Modern Day Slavery: A Photo Essay.

Slavery still exists in the 21st century, but it's been changed so that people actually volunteer to be in bondage. Here is a selection of photos that demonstrate that.

You're Watching Your Digital Prison Being Built All Around You.

Implanted microchip payment and access systems, surveillance cameras, biometric identification, internet censorship, central bank digital currency (CBDC), home surveillance systems, and digital ID's are all virtual bricks in the walls of the digital prison that is being built around all of us. While many of these devices are being installed by governments and corporations, others, such as Ring doorbells and Amazon Echo, exist because people are voluntarily placing them in their own homes, desensitizing themselves to the presence of 24/7 surveillance. 

The digital prison will keep growing larger and stronger until there's no way to escape it. Everything we do and everything we say will be monitored. Your most personal information will be traded between government agencies and corporations. 

And all of it will be tied to your social credit score that will determine your ability to leave your home, get a job, and buy food.

It's not too late to stop it. But time is running out.

Fight back while you still can.

Dr Jordan Peterson Describes The Coming Social Credit Score System.

In this clip from an interview of Dr Jordan Peterson by Rita Panahi of Sky News Australia, Peterson describes the horrors of life after a social credit score and digital ID system is put into place, and how covid was a dress rehearsal for social control. 

Thales Promo Video Shows How Digital ID's Will Lock You Into The New Slave Society.

This promotional video from Thales is supposed to sell you on the idea of using digital ID's. Instead, to anyone with any critical thinking skills left, it shows a world where everything about your life is tied to your smartphone and QR codes. You'll need your government-issued and phone-based digital ID to do almost everything, and your whereabouts will be tracked and stored in a government database, and that data will likely be sold to private businesses for marketing purposes. Once CBDC (central bank digital currency) is added to the ID app, you'll have to carry your phone with you to gain access to basic services like buying groceries. Once fully implemented, digital ID's will allow the government to totally control your life. Everywhere you go and everything you do will be monitored. Access to society will be completely cut off unless you can prove your identity and your social worthiness, and only a digital ID will be accepted as proof. 

This is the goal of the predator-globalists who want to rule the world: 100% real-time micromanagement of every person on the planet. For they see us as their property, mere cattle who need to be fenced in. But in the coming new society, the fences will be digital.

Musk Of The Beast.

"Elon Musk's job in this world is to sell you on the smart grid and the mark of the beast. He's here to make the mark of the beast fashionable." -- Catherine Austin Fitts

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