Notes From Clown World: August 20, 2024.

DNC messages projected on Trump Tower

According to Psychology Today magazine, "projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another."

Projection in this sense is something the Democrats have practiced for decades. It seems that whatever they accuse the Republicans of doing, you can bet real money the Democrats are the ones actually doing it. But at the DNC convention in Chicago, they've taken their psychological trick to a new level...literally.  The DNC is using a projector to put various messages on the face of the Chicago Trump Tower, without permission, of course. The most comical of the messages is the one that reads, "Trump-Vance "Weird As Hell"". Do the Democrats see the irony of this message, or are they completely lacking self-awareness? 

There are a lot of things Kamala Harris could attack Trump on, but calling someone else "weird" is something she should probably avoid. Aside from her own word-salad speeches and the time she's spent being the number two person to a mumbling, shuffling corpse, she recently picked communist Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota as her vice presidential running mate. It would be hard to find anyone more weird than Walz. Apparently the man was a complete tyrant during the COVID lockdowns, happily destroying small businesses so that big box stores could thrive. It's not that he likes big box stores; it's that he's a weak man who went after even weaker targets without the means to fight back. That makes him a bully. I've also heard reports from Minnesota residents that he imposed a curfew and then ordered the National Guard to yell at citizens who dared to sit outside on their front porches for a little fresh air. Offenders were shot at by the Guard using paintball guns. And let's not forget that Gov. Walz bribed parents with $200 payments to get them to inject their kids with unproven, experimental injections falsely labeled as "vaccines". Some of those children will grow up to have lifelong, chronic health issues, thanks to Walz.

Tim Walz vaccine bribes 

Even more weird: the Democrats endorse the transgender agenda, woke culture, censorship, forced vaccination, exposing children to sexual behavior, and abortion. They believe the climate change myth, they worship government as a form of religion, and they think blue is an acceptable color for hair.

Democrats: Weird As Hell. 

Trump promising more immigration

[screenshot above - not a playable video]

Of course, Trump is doing enough harm to his reputation without the help of the Democrats.  As if his obsession with Israel and the Zionists isn't bad enough, he still thinks being the "father of the COVID vaccines" is a good thing. Apparently he loses no sleep thinking about the millions of people around the world who were injured or killed by his toxic jabs. And now, despite his 2016 promise of building a wall on the southern border, or his 2024 promise of deporting illegals, he's now promising to "let a lot of people come in". Trump seems to think that artificial intelligence will require more people, but in reality, A.I. (especially when combined with robots) will destroy millions of jobs around the world, and the United States will not be immune from the carnage. Very soon, machines will begin taking our jobs at a pace that most of us simply aren't prepared for. It will come slowly at first, and then wash over us like a tsunami. Some people will be retrained for the new economy, but there simply won't be enough work for the rest of us. What will we do then? What will Trump's immigrants do then? Build the wall, finally? And I have to laugh at his statement of "we're going to make sure they're not murderers and drug dealers". How's he going to do that? We can't even stop the CIA from trafficking drugs and murdering people.

Alex Jones monkeypox from gay men's butts

And finally today, perpetual grifter Alex Jones had this image up on his website today. It was part of an article discussing monkeypox, also known as "M-Pox" to the easily offended. Here we have Jones shamelessly perpetuating the myth of viruses, saying Monkeypox will be "the next bio-attack", even though it has never been isolated or proven to exist any more than any other virus has. He (or his staffers) even make the outlandish claim that "monkeypox comes out of the butts of gay men". The claim is made with zero proof, and seems designed to attract viewers at the expense of gay men. Inadvertently or on purpose, Jones is dividing us just as surely as social distancing, masking, and vaxxed/unvaxxed statuses did. For a man who claims to hate the globalists, it's disappointing to see him making their job a little easier. 

Oh, in case you missed it (above), he also said "COVID came out of China". This is more misinformation from Jones and the Infowars staff. It can't be proven that COVID came out of China, because it's never been proven that SARS-CoV-2 actually exists anywhere in the world. Hundreds of FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act) requests have found nothing. SARS-CoV-2 exists only as a computer generated model. There is no virus. There was no pandemic. So we can't say that COVID came out of China. To do so is just yellow journalism, a divisive bit of fiction that helps to sell products but gets us no closer to the truth. 

they want us to hate each other don't let them win

Notes From Clown World: August 13, 2024.

