You Cannot Comply Your Way Out Of A Tyranny.

MEP Christine Anderson

MEP (Member of the European Parliament) Christine Anderson issues a wake-up call: “You cannot comply your way out of a tyranny”. 

“In the entire history of mankind, there has never been a political elite concerned about the well-being of regular people, and it isn’t any different now,” she stressed.

“You cannot comply your way out of a tyranny. It is impossible. Trying to do so, you will only feed a gigantic alligator in the hopes of being eaten last. But guess what? Your turn will come.”

“Speak up! ... stop complying — start rebelling,” she urged. “In order to deal with this unfree world, to defy this unfree world, I have decided to become so absolutely free that my very existence is an act of rebellion. And that’s what we all need to do.”

How Democracy Works In The New World Order.

police in France

[image source:]

In the New World Order, democracy is nothing but the illusion that the people have a say in who runs the government and how government actions affect their lives. But in reality, our voices aren't heard over the demands of the international bankers, industrialists, and NGO's. We're just here to work and pay taxes. Keep your opinions to yourself. And if you step out of line, expect a police baton to be swung down on your head.

But keep protesting. Keep making noise. Dare them to be brutal and film every second of it. And then show the world what will happen to all of us if we comply with continue to comply with New World Order fascist madness.

Video below: Protesters in France are beaten by the police. Some say that Macron's government is using NATO military forces in police uniforms to terrorize the protesters.

The Collapse Approaches.

"The closer the collapse of an empire, the crazier its laws are." -- Cicero

Notes From Clown World: March 19, 2023.

The demonic fascists controlling western nations are now accusing Vladimir Putin of war crimes and have issued a warrant for his arrest. The ICC (International Criminal Court) says Putin is suspected of "overseeing the unlawful abduction and deportation of children from Ukraine to Russia." Corrupt cadaver Joe Biden dutifully nodded his head in appreciation of the ICC's action, saying "He’s (Putin) clearly committed war crimes", but offered no proof to back up his statement. Russia has accepted refugees from war-torn Ukraine as a humanitarian act, and children are among the refugees, but no sane person would consider that to be "unlawful abduction". The real illegal act is NATO's use of Ukraine to destroy Russia in NATO's ongoing effort to dominate the entire world. Propaganda that includes children is a disgusting part of that effort and should be condemned by all decent people.

It's no secret that the psychopaths in the US deep state & NATO want world domination. After Russia they plan to attack China. Recent weapons deals made with Australia indicate they'll be the next "Ukraine", a nation to be sacrificed for the new world order. Expect an increase in anti-China rhetoric over the next few years as the west builds up Australia's offensive military capabilities.

Fortunately, not everyone in the world is fooled by NATO's actions. This meme circulating on social media shows that at least some of us see through the scams:

And speaking of world domination, with each day we see evidence of the "elite's" contempt for the rest of us. In the UK, when Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen tried to speak about vaccine injuries, almost every other MP got up and left the room. We now live in a fascist society, where governments are nothing more than administrators of corporate agendas. Governments exist to make us think we still have a voice in national affairs, but our "elected" officials are paid off and compromised and dance to whatever tune the bankers and industrialists play. Anyone who thinks we can elect our way out of this mess is living in a fantasy. 

Finally today, former President Donald Trump posted on social media that he expects to be arrested Tuesday on charges by the Manhattan district attorney over his alleged role in paying hush money to adult film star Stormy Daniels. I'm not sure what Trump hopes to achieve by posting his prediction other than creating so much public outrage that the DA backs down and drops the investigation. I'm maintaining neutrality on Trump's guilt or innocence. I've always said that if it's proven he's guilty of any crime, he should be prosecuted just like any ordinary person. But at the same time it's obvious that most of these investigations are nothing but political hit jobs by the radical left and other government-loving authoritarians who are obsessed with destroying Trump and ending any hope of him winning another term in the White House. 

Meanwhile, the most corrupt [alleged] President in American history continues to lie to us every day while ignoring the Constitution and federal laws, and he gets away with it, his crimes totally ignored by the Department of Justice, most members of Congress, and the fascist news media. It's up to us to keep talking about it and keep the pressure growing.

Notes From Clown World: March 15, 2023.

The Chaos Is Intentional.

With everything that is going on in the world today, it's easy to become overwhelmed and not connect the dots. Wars, diseases, vaccine injuries, government tyranny & corruption, trans madness, and banking meltdowns are in the news every day now, it seems. It looks like everyone is going crazy, and perhaps we are. But it's not happening naturally. It's all being engineered, quite intentionally, by the international bankers and the globalists they control. Out of chaos comes order, but in this case the order is the New World Order. Their plan is simple but evil: divide us in every possible way so that we begin fighting among ourselves, and while we're distracted they're taking over governments, infiltrating media outlets, weakening churches, destroying the economy, and turning schools into indoctrination centers. Everything we used to trust is being turned inside out. Society is being set up to collapse. They want things to fail. They want us angry. They like it when our protests turn violent. And when things get really bad and we begin to lose all hope, a "hero" of their choosing, someone they're likely training right now, will step onto the world's stage and proclaim himself to be our savior. Just do as he says and follow his rules and peace and security will be ours again. Take another jab, accept a microchip in your wrist, use their digital money, surrender your property, and snitch on your friends & family members who resist the new ways.

Just comply, and there will be no more chaos. But I have a better idea. Let's endure their engineered chaos and show them the human spirit can't be broken. And then let's take our society back so that the predators & parasites who create our suffering can hurt us no more. I think we can fit all the bankers and globalists on a small volcanic island somewhere in the south Pacific. Let them create their New World Order there, alone.

Australian Army Recruits Thugs To Attack The Public.

The Australian army has put out a new recruiting video that suggests their focus is shifting away from foreign invaders and will in the future aim their wrath at local residents who dare to speak up against the government. Remember when Australia was a free nation? Now it's the poster child for violent authoritarianism and endless surveillance. Hopefully the Australian people will soon find a way to take their nation back from the tyrants who are turning it into a hell-hole for the globalist agenda.

Police Brutality In France.

In France, protesters took to the streets to show their opposition to changes the government is making to their retirement pension fund. Rather than listening to the people's concerns, the government sent in the police to violently attack men, women, and children. Part of the globalist's agenda for world domination, extreme displays of power are increasingly being used as part of a psy-op to beat us down and make us think they run the show and we can't stop them.

Dutch Farmers Continue To Resist The Fascists.

But as the Dutch farmers are proving, there's a lot we can do when we join together to protect our rights and defeat tyranny.

Defund NATO!

The occupying government of the United States and its partners at NATO are responsible for the vast majority of all wars and terror activity in the world. The US and NATO are controlled by lawless, immoral people who crave power and have no respect for anyone's freedom or dignity. 

It's time to bring peace and sanity to the world. And the only way to do that is to defund NATO and begin a process of justice and healing.

Stand up. Go out. Make noise! Let's stop the terror and end the wars.

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