The Advance Of Totalitarianism.

Totalitarianism slowly advances like a python squeezes its prey. At first it feels comforting. But soon you discover you're trapped with no way out.

It began with mandatory seat belt and helmet laws. We complied.

Soon, we were subjected to checkpoints using drunk driving as the excuse to stop all drivers without probable cause. We complied.

Next, terrorism was the reason to create yet another domestic law enforcement agency, the TSA, which humiliated us with invasive searches of completely innocent citizens. Yet TSA has done nothing to keep us safe. It's a social control mechanism, nothing more. Yet we comply.

Once we got used to being probed at the airport, along came the COVID-19 scamdemic. We were forced to wear masks despite a lack of valid science supporting their use. Now there's talk of requiring double masking in addition to social distancing and vaccinations. Again, we comply.

And now we have digital vaccination passports which will be required of anyone who expects to travel freely. Even though COVID-19 has a 99% survival rate and can hardly compare to past pandemics such as the Spanish flu, governments and corporations, working together (the very definition of Fascism), are now requiring symptom free people to carry and present a COVID-Pass before being allowed to board an airplane, enter a bar or concert, or even earn an income. Will you comply?

Totalitarianism is here. And what we're seeing now is only the beginning of a much more devastating future. Our acceptance and compliance are allowing it to happen. We are not powerless but if we don't stand up for ourselves now, it won't be long before we no longer have the ability to. The python will squeeze the life out of us. And then the real darkness begins.

[This article originally appeared on, my other blog which has been merged with this one. It has been posted here due to its importance.]

Masks Are Tools Of The Fourth Reich.

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Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav discusses face masks and how they are symbols of submission and slavery.

Modern Day Slavery: A Photo Essay.

Slavery still exists in the 21st century, but it's been changed so that people actually volunteer to be in bondage. Here is a selection of photos that demonstrate that.

The 12 Biggest Conspiracy Theories In The World Today.

The brilliant Dr Vernon Coleman has written this list of the twelve biggest conspiracy theories in the world today. But it's not what you expect: Dr Coleman has flipped the script and exposed mainstream narratives as the real conspiracies that too many people still believe. Share this list with everyone you know. Maybe it will help a few escape the matrix of misinformation.

Conspiracy Theory no 1:
Conspiracy theorists believe that the earth is getting hotter (or colder) because of human activities. This decades’ old conspiracy theory has been revived and now has many uneducated followers. Politicians, journalists and a few other simple folk genuinely seem to believe that we are all either going to fry or drown. The science shows that there is no sense in this wild and dangerous conspiracy theory.

Conspiracy Theory no 2:
Conspiracy theorists believe that in the USA, the Twin Towers were demolished on 9/11 by terrorists. Every educated person knows that this was a false flag exercise but conspiracy theorists, led by senile politicians, are still trying to pretend that they’re right. In fact, of course, most people in the world know that the attack was an inside job designed to provide an excuse for oppressive legislation.

Conspiracy Theory no 3:
Conspiracy theorists believe that vaccines have helped eradicate infectious diseases. There is no scientific evidence to support this myth which is used by the drug industry to sell their products. The evidence shows that many infectious diseases were conquered long before vaccines were introduced, and that instead of helping people, over-enthusiastic vaccine programs do more harm than good. Far more research is needed. Meanwhile the promotion of vaccines should be regarded as a criminal activity.

Conspiracy Theory no 4:
Conspiracy theorists believe there was a pandemic in 2020 which killed millions. The evidence produced by governments themselves shows that the covid-19 infection blamed for the pandemic was no worse than the ordinary flu and that there were no more deaths in 2020 than in previous years.

Conspiracy Theory no 5:
Conspiracy theorists believe that the so-called covid-19 ‘vaccine’, an experimental mRNA product, is safe and effective. Evidence which I released in 2020 showed that the jab was associated with a wide range of serious health problems. Evidence also showed that the jab didn’t do what people thought it did. The warning was ignored and billions of jabs were given. It now seems clear that more people will be killed or injured by this so-called ‘safe’ product than any other drug in history. I’ve been asking government doctors to debate the safety and efficacy of these products live on TV with me for three years. When the authorities refuse to debate, you know they know they’re wrong and will lose the debate.

Conspiracy Theory no 6:
Conspiracy theorists believe that in order to stop global warming (conspiracy theory no 1) we must all stop using fossil fuels – even though this will lead to billions of people dying from cold and starvation. Cultists wrongly believe that electricity can be obtained from solar and wind power but figures show that these will only provide intermittent supplies and will only produce 5% of our current needs. Moreover, solar and wind farms are energy negative producers and are of very little or no value. Germany has wisely ripped out its onshore wind farms to get at the coal underneath them.

Conspiracy Theory no 7:
Conspiracy theorists believe that we should stop using plastic products and use products made from other substances – such as paper. Science shows, however, that paper bags, cotton shirts etc., are much worse for the environment than using plastic. Conspiracy theorists ignore the evidence and insist on banning everything made with plastic except face masks.

Conspiracy Theory no 8:
Conspiracy theorists believe that face masks help stop the spread of diseases. The scientific evidence, however, proves that face masks do more harm than good and are worn only by virtue signalling cultists and bank robbers.

