The People Didn't See.

man reading poem about tyranny

Our freedom is being stolen from us. Fascist totalitarianism is spreading around the world. It's happening right in front of our eyes. But too many people still can't see it. This poem, spoken from an historical perspective, tells how it happened so that maybe we can change the future. It's a powerful warning.

The Core Of The Problem.

"The willingness of the masses of men to obey the laws of man and not the laws of God are the core of the problem. Men have acquiesced to man-made law rather than personally choosing good over evil, truth over falsehood and integrity over corruption. In such surrender, the individual finds ease and comfort in the moment but is swept along to participate in crimes of almost unimaginable gravity." -- Simon Elmer 

Children Have Been Brainwashed In France.

In the short video below, we see children featured in a French television show in which they're asked questions about forced vaccinations. As their answers prove, these children have been brainwashed by adults, who seem quite pleased with themselves for the way the kids now think.

This is a great example of how evil goes for the children first, for they are the leaders of the future.

"Died Suddenly" Is The Must-See Documentary Of The Year.

I've been too busy to watch the new documentary "Died Suddenly" from the Stew Peters Network. I've heard a lot of comments about it, mostly positive but some negative. Tonight I finally had the time to watch it, and I must admit it was informative and well done. I'm no fan of Stew Peters. Some of the comments he's made on his podcast have been ignorant and bigoted, and I stopped listening to him several months ago. But his presence in the documentary is very limited, which was a good decision by either Peters or the film's directors. It allowed the film to focus on the scientists, the funeral professionals, and the vaccine's victims rather than being a showcase for Peter's huge ego. 

In only one hour it tries to paint the picture of what is really going on with not only the vaccines, but also with the covid pandemic. while gently tying in the past lies told and the verified conspiracies committed on the public by the government. It's a lot to pull together without overwhelming the viewers, but I think the directors did a commendable job.

"Died Suddenly" contains some graphic and disturbing images, but they weren't included for shock value. I really felt like the images, while uncomfortable to watch, needed to be seen. It's one thing to think of a vaccine as a "clot shot", but it's something else entirely when you see an embalmer pulling rubbery ropes out of a dead person's leg. It really drives home the point that something is seriously wrong with the covid vaccines despite all the propaganda telling us they're "safe and effective". We've known from the beginning that they're neither safe nor effective, and "Died Suddenly" proves we were right. 

This is a documentary everyone needs to see. But will they? I fear it will eventually fade away just like all the other excellent covid films that have been made, viewed only by people who have already woken up to the horrors of the genocide created by predatory globalists, and ignored by the people who really need to see it. 

But make the effort anyway to share it far and wide. Maybe this will be the one that breaks through the hypnotic spell that has too many people under its control.

And 'thank you' to Stew Peters and company for making it happen.

UPDATE November 29, 2022: The documentary has come under fire for including video clips of people collapsing who didn't actually die. It also shows an athlete collapsing but the incident happened before the covid vaccines were available. So I have to ask, was this sloppy research on the part of the producers, or did they intentionally include it knowing it would be discovered and cause the health freedom movement to look crazy and ignorant? Some speculate that Stew Peters is controlled opposition, and including easily debunked sudden deaths in his film doesn't help his reputation. I'm hoping this is the result of rushing the film to market and there are no nefarious motives. But either way, it gives our opponents new ammunition to attack us with. I still think "Died Suddenly" is important and the overall message is true, but if we're going to defeat the globalists and their friends in Big Pharma, we have to be 100% honest and factual in everything we do.

Watch it below or directly on Rumble.

Living In Delusion.

The truth is no longer hidden. Now people are hiding from the truth.

The Pandemic Psy-Op Has Brainwashed People Into Believing The Unbelievable.

If you spend any time on conservative social media sites it's easy to get the impression that people are "waking up" to the covid pandemic nonsense and that victory over the globalist psychopaths is right around the corner. It's certainly true that greater numbers are aware of the scam today than in 2020. The so-called elites have overplayed their hand in many areas and their attempts to lock down the world in a disease-fearing digital prison have been exposed. But they're still winning, and that's a serious problem.

It seems the majority have completely bought in to the pandemic psy-op and all the tyrannical accessories that come with it.

During a recent trip to a grocery store, at least half the customers were wearing face masks, despite there being no mandates to do so. We're two and a half years into this madness and people still think they need masks? How much longer will they wear them? Forever? Aren't these people "vaccinated"? Don't they trust the vaccines to actually do something other than be a tool for virtue signaling?

I went out to dinner with a triple vaxxed friend. In the small restaurant where people were close together, my friend didn't wear a mask. But after dinner we both stopped at the same large grocery store to buy ice cream. On the way into the store he put on a high-filtration N-95 face mask. The grocery store had less people in it than the restaurant, making my friend's behavior totally illogical. I asked why he put on the mask to go to the grocery store and he wouldn't explain it. He probably couldn't explain it. Brainwashing has that effect on people.

I saw my neighbor holding a covid "quick test" that a drug store delivery driver had just brought. He said his brother had tested positive for covid so he was testing himself to be safe. I explained to him that viruses don't cause diseases. He replied, "Oh, I know that", yet he was still going to test himself to see if he'd been exposed to a virus that has never been isolated and proven to exist. Meanwhile another neighbor was standing on the sidewalk waiting for her Uber driver to arrive. She was wearing a mask.

I spoke to my mother and she said her church has cancelled all services this week because almost everyone in the church has covid. The church congregation is mostly older people who are most likely vaccinated. My mother didn't understand when I tried to explain that the congregation probably has vaccine side effects rather than covid. Or maybe they just have allergies or one of the many respiratory conditions that senior citizens are prone to get. But I guess simple things like that aren't allowed in the psy-op. Every illness has to be covid. There is nothing else.

My stepmother has been in the hospital for a couple of weeks. She's been unresponsive, unable to talk, walk, or eat. The doctors didn't know what was wrong with her but never suggested she was suffering from a vax reaction. She eventually got better but now they say she's tested positive for covid despite being triple jabbed. She has to stay in the hospital nine more days at a minimum unless the useless PCR test comes up positive once again and then she'll have to stay even longer. Strangely, my dad has been with her every day and his test came up negative. This is not the first time my triple jabbed stepmother has been told she had covid. She had flu symptoms a couple of times earlier but recovered as one does from the flu. My dad, fully on-board with the psy-op, repeated the words from the official cult script: "If she hadn't been vaccinated, it would have been worse."

I bet you could tell similar stories about your family and friends. The pandemic psy-op has been so successful that intelligent and educated people are willing to believe the unbelievable. The endless propaganda from compromised news media sources, government officials, and bribed medical professionals has switched off the public's ability to do any critical thinking. What began as fear-based obedience is now just blind obedience. Rather than questioning what they see they wait until an authority figure tells them what it is they're seeing. The obedience is so intense, if they've been told the sky is pink and you try to correct them by saying the sky is really blue, they'll argue you down, unable to accept what is right before them. That's the power of the psy-op.

If we don't learn how to break through it and free more minds, the world will soon become a very grim and joyless place to be, an open-air prison where the wealthiest psychopaths are the wardens.

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