There Will Be Cobwebs In The Sky.

Meme about Hopi indians and their prophecy of chemtrails

Prophecy delivered to Hopi indians: "Near the day of purification, there will be cobwebs spun back and forth in the sky."

What World Do You See?

image: what world do you see?

[image by Revellati]

A maioria das pessoas não enxerga com clareza porque as mentiras do mundo encobrem seus olhos.


Most people do not see clearly because the lies of the world cloud their eyes.

(What world do you see?)

We Live In A Mad Society.


"We live in a mad society, where the most insane are chosen to lead, and the people who call out the madness are ridiculed and silenced." -- Timo Malum

Bluesky Proves The Land Of The Left Is The Land Of The Lost.

bluesky land of the left is the land of the lost

It didn't take long. Another social media site run by the radical left has kicked me out. Not long after having my Mastodon accounts deleted without cause, Bluesky has now done the same. To be honest, I'm surprised I lasted as long as I did, but not because I broke any rules. To the contrary, I was polite and civil and did my best to link to sources whenever I posted anything related to health and science issues. But I did post news articles and podcasts that I hoped would open some minds and maybe create a dialog. For my efforts I was called a Nazi and a MAGA cultist, and my sources were all dismissed as being not good enough for the pseudo-intellectuals who read my posts. But I wasn't very active on Bluesky at all, preferring to keep a low profile and gently nudging rather than shoving in an attempt to not be cancelled. How did it work out? Here's the email I received from the "Bluesky Moderation Team":

cancellation email from Bluesky

Bluesky's moderators claim I posted content that promoted "hateful content" or was "disruptive to others". This claim is a lie. I was careful to be respectful of others. I'm not a bully and never have been, but I will stand up for myself if attacked and I will correct misinformation when I see it. But apparently in the land of the left, replying with factual data is perceived as being disruptive. The left has become so obsessed with conformity and obedience that instead of resembling the free-love hippies of the 1960's they're now more like the hive-mind Borg creatures of Star Trek. Independent thought isn't allowed. Be assimilated or be destroyed.

Borg army

They don't believe in shared truth. They use words as weapons. They rely on you implicitly assuming that they have good intentions and are aiming at shared truth. It's a deception. For Marxists, dialogue is not a way of attaining truth. It is a forum for manipulation.

Although I had low expectations, I did go through the motions of filing an appeal to my account's deletion. Two days later and no one at Bluesky has bothered to reply. And honestly, the only reply I expect to get is "appeal rejected", which is the reply I got from Mastodon and also a year earlier from Elon Musk's Twitter/X.

This is the world we now live in: a world where mentally weak anonymous authoritarians function as social media moderators and censor anything that upsets their frail emotions or is seen as a threat to their demonic Marxist agenda. It isn't possible to have a real conversation with these people. Dissenting opinions are dismissed without thought. Their minds are closed. Their science is settled. Nothing changes until new propaganda is sent to them like a software upgrade.

I gave it my best shot. I tried on three separate social media sites. And now I question if it's possible to co-exist with people who are so mentally shut down, intolerant, and (strangely) arrogant.

Bluesky has proven to me that the land of the left is the land of the lost. But I won't stop talking. I have a voice. It's too bad the people who need to hear it the most will hear nothing but echoes of propaganda and hate coming from the soulless entities that control them. image: I have a voice

Weaponized Fear.

Revellati meme about weaponized fear

Não há doença maior que o medo; e não há ameaça maior do que aqueles que o usam como arma contra nós.


There is no greater disease than fear, and there is no greater threat than those who use it as a weapon against us.

[image and text by Revellati]

Are Trump's Technocrats Leading Us Into The New World Order?

Dr Mike Yeadon quote

"What I have is the realization that we’re in WW3, in which the aggressors are our own governments, wherever we live. Once you run that thought experiment, a very large number of dots almost join themselves." -- Dr Mike Yeadon

Read this again: the aggressors are our own governments. We're at war with the people who have taken oaths to protect us, but most people have no idea what's going on. Mike went on to say, the goal is "to impoverish almost everyone, rendering us desperate for an alternative, such as CBDC (and digital ID) as a matter of necessity." 

Where you have CBDC, you also have constant surveillance, social credit scores, limited mobility, and vital resources that will be rationed to you however artificial intelligence decides is appropriate.

Virtually the entire world is transitioning into global totalitarianism, where individual rights and needs no longer matter. Creativity will be destroyed. Happiness and joy will be forgotten. The focus will be on productivity and efficiency as decided by A.I.. People who can't contribute to the new system will be excluded from society. Artificial intelligence will make every decision for us. The wealthiest elites will own everything. This is the cold, dark future that's coming very soon. In fact, it's been under construction for decades, and the pace is quickening. And it doesn't matter what country you live in or what political party you support. The destination has been agreed upon by all. 

This is World War 3, and it doesn't look like any war we've ever been in before. It's taking place all around us, disguised by empty promises from dishonest leaders. The only way to win this war is to stop believing and obeying those who feed us lies while they work to enslave us.

But isn't Donald Trump going to save us, or at least the American corner of the world? It's not looking good. The proud father of the deadly mRNA COVID vaccines is now proposing a lot more of the same technology, this time enhanced by artificial intelligence, that's already harmed too many people. He's partnering with a team of billionaire technocrats hellbent on creating A.I. systems that will run our lives. These same systems will also likely destroy many lives. I don't doubt that Trump will do a number of things that will make him look like a hero, but we can't ignore the things he does in the background that bring us closer to the same New World Order that he claims to oppose. 

In the video below, David Icke says, "Two days in and the agenda I predicted has begun". I urge you to watch it and learn how things aren't really what they seem to be. 

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