspiracy theorists believe that electric cars are good for the environment in some way. The scientific evidence proves the opposite. Electric cars are much more damaging than diesel or petrol fueled vehicles. Digging out the materials necessary to build electric cars is doing great damage to the planet.

Conspiracy Theory no 11:
Conspiracy theorists believe that getting rid of cash will reduce crime. In fact the opposite is true. Fraud has escalated dramatically as credit cards and digital money have become more widely used. Cryptocurrencies in particular are widely associated with criminal activities.

Conspiracy Theory no 12:
Conspiracy theorists believe that the BBC is a news organisation. This is clearly nonsense. The BBC is a propaganda organisation, now widely discredited, which seems to exist to promote conspiracy theories. Mainstream television programs should be renamed. I would suggest that suitable titles might be: `Propaganda at Ten’ or `The Nine O’Clock Propaganda Program’. Others might include: `Misinformation at Six’ or `24 Hour Nonsense’. The possibilities are endless.

[For more great content from Dr Coleman, please visit his websites at: and ]

Human Slavery, German Style.

Karl Lauterbach, Minister of Health in Germany, explains how the fascist authoritarians will use the fear of climate change to totally control the public. If you submit to their demands, you're accepting your role as a slave in a system controlled by the world's wealthiest psychopaths.

Video below:

Elitist Psychopaths Have A Plan To Enslave You. It's Already Happening.

It's not a conspiracy theory. It's reality. And it's happening all around you, right now.

(This video was originally posted on my other blog,, on 12/30/2020. That blog is ending and its content is being moved to

'15 Minute Cities' Are Prisons In Disguise.

The evil globalists at the World Economic Forum have a new scheme to control us: 15 minute cities. It's a new way to plan cities so that all your needs are met within 15 minutes of your home. In 15 minute cities, each neighborhood should fulfill six social functions: living, working, supplying, caring, learning and enjoying. In other words, everything you do will be in easy reach, allowing you to stay close to home and eliminating the need to own a car. This will allegedly make you happier while helping the climate change cult reach their insane goals. But as with most ideas that come from the WEF and other globalist organizations, this one has a sinister component that isn't being widely publicized: to make the plan work, you'll be locked in to your neighborhood. You won't be able to leave without special permission from the government. In fact in the city of Oxfordshire England, which plans to test this scheme in 2024, electronic gates will be installed to confine residents to their neighborhoods. Anyone escaping will have to pay a hefty fine. And everyone will be monitored and tracked using surveillance cameras and vehicle license plate readers. 

In 15 minute cities not only will you be locked inside your neighborhood, but you'll be totally dependent upon the government and their corporate partners (can you say "fascism"?) for everything. You won't have space to garden. You won't be able to raise chickens. You won't have your own water source such as a well or rainwater. You won't be allowed to own a car. Public transport or a bike will be your only options. And you'll be forced to get multiple vaccines every year to prevent outbreaks of scary diseases that the news media will talk about relentlessly.

Does this sound like a happy place to be, or does it sound like a prison?

If the 15 minute city trial-run is a success in England, meaning no one pushes back against it but rather weakly accepts it as "just the way things are", then you can expect to see the concept roll out in other cities worldwide. In fact, while researching for this article, I found a large number of articles from the usual propaganda sources talking about how great the 15 minute city idea is and how even government officials in the United States are already trying to steer their communities to this dystopian vision. Of course they use cheerful, encouraging language to sell their scheme rather than being truthful about what it will eventually lead to.

The video below from 'Redacted' gives a brief overview of what 15 minute cities will be like. It will only take 17 minutes of your time to watch, which is well worth it because if we don't stop the maniacal globalists we'll living in their digitally controlled prisons forever. Education keeps you free, especially if you're able to enlighten a few of your friends, neighbors, or relatives.

For a deeper dive check out this article at Spiked Online: The Madness Of The '15-Minute City'. Or using any uncensored search engine, type in "15 minute city" and explore the results. Most will be propaganda articles but even those are informative since they show how the general public will be tricked into accepting their own enslavement.

