A Message To The Parasites:

warning to WEF & WHO

To the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization: We did NOT elect you. You don't own us.

(Fuck around and find out.)

How They Plan To Take Your House.

man looking at abandoned building

In this video, Bjørn Andreas Bull-Hansen tells how the global deep state plans to take away your house and turn you into a permanent renter. They tell us it's to combat climate change and save the planet, but in reality it's a step toward returning society to a feudal age, separated into the super wealthy and the super poor. 

Although this video has a European perspective, the same plans have been discussed for the UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United States. In fact, home ownership is threatened anywhere the globalists are able to spread their extreme, anti-human agenda. 

Share this video with your friends and family. Mass awareness is how we win.

I Have No Desire To Fit In.

no desire to fit in meme

"I have absolutely no desire to fit in with a world that accepts tyrants for rulers."

This Is Psychological Warfare.

quote on psychological warfare

"You do realize...they are trying to mentally exhaust you and break you down. So when they attempt their next step in their plan... you just give up and fold and comply.

They think because you're tired and sick of arguing and just want shit to go back to normal you'll start giving up your freedoms.

I was not kidding when I said this is PSYCHOLOGICAL warfare.

It is NOT for the weak.

Is The Wall Being Built To Keep Others Out, Or To Keep Us In?

southern border wall

Aaron and Melissa Dykes, the amazing team over at Truthstream Media, have made this thought-provoking video about the wall being built between Mexico and the United States. Despite his promise to never add another inch to the wall, Joe Biden has authorized additional construction of the barrier originally ordered by President Trump. This prompted the question, is the wall really being built to keep illegal immigrants out, or is it being built to keep Americans trapped in this free-range tax farm? When you combine government surveillance, militarized police forces, armed IRS agents, digital currency, medical tyranny, 15-minute cities, and the predicted collapse of the U.S. economy, it starts to make sense that maybe the deep state establishment doesn't want any of us escaping. After all, they see us as their property, not as sovereign people who can do as we please.  Take thirty minutes out of your day to watch this video. It'll make you see the wall from a new perspective.

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