A View Of The Global Power Structure.

We often hear about the global elite who rule over us as if they own us. But who are these people? This image breaks it down for us.

(I would add Dr Anthony Fauci to this image since he is heavily involved in medical tyranny on behalf of Bill Gates and others.)

Honest, hard-working people of the world have a difficult time accepting the idea that anyone could be as selfish and maniacal as the globalists are. But all their wealth and power has distorted their minds and souls. They see themselves as gods compared to you and I, and thus they think they have the right to change the world however they see fit. Your opinions don't matter to them, except when enough of us rise up and scare them back into hiding. But they don't stop when they're hiding...they just re-write the script for another day. Know your enemies. Know their tactics. Higher consciousness will defeat these evil parasites in the end.

The Ten Stages Of Genocide.

Greg Reese reports on the ten stages of genocide. We're closer to mass extermination than you think.

Russian Orthodox Bishop Exposes The New Genocide.

In this video clip, Russian Orthodox Bishop Porfiry of Ozersk speaks out about the wealthy elite's plan to murder billions of people worldwide and destroy human spirituality as they force their demonic transhumanist agenda upon those of us who survive the purge.

We Have The Power.

We Are Anonymous. We Are Legion. We Do Not Forgive. We Do Not Forget. Expect Us.

The global elite cult controls us by tricking us into thinking they are many, and they are powerful. But in truth they are few, and their power comes from throwing dirty money at weak people who then do their bidding. And weak people are easily defeated. All you have to do is stand up to them and refuse to cooperate. When we stand up, they bow down.

The NWO Is A Conspiracy Fact.

Despite decades of disinformation trying to discredit the idea that the New World Order is a real threat, the words coming out of the mouths of these political elites tells a different story: The NWO is not a conspiracy theory; it's a conspiracy fact.

Masks Are Tools Of The Fourth Reich.

Screenshot above - Video below:

Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav discusses face masks and how they are symbols of submission and slavery.

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