Kier Starmer poison

I start this edition of 'Clown World' with a meme about U.K. Prime Minister Kier Starmer, simply because in the short time since he began leading the country, it's already devolved into chaos and increased tyranny. Starmer is another in a long line of deep state globalists who don't seem to actually care about the United Kingdom or anyone who lives there. I suspect he's there to help destroy the nation and hasten its transition to neo-feudal slave colony that serves the international elites. Neo-feudalism is being sold to us as socialism with heavy doses of social control enforced by tyrannical laws and brutal policing. It's is poison, and it can quickly sicken the entire world. Let's hope that Starmer fails in all his endeavors and is exposed as a clown instead of a sociopath.

alleged Muslim terror cells in the United States

I found this scary looking map in a Telegram group. Allegedly it shows where all the Muslim terrorist cells are located. I have to wonder how anyone knows where the cells are. If we know, why aren't we doing anything about them? Then I began thinking about why the United States is at such risk of terror attacks. Like most people, I used to believe government propaganda about Muslims hating our freedom. George Bush said so, right? But now I see how the U.S. has spent billions of dollars over several decades overthrowing legitimately elected governments in the Middle East and starting wars so we can steal their resources. I've heard one after the other member of Congress pledge allegiance to Israel, a nation that openly talks about dominating the Middle East and destroying Iran in the process. The U.S. financially and militarily supports Israel's endless reign of terror, and the people in Arab nations can plainly see it. I hope there's never another attack inside America, but at the same time I understand the motivation. The citizens of the United States are at risk because of the foreign policies of our own government. Our leader's blind obsession with Israel combined with the theft of oil and gas for the benefit of big energy corporations makes us a target for retaliation and revenge. 

Arab nations don't hate our freedom. But they do hate being bullied, robbed, and repeatedly kicked in the teeth. We needn't be surprised when our horrible actions create horrible reactions. Have politicians never heard of karma?

beef being tested for bird flu

The bird flu scam just won't go away. The U.S. Department of Agriculture is going to expand bird-flu testing of cows in an attempt to destroy our food supply and make us dependent upon the growing authoritarian Marxist government. Well they didn't say all that but the end-goal is obvious to anyone with two brain cells to rub together. Just like with COVID, the virus that allegedly causes bird flu has never been isolated and proven to exist. But health officials, the same people who think children need more than 70 vaccines before the age of 18, are pushing the false narrative that a virus is flying around the world infecting birds who are then infecting cows. It's the stuff of science fiction, yet the government is putting its full weight and weaponry behind it. They've even got a new bird flu vaccine ready that promises to protect you from the virus that doesn't exist. If the bird flu vaccine as safe as the COVID jabs, the funeral homes are going to be really busy, really soon.

wastewater tested for covid

If infected birds and cows haven't scared you yet, the CDC has released this anxiety-inducing map showing where cases of COVID are the most active, based on tests of wastewater. Yes, they're testing our poop for that same old virus that has never been proven to exist anywhere in the world. But they think they can find it, or traces of it, in municipal sewer systems. Even if it's all a lie, they can still create maps like this to scare the most gullible among us into taking another depopulation injection. 

slapped cheek syndrome

My goodness. The myth of virology keeps on Big Pharma and the medical industrial complex. Now we have "slapped cheek syndrome", supposedly caused by...wait for it....a virus! Symptoms in the first phase are flu-like and can include fever, headache, malaise, muscle aches, cough, sore throat, and joint pain. In the second phase, a characteristic "slapped cheek" rash develops. Wow, those symptoms sound the same as a whole bunch of other things kids get. Sounds like just another detox to me, but we shouldn't rule out the possibility of it being a reaction from vaccines. In fact there are a number of environmental factors that could cause those symptoms, but none will be seriously explored as long as the cult of virology exists.

pineapple meth

Finally, we check on New Zealand, where tasty pineapple candies have been handed out to homeless people. Did I say candy? I meant methamphetamine. Apparently someone donated the meth disguised as candy, not knowing that each piece contained up to 300 times the level of the drug someone would usually take. Luckily no one was seriously injured, and police are investigating.

Notes From Clown World: August 08, 2024.

Kamala Harris disables the Star Trek Enterprise

I don't know who created this meme, but it's brilliant. Kamala Harris' cackling laugh has the power to disable the crew of the USS Enterprise. They should have marooned her on Ceti Alpha Five when they had the chance.