Psychotic Parasites Are Destroying Us.

nuclear bomb mushroom cloud

The daily news is becoming too depressing to read. We're kept in a constant state of ever-increasing fear thanks to the irresponsible, immoral, and often insane behavior of the people we let run the world. We live on a planet that has everything we need for a peaceful life: food, water, natural medicine, materials for shelter, and amazing views that calm our souls. But we've been tricked into letting the worst among us, people who are possibly possessed by dark forces, take control of our paradise and turn it into a living hell. 

In a world where no one should be hungry, no one should feel hatred, and no one should fear the next day, we have millions living in poverty, scrounging for food in trash cans, numbing themselves with drugs & alcohol, and blaming everyone except the guilty for their situation. We're divided into an infinite number of groups pointing fingers at each other for every problem we have to endure. Meanwhile a cabal of wealthy, psychotic parasites live like kings, consuming all the Earth's resources and complaining when we dare to pick up a crumb they've mistakenly left behind.

These parasites are so greedy and morally bankrupt they'll do anything to expand their power and wealth. Wars, famines, pandemics, and genocides have been their tools of choice, along with ample amounts of fear, chaos, confusion, ignorance, mind-altering substances, religious doctrines, fake science, and anything else they can come up with to keep us docile and quiet.

We should be living in a time of spiritual peace. But instead we now face the very real threat of global nuclear annihilation. Government leaders, a mere handful of people among the billions who live on this planet, have created conflicts where none should exist. There's a war in Ukraine, and we're told it affects all of us. But it shouldn't. It's not our war. It's a war created by governments because of the demands by the psychotic parasites who think it will provide them with a bit more land, a bit more money, a bit more power. If they have to threaten to blow up the entire world, then so be it. These people are so insane they actually think they can detonate a few hydrogen bombs, do a bit of sweeping up, and live to see another day, just with fatter bank accounts. If a few million of us regular people die as a result, well that's just collateral damage.

The fact that so many of us are caught up in this maniacal system and think it's normal is equally frightening. Let me be clear: there is nothing normal about the system we exist in. It's a corrupt, morally bankrupt system that needs to be ripped up by its roots so that something healthy can take its place.

We shouldn't live in fear. We shouldn't have to ask for permission to voice our opinions. We shouldn't have to pay taxes that fund our own destruction. Our governments shouldn't be conducting psychological and medical experiments on us. We shouldn't be tracked and surveilled like farm animals. We shouldn't have to ask for permission to move from one place to another. We are born free, and we have the right to remain free. No government and no wealthy psychotic parasite should be able to take that away from us.

But the madness will continue and the suffering will go on until we decide we've had enough. How bad must things get before we make that decision? I pray we come to our senses before it's too late.

Documentary Exposes The Greed And Bad Science Propping Up The Climate Change Hoax.

It's hard to avoid all the propaganda being spread worldwide by the globalist-owned news sites about global warming and climate change. Day after day they scream about frightening weather-related catastrophes predicted for the planet. Politicians and NGO's* warn that CO2 is a dangerous pollutant causing temperatures to rise along with sea levels. The hysteria has gotten so extreme I suspect some people think the oceans could begin to boil at any minute. And all of this doom & gloom is caused by human activity, we're told, with the only solution being to permanently shut down everything that isn't powered by wind or solar.

Is climate change a real threat, or are we being led down yet another dishonest, if not insane, path?

The documentary "The Great Global Warming Swindle" answers that question. It features some of the top scientists from respected institutions who tell how the entire climate change narrative has achieved cult-like status, becoming bigger than life while ignoring reality. You'll learn how the huge amounts of money being thrown at this imaginary problem have turned it into a profit monster no one is willing to turn off. Most importantly, you'll learn the real science behind our climate and why you don't need to worry about the polar bears. Spoiler alert: they'll do fine without our help.

['Hoax' image by Jeffrey Czum via][*NGO=Non-Governmental Organization]

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