This Is Psychological Warfare.

quote on psychological warfare

"You do realize...they are trying to mentally exhaust you and break you down. So when they attempt their next step in their plan... you just give up and fold and comply.

They think because you're tired and sick of arguing and just want shit to go back to normal you'll start giving up your freedoms.

I was not kidding when I said this is PSYCHOLOGICAL warfare.

It is NOT for the weak.

The Pandemic Was A Premeditated Event.

Nick Hudson

In this clip from an interview with Nick Hudson on the Doc Malik podcast, Hudson describes a series of rapid-fire events at the beginning of the pandemic that couldn't have happened the way the authorities told us they happened. 

"If you look at the timing of events in January 2020, I challenge anybody to look at a timeline of those events and then look me in the eye and tell me that that was anything other than BS." 

For the full hour and a half interview, go to Doc Malik's Rumble page:

The Most Disturbing Video You Will Watch Today.

In 2022, a recruitment video surfaced from the 4th PSYOP Group of the US Army, leaving anyone who viewed it incredibly disturbed. It features creepy music with a montage of unsettling political events. The screen text reads "All the world's a stage", and "We are everywhere", while showing empty movie theater seats. The video seems to be bragging about the US Army's ability to control what we see, hear, and think, as well as its ability to change world events.

"Have you ever wondered who's pulling the strings? You'll find us in the shadows. At the tip of the spear. Warfare is evolving, and all the world's a stage. Anything we touch is a weapon. We can deceive, persuade, change, influence, inspire. We come in many forms. We are everywhere."

Although "Ghosts In The Machine" is a recruitment video for soldiers who want to influence international politics, it's no stretch of the imagination to see how these same tactics could be used, and probably have been used, against the citizens of the United States, if not by the US Army then almost certainly by elements of the Department of Homeland Security. The deep state sees us as a threat just as formidable as Russia, the Taliban, or the CCP of China, if not more so, and that means they propagandize, manipulate, and attempt to control us everyday, everywhere. It's a form of domestic terrorism that most people aren't aware even exists.

Who's pulling the strings? No one with our best interests at heart. 

COVID Was A Test Of Character.

man in ball cap

COVID and the jabs were a test to find out who the cowards are. Your friends and family members who turned on you then are the people you won't be able to count on during a real crisis.

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