Unfortunately, she's not marooned anywhere. She's on our TV's and touring the nation trying to convince us she's a respectable person who has left her Willie Brown days behind her. I recall when she was Joe Biden's running mate they liked to say "Decency is on the ballot". So how is she pushing decency and respectability now? By holding a campaign rally featuring a couple of R&B stars doing a hoochie mama dance. Yeah, that's what grandma and the kids want to see. Disclaimer: Hunter Biden may not have actually been at the rally, despite this convincing video:

[video below:]

top causes of death in 2023

Coming as no surprise to me, the set of symptoms called "COVID" is nowhere near the top of the list for causes of death in 2023.  In fact, no disease allegedly caused by viruses is on the list at all, when you consider that the virus the medical industrial complex says causes COVID, SARS-CoV-2, has never been isolated and proven to exist anywhere in the world, outside of a partial computer model. Many of the other causes of death, such as heart disease, cancer, and strokes, are strongly linked to the Department of Defense mystery jabs falsely sold to us as COVID vaccines. Other strong contributors to an early demise are chemicals in our food, fluoride in our water, seed oils such as cottonseed and canola, sugar & high fructose corn syrup, and alcohol. And interestingly, one of the top causes of death isn't on the list at all: medical errors by doctors and nurses. Equally troubling but also missing from the list: the most recent analysis (2016) estimates 128,000 Americans die each year as a result of taking medications as prescribed. 

Now would be a good time to take control of your own health and keep it out of the hands of people with a different agenda than your own.

erythritol health risk?

Sugar is bad for you. Use saccharin. No, saccharin is bad for you. Use aspartame. No, aspartame is bad for you. Use erythritol. No, erythritol is bad for you. Use xylitol. No, that's bad for you too. Use sugar, in moderation. 

What should you believe? It's hard to say because "the science" tends to change regularly based on who is funding the studies. I couldn't find data on how much they spend on studies, but in 2023 alone, the sugar industry spent more than $15 Million on lobbying politicians for favorable legislation. I think it's safe to assume if they're willing to spend that much to influence elected officials, they're willing to spend a couple of bucks on scientific studies with favorable outcomes. And it's not just the sugar industry. Their opponents in the sugar-free world, the Calorie Control Council, are hard at work trying to convince us that artificial sweeteners are as wholesome as a mother's kiss.

I wouldn't worry too much about the safety of any sweeteners, natural or not. I suspect all of them are bad in the quantities most people consume. Just keep your intake as small as possible, and wait for the study that validates your choice. "The science" will shift to your favor eventually, if only for a little while.

Spike Cohen tweet about Tim Walz COVID tyranny

Just a quick look at the clown being pushed upon us by Kamala Harris and the un-Democratic Party: Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota is who we have to look forward to when the deep state hands another election to the radical left in November. I'll do a deeper dive into the policies of Walz later, but for now take a look at Spike Cohen's tweet (above) for a reminder of the sort of complete tyranny Mr Walz imposed upon the good people of Minnesota in 2020. It's a list of unscientific authoritarian nonsense that had no positive impact on the so-called pandemic, but greatly increased the power of the government. People who feel the need to control others have no control over themselves. Authoritarianism is a mental defect often exhibited by the weak. If Walz' performance during the riots of 2020 is any indication, he's a very weak man indeed.

Tim Walz let his cities burn in 2020

Until next time, try to stay sane. Clowns are everywhere.

Notes From Clown World: July 21, 2024.

Donald Trump after July 13 2024 assassination attempt

The first thing to mention is the assassination attempt on Donald Trump that occurred on July 13. I've already posted an in-depth article that listed the details of the event as we knew them at the time. Many others have analyzed the shooting and shared their findings on social media and in podcasts thousands of times in the past week, so I'm not going to give you my theories here. All I want to say about it is, you could spend the rest of your life replaying the videos, talking to witnesses, and interviewing security specialists, and you would still never find the truth of what happened that day. That's because it was engineered to be confusing. I do believe the CIA or the FBI (if not both) were behind the conspiracy to kill Trump, and I believe Thomas Crooks was set up as the scapegoat for the government along the same lines as Lee Harvey Oswald after the John F Kennedy assassination. That's speculation, of course, but it seems pretty solid based on what I've seen so far. Beyond that, I'd just be going down endless rabbit holes of clues, rumors, bad information, and intentional misinformation. It's likely many of the clues we've been given were put there for no other reason than to keep us chasing ghosts and wasting our time. Every clue will lead to another clue which leads to another and another, but the answer will always be just out of reach. And even if you're really good and actually do unravel the mystery, no one in authority will listen to you and no arrests will be made. Congress might also do their own investigation, but like all Congressional investigations, it will be filled with disinformation specialists and witnesses who can't seem to remember anything and the whole thing will quietly disappear into history. We've seen the same thing happen with 9/11 and COVID. 

