Notes From Clown World: September 16, 2024.

hide yo pets

Everyday Americans are finally beginning to see the problems associated with mass immigration. From Venezuelan crime gangs roaming the streets of Colorado, to deadly fentanyl destroying families, to the severe housing crisis that grows worse by the day, people are seeing the impact of letting millions of foreigners enter the country. Most of the newcomers are here illegally, something the Marxists in the Democratic Party are fine with. But even many Republicans are looking the other way when the right amount of money is involved. Now adding to the stress is the introduction of Haitian refugees to the city of Springfield Ohio. Haitians destroyed their own nation, so American politicians decided it would be a great idea to bring a bunch of them here rather than helping the Haitians fix their homeland. It's amazing how we can spend billions of dollars on banker's wars around the world, but the international community can't come together to make Haiti a livable place. Send them to Ohio instead. And now we're getting multiple reports from the residents of Springfield that their new Haitian neighbors are misbehaving, violating private property, driving like madmen, and even abducting and eating people's pets. Of course, government officials, who are perpetual liars, are denying anything is wrong at all. These officials are ignoring the pleas of local citizens, probably because of the millions of dollars the federal government gives state and local governments to accept immigrants into their communities. Money buys a lot of corruption, and politicians are notoriously corrupt. That won't change any time soon. So I suggest you buy a gun, build a fence, and "hide yo pets".

Austrian covid conviction

A woman in Austria was found guilty of fatally infecting her neighbor with COVID-19 in 2021. A judge sentenced the 54-year-old on Thursday to four months’ suspended imprisonment and an 800-euro fine ($886.75) for grossly negligent homicide. The victim died of pneumonia that was allegedly caused by the coronavirus, according to Austrian news agency APA. A virological report showed that the virus DNA matched both the deceased and the 54-year-old woman, proving that the defendant “almost 100 percent” transmitted it, an expert told the court.

Obviously the "expert" and the judge aren't aware that SARS-CoV-2, the alleged virus that causes COVID-19, has never been isolated, replicated, or otherwise proven to exist. Hundreds of FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act) requests have gone out all over the world, but proof of SAR-CoV-2 has never been provided. In fact, government agencies usually reply that they have nothing at all.

It's hard to believe that in the 21st century, a person can be convicted of purposely infecting another person with a virus, since viruses have never been proven to cause any diseases. There's even a considerable amount of uncertainty that viruses exist at all. Virology is a theory, nothing more. And yet the medical industrial complex portrays it as scientifically proven and then sells us dangerous, useless vaccines to protect us from things they can't prove exist. Governments jump on the bandwagon and use viruses as tools for social control. Without the mythical little bugs, there could be no forced masking, no social distancing, and no lockdowns. Virology is a scam that needs to end. The sooner, the better.

liberals in a nutshell

I like this cartoon. It really illustrates the mindset of most Democrats. I've never met one who really cares who the candidate is or what their policy positions are. As long as the candidate is a Democrat, nothing else matters. Nothing proves this better than Kamala Harris' presidential campaign. A few years ago she dropped out of the race because no one liked her. She couldn't win a primary anywhere. During her nearly four years as vice-president, she was largely ignored and dismissed by party loyalists. Then the party's elites anointed Harris as their grand leader without letting rank & file Democrats vote on the matter, and just like the elites expected, everyone got in line behind her and the praise has been non-stop ever since. Are Democrats unable to think for themselves? Why are they so eager to comply with whatever the party's elites tell them to do? I can only assume that weak minds crave direction. But weak minds are also very easy to manipulate.

statin drugs for kids

The corrupt medical industrial complex is now pushing statin drugs for children. Although many doctors have said statin drugs are the most dangerous ever created, causing numerous health problems while not reducing overall fatalities from heart disease (the reason the drug is prescribed), rather than take statins off the market, doctors are doubling down and recommending them to even more people. It's hard to imagine why a 15 year old would benefit from taking heart medication. Can we look at the child's lifestyle, such as their daily exercise, the types of foods they're eating, or the environmental toxins they're exposed to? Nope, just get them on pills and keep them dependent on the medical system until their insurance runs out of money. That's what we now call "healthcare" in the western world. If you're smart, you won't play their game. Your health is your own responsibility. Take charge of it.

