Notes From Clown World: November 16, 2024.

Trump Pelosi meme

Decrepit and sinister Nancy Pelosi must be crying in her vodka over Donald Trump's election victory. I don't feel sorry for her, though. She could be retired, relaxing on a tropical beach somewhere. Instead, she ran for re-election and somehow won another two year term. It sure makes you wonder about the mental state of the people living in her district.

Ice up your drink, Nancy. It's going to be a rough couple of years for you.

Costco butter

Butter to be safe than sorry! The intellectuals at the FDA have forced Costco to recall 79,200 pounds of butter because it was found to be contaminated with milk, the ingredient used to make the cream that is churned into butter. According to the FDA, Costco's package didn't specifically warn consumers that its butter contains milk, although the label clearly reads "sweet cream" on the front. That simple oversight was enough to trigger the recall, since our government thinks we're all as stupid as they are. I feel fairly confident that if I asked my ten closest neighbors what butter is made of, they'd all answer correctly. Even the woman who stills has the "Kamala for President" sign in her yard would get this one right. 

If only the FDA was as vigilant with other products, such as vaccines, food additives, and chemical contaminants...

inclusive santa

In case you didn't get the memo, the world is going insane...well at least the human part of it. As proof, I present to you 'Inclusive Christmas', a company offering us a "woke" holiday season. I guess having an old white man as Santa isn't acceptable to the indoctrinated leftists in our midst. Now we have Pride Santa, Black Santa, Sandra Claus, and even Hanukkah Hank! Democrats across America can terrorize their children with a Santa in a gay pride coat while trying to explain why Uncle Bob never got married. I hate to think what might be in the stockings this year.

meme about misinformation

Finally for today, I give you this meme about "misinformation", a term that's used way too much in today's world. Best I can tell, it's anything crazy leftists, the corrupt news media, or the government disagrees with. And this means honest, truthful, verifiable data can be dismissed as false simply by calling it "misinformation". 

Sadly, few bother to question it.

No Species That Claims To Be Intelligent Destroys Its Own Ecosystem.

Revellati graphic about the ecosystem

"The true intelligence of a species should be measured by its ability to preserve and harmonize with the environment that sustains it. In a world where all life depends on the balance of the ecosystem, any action that degrades or compromises that balance is an act against its own survival. Civilizations that claim to be advanced need to recognize that progress and nature are not opposites, but complementary. Destroying the ecosystem is, ultimately, destroying the very possibility of a secure future." 

[image & text by Revellati Online]

This isn't a commentary about man-made climate change, which is more of a component of politics than science. Rather, it's a warning that we face greater threats than a degree or two of warming. It's not carbon dioxide that we need to worry about. CO2 is the gas of life, and without it the planet dies. But we're told by the wealthy elites and the news media outlets they own that we need "net zero carbon". They rarely, if ever, mention the toxins their companies force upon an unsuspecting public.

Substances such as glyphosate, pesticides, plastic waste, pharmaceutical drug residue in our water, pollution from mining, and heavy metals emitted in the exhaust of cargo ships and jet aircraft are proven to be real threats to our ecosystem and our health. Even our drinking water is intentionally polluted by many government authorities with a fertilizer by-product called fluoride. Cutting down forests lowers air quality and destroys animal habitats. And let's not forget or ignore the harm being inflicted on all life forms by EMF radiation from a rapidly growing number of sources.

It's time to focus on the things that really make a difference to our survival: clean air, clean water, clean soil, and clean food. And while we're at it, let's demand serious studies on the effects of EMF radiation and place a moratorium on new transmitter construction until its safety can be determined.

Our continued existence requires it. And demands it.

Caged By Technology.

boy in cage addicted to his phone

"Mental slavery is mental death, and every man who has given up his intellectual freedom is the living coffin of his dead soul." -- Robert Green Ingersoll

What Is The Story Behind Panda Eyes?

Revallati panda eyes

The "panda eyes" theory is a popular idea on the internet that suggests that dark spots around the eyes, similar to dark circles or bruises, indicate that a person has suffered abuse, violence or, in some more conspiratorial contexts, that the person has undergone some kind of ritual or traumatic procedure.

The exact origin of this theory is unclear, but it has spread through social networks and conspiracy forums, especially in communities that discuss theories about manipulation and psychological or ritualistic abuse.

How does it happen?

"Panda eyes" occurs when a victim is sodomized by some "monster". This is done so violently - on purpose - that the blood vessels around the eyes rupture due to the physical displacement of pressure.

What does "panda eyes" mean?

It is pedophile slang for child sodomy. When a child is forcibly sodomized, their eyes can turn into dark circles due to the trauma involved, making them look like those of a panda. There is even an online clothing store selling “Panda Eyes” for the pedophile community...

Many pedophiles also joke about this online when talking about children. There are many symbols and codes that they use to inform other pedophiles about their perversions.

Conclusion: “Panda eyes” are, according to conspiracy theorists, a clear sign that a person may have experienced extreme psychological and physical abuse, often associated with secret rituals and mental manipulation. These dark circles around the eyes, according to this view, are not just ordinary dark circles, but marks of intense trauma. In certain elites, these rituals are used for psychological control and submission, a way of exploiting the person emotionally and physically to “program” them according to hidden interests. Although controversial, this theory sees in the "panda eyes" visual evidence of evils practiced in the shadows.

[content contributor: Revellati Online]

Jill Biden in a panda suit

Joe and Jill Biden on Halloween Day, 2024. Jill is wearing a panda costume. Why would she choose this particular costume, considering the "panda eyes" theory is well known, and the Biden family has been accused of incest and pedophilia? Is Jill Biden ignorant, or is she mocking us?

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