I'm not telling you to not investigate it. I'm simply telling you where your search is likely to lead. As Winston Churchill said, “It’s a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma".

Your time might be better spent elsewhere.

rachel maddow surprised

Joe Biden announced today that he's dropping out of the 2024 Presidential race. It was no surprise to anyone and was long overdue. Most people seemed indifferent about the news, except for MSNBC's top propagandist, Rachel Maddow. She has a well-earned reputation for misrepresenting reality, but her comments about Biden's announcement were even more over the top than usual. 

Maddow said, “I mean, this is just, this is history at large, you know? We all will remember where we were and what we were doing at this moment. What a man, what a patriot. Um, what is selfless devotion to your country. He has been a phenomenal president. He brought us back from COVID. He gave us the best recovery from COVID of any major nation on earth at a time when the world had economically been struggling in the wake of COVID, the Biden economy is literally the envy of the world. He ended the presidency of Donald Trump at one disastrous term. And he did it while being decent and civil and honorable and normal and occasionally boring at a time when boring was absolutely what we needed.”

She continued, “There is no single thing that he has done in that entire career that is a greater or more consequential act of service and sacrifice for this country than what he has done today. Knowing him a little bit, knowing his personality, how I have spoken to him a number of times in my life, in official and unofficial capacities, I cannot see anywhere in his personality where this decision today was possible. This is the opposite of something that is natural or easy for him. He is just not built to do something like this. His superpower is being underestimated. That is why he has been so resolute in resisting all these calls for him to drop out.”

Maddow added, “Him making this decision today is to give the country a chance, a reasonable chance, at not putting Donald Trump back in the White House, not putting a president back in the white house who refused to leave the last time and summoned an angry mob to overthrow the government rather than go. This is Joe Biden saying apparently it is not me that gives us the best chance to do that, that’s got to be somebody else so I will step aside. I’m just blown away by the sacrifice and patriotism this moment embodies.”

Almost everything she said is wrong. I won't go so far as to say she's lying, but if she isn't, then she's living in a different world than the rest of us. Really, it's just Democratic Party propaganda to the extreme. I was going to go line by line and debunk every sentence, which would be easy enough to do, but for the sake of space I won't. Besides, anyone on the right side of a coma can see plainly see the disinformation.

I guess we should be glad she didn't blame Russia.

bird flu chicken with mask

Finally today, the deep state establishment types are still pushing the fraud of bird flu upon us. Australia is considering following Scotland's lead by requiring all backyard birds be registered with the government. That would certainly make it easier for the authorities to destroy our food, which is the main goal of the bird flu scam. An Australian doctor said "We are able to show birds are actively shedding the virus by the amount of virus [the samples] had in them." But the virus that allegedly causes bird flu has never been isolated and proven to exist, just like all the other viruses that are blamed for nearly every affliction known to man and beast. The evidence against viruses and the vaccines that supposedly stop them is growing by the day. Increasing numbers of highly skilled researchers and doctors are finally speaking out against the myth of virology, a quack science that has harmed or killed millions of people since the first vaccine was administered. In addition to the health risk, the fear of viruses is used as a method of control so that government authoritarians can treat us like the slaves they think we are. There can be no lockdowns, no closing of churches and small businesses, and no forced vaccinations, without the belief that invisible little bugs are trying to hunt us down and kill us.

Worse, with bird flu, when government health officials find a single chicken that tests positive for the virus (using the same easily manipulated PCR tests used to create the COVID psyop), hundreds of thousands if not millions of chickens with no symptoms are culled. "Culled" is just a nice way of saying "killed". Even if they really were infected with something, the culled birds were of no risk to consumers as long as they were properly cooked (the birds, not the consumers).

And in case you think the doctors researching bird flu for the government are full of smarts, here's what one of them said when asked how bird flu spreads:

"They'll sneeze, make these little droplets, if they're the right size, then they'll continue floating in the wind. It can potentially spread on the wind up to a kilometer or so, if the conditions are right."