Joe Biden: A Life Of Betrayal.

joe biden life of betrayal meme

"The humiliation of being rejected by his own party is a fitting end to a life spent betraying his country."

[Image sourced on Telegram. Creator unknown.]

Notes From Clown World: August 26, 2024.

RFK jr tweet about Keith Olbermann

Robert F. Kennedy Jr kicked Keith Olbermann to the curb recently on Twitter/X. Olbermann, who frequently goes on rants that make him look like an unhinged mental patient, tweeted "To my old friend @RobertKennedyJr: You're a fucking anti-American disaster." Kennedy replied, "You were never my friend."

Boom! Olbermann is destroyed in one sentence. 

If given the chance, I'd like to ask Olbermann why he thinks Kennedy is an anti-American disaster. But I think I already know the answer: other than the usual irrational Trump derangement syndrome, which Olbermann has long suffered from, the radical left have bizarrely convinced themselves that it's "American" and "democratic" to support Communism. In their twisted little minds, the United States is destined to become a Communist nation. That is the America they dream of. So anything that gets in the way of their dream is "anti-American". I have to give them credit for one thing: they're masters at perverting the definitions of words to hide their evil agenda.

Kerry Kennedy

Speaking of perversions, Kerry Kennedy, who is the sister of Robert F. Kennedy Jr, got on her soapbox to publicly trash her brother. Ms Kennedy said, "I’m outraged and disgusted by my brother’s gaudy and obscene embrace of Donald Trump. And I completely get out and separate and dissociate myself from Robert Kennedy Jr. in this flagrant and inexplicable effort to desecrate and trample and set fire to my father’s memory.”

She went on to say “I think … the stakes this November couldn’t be higher, which is exactly why my whole family will be fighting so hard to reelect Kamala Harris and Coach Walz, who’ve been champions for the values that my family has fought for, for years."

I never thought John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy Sr were Communists or that they encouraged pedophilia, or that they honored politicians who lied about their military service. John and Robert were flawed men, but by all accounts they loved America and strongly supported the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are Marxists hell-bent on destroying America so it can be "built back better" as a godless Communist police state. It's possible the Kennedy family's morals have declined to the point they think Harris and Walz are acceptable candidates, but they shouldn't try to drag John, Robert, and Robert Jr into their sad worldview.

Keith Kidwell

North Carolina House of Representatives member Keith Kidwell is in the news for allegedly being a member of an "anti-government militia group", as if that's a bad thing. Kidwell has been outed as an “off-the-books” member of 'American Patriot 3 Percent'. 

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, a Marxist nonprofit that catalogs so-called "hate" groups, AP3 is made up of “Three Percenters,” who subscribe to “a sub-ideology or common belief that falls within the larger anti-government militia movement. AP3 is an “attempt to organize a national network of Three Percenter groups across the country.”

“Three Percenterism is at its core a vanguard extremist movement that claims to be ready to carry out armed resistance to perceived tyranny,” the SPLC writes.

As someone who has read the founding documents of our nation, I see nothing wrong with AP3, at least not based on SPLC's description of it. In fact, the Declaration of Independence states, "When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government." Militia's are formed with the directives of the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights in mind. It's ludicrous for the Southern Poverty Law Center or the mainstream media to imply that being a part of a militia group is dangerous. Actually it may be dangerous to the deep state and the Communists who want to turn the United States into something radically different than it's supposed to be, but to true patriots, a militia is as American as apple pie. I applaud Representative Kidwell for having the courage to be a part of something that is trying to protect the rights of all of us. 

cartoon mocks DNC convention

Finally, I'll close out with this cartoon by Ben Garrison. It mocks the Democrat's national convention, which was little more than a fake, scripted, festival of lies. Garrison captured the event better than I could ever fully describe it.