Conspiracy Theory no 9:
Conspiracy theorists believe that encouraging immigration will help a nation’s economy by reducing the average age of the nation’s citizens. Unfortunately, the evidence shows that unlimited immigration may produce a severe economic burden if too many of the immigrants prefer to settle for benefits and free housing.

Conspiracy Theory no 10:
Conspiracy theorists believe that electric cars are good for the environment in some way. The scientific evidence proves the opposite. Electric cars are much more damaging than diesel or petrol fueled vehicles. Digging out the materials necessary to build electric cars is doing great damage to the planet.

Conspiracy Theory no 11:
Conspiracy theorists believe that getting rid of cash will reduce crime. In fact the opposite is true. Fraud has escalated dramatically as credit cards and digital money have become more widely used. Cryptocurrencies in particular are widely associated with criminal activities.

Conspiracy Theory no 12:
Conspiracy theorists believe that the BBC is a news organisation. This is clearly nonsense. The BBC is a propaganda organisation, now widely discredited, which seems to exist to promote conspiracy theories. Mainstream television programs should be renamed. I would suggest that suitable titles might be: `Propaganda at Ten’ or `The Nine O’Clock Propaganda Program’. Others might include: `Misinformation at Six’ or `24 Hour Nonsense’. The possibilities are endless.

[For more great content from Dr Coleman, please visit his websites at: and ]

You Want Change? Then Do Something!

boy in superhero cape

We're almost three years into this fake pandemic and there's no end in sight. Despite no solid evidence to support the existence of the covid-19 "virus", parts of the world are threatening to lock down again, with forced masking, social distancing, and toxic injections to follow. Tens of thousands of people have been killed by the bio-weapons marketed as covid vaccines. Hundreds of thousands have been seriously injured by the jabs. Yet the news media, controlled by corporate interests, refuses to report on the carnage. Politicians tell us the jabs are safe, but we know they're doing the bidding of pharmaceutical companies and non-government organizations such as the World Economic Forum. No one with serious reach and influence will call them out on their dishonest actions, actions which could be considered crimes against humanity.

We have world leaders and billionaire technocrats calling for the enslavement of humanity, although they sell their slavery with terms such as CBDC (central bank digital currency), health passports, surveillance to reduce crime, carbon reduction/save the planet, artificial intelligence, equity, and lifestyle enhancement. 

We have election fraud around the world and no matter how much evidence is presented, the news media and political figures dismiss it all as divisive, baseless, conspiracy theories.

And we have a world in which everything that is good and pure and decent is being inverted and perverted into that which is evil, poisoned, and disgusting. 

Many people see what is happening but they do very little to stop it. Most think that complaining on social media to like-minded people will actually cause change. Others think some magical mystical politician will arrive and save us all from the madness. But most won't even discuss the world's problems with family members, friends, or even the cashier at the grocery store for fear of creating an uncomfortable moment. And most also won't dump the tech platforms that are actively working to turn us into little more than mindless bots for the global elites.

I guess it's easier to silently complain than to actually do something useful.

But time is running out. The noose is tightening around everyone's neck. We have to get off our collective asses and actually make something happen. Don't know what to do? Here are a few ideas:

Start talking! Don't keep your opinions to yourself. There's no need to create arguments but don't be afraid to talk to people you know and people you encounter and spread a little truth. When others speak lies, correct them. Your silence signifies agreement with their lies.

Stop complying. Masks don't work and are nothing but compliance training devices. Refuse to wear them. Social distancing, the so-called 6 foot rule, is part of the psy-op to keep us apart and destroy social bonds. The 6 foot rule was a totally made up "safe distance" created by psychologists working for the UK government. And the covid jabs have been proven to be ineffective at best and deadly at worst. Have enough self-respect to say "no".

Dump bad tech. Google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, TikTok, and Instagram are not your friends. They're all part of the technocratic globalist cabal that wants to control every aspect of your life and monitor every action you take and eventually, your every thought. There are several good alternatives you can you use for social media, search, and online shopping that won't try to violate your basic human rights. Switch to them today. And if your church is livestreaming its services on Facebook, ask your minister if he realizes what kind of company Facebook is, and ask him to consider alternative platforms that are more in line with church values.

Bank better. Globalist-owned banks such as JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America will the first to introduce nonsense such as carbon footprint tracking or limiting your accounts so you can't purchase things they disapprove of, such as guns and ammunition. The big banks are run by people who think they're privileged elites who have a right to control the rest of us. Move your accounts to local or regional banks and credit unions that have a proven track record of community involvement.

Vote with your wallet. Write to companies that engage in 'woke' politics. Let them know you don't approve of what they're doing, and if they continue, stop buying from them. Choose companies that better match your values. 

Just with the few suggestions above you can help change the world. If enough of us would simply stop using Google, close our Facebook accounts, stop buying from companies trying to impose the globalist's agenda upon us, open a credit union account, and never ever wear a face mask again, we could really begin to heal the world from the darkness that has sickened it.

It's up to you. Will you do it?

Never Forget What They Did To Us.

Bill Gates says "we didn't understand". Does that excuse make up for all the lockdowns, beatings, and deaths that we suffered through for the past 2 1/2 years? Governments and their police forces terrorized us to satisfy the demands of Gates and other wealthy globalists who crave money and control of the world.

Does psycho Bill think we're going to forgive and forget?

We might forgive, someday.

But we'll never forget.

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