Bird snot, flying through the air for up to a kilometer, magically lands on another bird, and a pandemic is born.

Believe what you wish. I'm going to KFC for a bucket of chicken.

Notes From Clown World: July 08, 2024.

TSA airport security

"More than three million pass through U.S. airport security in a day." Nothing says "Independence Day" like waiting in line to be probed and fondled in a TSA humiliation ritual. As I've said before, airport security is obedience training for humans, in addition to being humiliating. It serves no real purpose except to let us know that the government is in charge and we had better obey them if we want to go anywhere much farther away than the local 7-Eleven. Look at the photo above. Isn't that the most pathetic thing you've ever seen? Hundreds of taxpayers, who have deluded themselves into thinking they are "free", are dutifully lined up like cattle for their turn at the hands of government agents who have the power to steal their stuff, stop them from traveling, and even arrest them if they misbehave in any way. How is the line at airport security much different than the cafeteria line in a prison? And yet they weave through the fabric corral, thinking "that's just the way it is". 

One day, probably sooner than we expect, our acquiesence to tyranny will lead to much worse horrors than having a TSA agent rubbing our genitals. So either stand up for your God-given rights, or get ready for a lot more humiliation.

headline about hot weather

In case you haven't heard, it's now Summer in the northern hemisphere, and that means it's hot. Temperatures have reached 100 degrees (Fahrenheit) in many parts of the United States, and in Death Valley temps shot up to 129 degrees, which seems extreme but still isn't the hottest day on record. Reasonably intelligent people know that it's hot in the summer and even hotter in the desert. But the mind-control specialists in the news media want you to think that the temperatures we're seeing are some freak event, no doubt caused by man-made climate change. It's not that big fiery ball in the sky that's making you sweat. And it's not geoengineering either. Your armpits are moist because people are selfish and irresponsible: How dare you cook beef on a gas grill (insects or tofu, anyone?). How dare you not go into massive debt to buy an electric car that isn't actually eco-friendly but let's pretend it is, okay? How dare you use air conditioning when you could just as easily drop ice cubes in your underwear. Stop being selfish and get with the globalist's program of totalitarian, I mean...go green!

I wonder how long it's going to be before the self-proclaimed experts and their news media puppets begin saying that people are dying "with climate-related complications", similar to how they claimed everyone who died had "COVID". I can imagine someone being found dead after being hit by a car, and the hospital writes it up as "death from impact related to climate", or some similar nonsense. Uncle Bob may be 100 years old when he finally dies, but if he's still warm to the touch when they find him, that's climate change! Maybe you should have hosed him down before you called the paramedics.

scam victim

People are becoming stupid. Yes, people have always been sort of stupid but now they're becoming REALLY stupid. My apologies to the woman pictured above. I pulled the image from a Telegram channel post and it made me think about the current data processing abilities of people in 2024. I don't mean to pick on her, but really Ms Leeks, how could you not know it wasn't really Kevin Costner you were giving your money to?

It's not just Ms Leeks I'm worried about. People everywhere are becoming downright loopy. At the grocery store self-checkout lanes, customers can't figure out how to scan the barcodes on their ultra-processed toxic frozen dinners. The credit card machine seems especially vexxing for many.  Social media posts are full of questions about the most basic tasks of life, as if people had gone straight from the womb to adulthood. I still see people alone in their cars, their faces covered up by useless paper surgical masks to protect them from the COVID that didn't exist four years ago and certainly doesn't exist now. And driving is especially dangerous, with people seemingly too feeble minded to realize they're supposed to stop at red stoplights, not turn right on red when the big sign says "No Right Turn On Red", or realize more than two seconds in advance that their exit is coming up. Why think ahead when you can just sweep across three lanes of congested traffic to turn in to the Walmart? Just a couple of nights ago I was driving home on a six lane highway and it began to rain. It wasn't a heavy rain; just a mild shower. Immediately almost every driver hit their brakes, slowed to a crawl, and turned on their hazard flashers as if they were splashing through a monsoon. Because of how everyone was spaced across all the lanes, I had to weave around to get past this blob of morons afraid of raindrops. People weren't afraid to drive in the rain five years ago. Now, it's a crisis event.