Don't Go In.

government reeducation camp meme

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”  ―  Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

Notes From Clown World: August 21, 2024.

U.K. judges in costumes

What better way to kick off today's edition of 'Clown World' than with a photo of four clowns! What we have here are judges, in full costume, from the United Kingdom. These men and women, wearing lace and what looks like automobile floor mats on their heads, take themselves quite seriously as they issue fines and send people to prison. They work for a sick system of control that has convinced them they're more important than the rest of us and can therefore judge us and even ruin our lives as they see fit. They seem to think you and I were born as property of some imaginary state, which only has power over us through the threat of violence, detention, and the theft of our property. While they claim to work for some government entity, in reality their bosses are very wealthy men who hide in the shadows, manipulating the world as if it's their own personal chess game. Judges wear silly costumes to show their obedience to the men in the shadows, proving they'll do anything for money and prestige.

And silly us...we're born totally free as the children of God and then give up our freedom to the sick system of control, run by the men in the shadows, and enforced by clowns wearing floor mats on their heads.

gun scanner in a school

Onslow County, NC schools have installed the "Evolv" system that's supposed to detect guns and other weapons and theoretically keep everyone safe. Students will be required to line up just like we do at airports for the TSA and then walk through a system of sensors that are connected to artificial intelligence. I've not been able to find any information on what kind of sensors are being used other than cameras. Are students being zapped with radiation? The Evolv website doesn't say. But apparently the system is smart enough to pinpoint the specific location of any suspected weapons so that the security guard can go straight to that location, such as a jacket pocket, rather than having to do a full-body pat down.

No one wants another school shooting, But just as the TSA is actually obedience training for humans, having kids line up for weapons scanning every day is teaching them to get used to a technocratic, fear-based world where searches, scans, fingerprinting, and digital ID's become an integral part of their day, repeated over and over as they go from one mundane task to another. Children are being taught that the world is a super-dangerous place, but constant surveillance will protect them. They'll never know any form of self-sufficiency, convinced the government will always be by their side. They may never realize the protection they've been given is actually a prison.

two communists

The Democratic Party national convention is taking place in Chicago this week. It seems appropriate that a political party notorious for being run by criminals is having its convention in a city historically controlled by organized crime. The convention has featured the usual suspects - Hillary, both Obama's, Oprah, Biden - lying about how much they love America and democracy. None of them have mentioned how the Democrats are using every dirty tactic imaginable to keep third party candidates such as Jill Stein and Robert F. Kennedy Jr off the ballot in as many states as possible. No one is talking about the coup the party elites staged to kick out Joe Biden and install Kamala Harris as the nominee. Instead, the focus is on "joy". One after another, speakers at the convention have been talking about joy, as if it was scripted. But what are they joyful about? The joy of Communism? The joy of censorship? The joy of forced vaccinations? The joy of lockdowns for fake pandemics? The joy of shredding the Constitution? The joy of pedophilia? The joy of weaponizing the FBI and the IRS? The joy of taxes? 

Maybe it's the joy of killing babies. Who else but the Democrats would allow a Planned Parenthood bus to be parked outside the convention so that women can have their children murdered for free? Abortion is one of the top issues for the Democrats in 2024. They're obsessed with it. Maybe that's because the Democratic Party has been taken over by Marxist ghouls with no morality and no shame.

abortion bus

When I see the party's elites on stage at the convention spinning their web of lies and promising a future they have no intention of delivering, I feel sorry for the cult-like audience who have no idea they're being manipulated by skillful sociopaths. They don't realize that the compassion they feel for their neighbors will be twisted and inverted by Democratic Party politicians and turned into horrible things typically predicted by dystopian science fiction movies. What the Democrats will actually give us is Communism and all its perversions: constant surveillance, rationing, censorship, travel restrictions, a ban on religion, work camps, reeducation centers, and the deaths of millions of people deemed to be disloyal to the party. History proves this scenario.

Tim Walz socialism

So don't be fooled by the Democrats and their message of joy. There's no joy in Communism, no matter who is trying to sell it to you.

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