Are people losing their minds? Is the fluoride in the water finally taking its toll? Have televisions destroyed our critical thinking skills? Is the aluminum in the chemtrails making us retarded? Or, as one study suggests, are the COVID vaccines causing dementia? Will we soon have thousands of brain-injured people roaming around Death Valley, looking for the airport security queue and wondering why it's hot?

Sadly, the evidence suggests, "yes".

Notes From Clown World: June 23, 2024.

bill nye

Bill Nye, not a science guy, was on ABC’s “This Week” to discuss the recent hot weather, also known as "summer". Nye told the (hopefully small) audience: 

“It’s the beginning of the new normal, with respect. So the latest — the latest research is that there’s not a turning point or a tipping point or a knee in the curve. It’s just going to get hotter and hotter and worse and worse and more and more extreme. So this is a taste of the normal of the future unless we, humankind, get to work and address it."

How should we address it, Bill? Will massive carbon taxes that benefit the super-wealthy do the trick? Will locking people inside 15-minute cities and restricting access to travel, food, water, electricity, and fuel solve our problems? Or should we just go back in time and enjoy the austere lifestyle of the pre-industrial era? Maybe what we should be doing is questioning if there is a real problem at all. Despite the climate-change cult's claims about the weather, the truth is that reasonably accurate temperature records only go back just over 100 years. That's not long enough for anyone to make definitive claims about what is happening now or what will happen next. And even if temperatures are rising, many (honest) climate scientists say human activity can't affect it in any significant way. If humans ARE responsible for climate change, I'd suspect government experiments like H.A.A.R.P. and flight-based geoengineering are doing far more harm than your neighbor's old Dodge Dart that he refuses to get rid of. Elon Musk's rockets and the Pentagon's endless wars probably aren't very healthy, either.

And why isn't Nye talking about the Grand Solar Minimum that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is predicting will begin in 2030? This will be a decade of no sunspots, an event has not occurred in as long as humanity has been counting sunspots. The few scientists who are willing to talk about it say we'll be experiencing extreme global cooling which could even be a mini ice age. Crops won't grow, people will die of famine, and governments will collapse. That certainly sounds like a greater threat to humanity than anything the climate-change cult is screaming about.

Bill Nye is free to say what he wants. But I'm free to tell you he's not a meteorologist and therefore shouldn't be trusted as a reliable source on a subject as 'heated' as climate change. His training is as a mechanical engineer but he's spent most of his life as a comedian and a television presenter. Nye is a lifetime left-leaning Democrat and he limits his carbon footprint by only owning two homes. [source: Wikipedia]

news coverage about bird flu

The global deep state continues to pump out fear-porn about "bird flu". Now they're claiming the mythical virus has jumped to cats, and the occasional dog. The first question anyone should ask is, "why are they testing cats for bird flu?". The answer is that the more tests they give, using the same discredited PCR tests that artificially fueled the COVID pandemic psyop, the more "cases" they can claim to have found. Then the mind-control news media can talk about the cases and transmit fear and anxiety to an audience that should know by now that the media can't be trusted. Once the public is sufficiently frightened, politicians and health officials with control issues will begin issuing mandates that will strip us of our freedom while doing nothing for our health. And we can't ignore that these same madmen are already murdering millions of animals based on that same PCR test, so expect meat prices to soon rise dramatically, before food disappears completely from your grocer's shelves. We're facing hard times, unless we stop sitting on our hands and actually do something to save ourselves. Maybe it's time to form militia's that are willing to stand up to the armed government thugs who are destroying our food. If not now, when?

2024 presidential debate

And my last story of the day: the first presidential debate of 2024 is coming up. Unfortunately, the uniparty is blocking independent candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr from participating. Debate host CNN, working in collusion with both the Biden and the Trump campaigns, created artificially strict qualifications that had to be met before a candidate could be on the stage, qualifications that Biden and Trump automatically met but no one else could. Once assured of his exclusion, the misinformation media loudly announced that RFK Jr failed to qualify, without explaining how corrupt the process had been or making any mention of how keeping him out of the debate harms our democratic process. Neither Biden nor Trump spoke up in defense of Kennedy, probably because they know he's the smartest of the three and would make the uniparty candidates look like the establishment fools that they are.

This pathetic attempt to silence RFK Jr only serves to prove how corrupt our political system has become. Although I haven't endorsed any candidate yet, here's the link to Kennedy's campaign site. Unlike CNN and the uniparty, I think everyone should have the chance to hear from other candidates so you can at least make an informed decision. 

Kennedy24 website

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