The New Normal Is Slavery.

If you watch no other video this year, please watch this one. It lays out how the pandemic was planned in advance, and how the responses by governments and tech companies are leading us to a future of powerlessness and enslavement.

Everyone needs to see this.

Together, we can advance humanity.

[This video originally appeared on, my other blog which has been merged with this one. It has been posted here due to its importance.]

Humanity Isn't Asleep. It's Overwhelmed.

Humanity is losing the war against the global elite cult's plan to enslave us all. It's not because we're asleep. It's because we're overwhelmed by misinformation, propaganda, and outright lies that assault us 24 hours a day. We're hit by so much of it that most people don't know what to do or what to think. So they tune everything out and do nothing. But the cult keeps going, bringing their technocratic nightmare to life.

Making the situation worse, decent people are unable to comprehend evil. It's a vague concept to most. The average person is unable to believe that the ruling elite would push fake vaccines that are designed to kill us. They're unable to believe that our nation is controlled by occultists who are members of secret societies that employ blood and sodomy in their initiations. They're unable to believe that corporate leaders like Henry Ford, the Rothchild's, and J.P. Morgan helped fund Hitler's war machine for personal profit. They're unable to believe our government would spray the air and poison our water with neurotoxins to make us submissive and open to suggestion. And they're unwilling to believe that our authority figures and the news media would lie about it all. 

We don't need to wake up. We need to accept reality. And we do it by turning off the propaganda that's spoon fed to us and then doing the hard work that reveals the truth.

A Cyber Pandemic Could Be Used To Lock Us In A Digital Prison.

In this video from Trader University we're warned that a cyber pandemic, either a real or false-flag event, could be used by the world's governments as an excuse to restrict or ban Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Worse, such an event could usher in sweeping new restrictions on internet access and all things digital, including your bank account.

"Tech and AI are now strong enough to put us in a 1000 year prison of government control." -- Matthew Kratter

Now is the time to learn about the risks and take action to protect yourself and your family.

The Con Is Always The Same.

"It doesn't matter if it's Covid, the war on terror or climate change...the con is always the same. They first weaponize fear around an invisible threat. They they tell you that they're the only ones who have the special equipment to see or measure that invisible threat. Then they use your fear infused mind like a yo-yo, to control you and make you dance like a circus monkey...based on threats that never existed in the first place."  -- source unknown

Humanity Is Under Attack, Frightened Into Slavery.

Almost all our current reality is a psy-op engineered to manipulate you into submission.

Fake terrorism, fake pandemics, fake vaccines, fake UFO threats. All supported by fake news. We're being frightened into submission by the globalists. A new era of slavery is coming.

Will you comply?

Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick.

Don't let the length of this documentary scare you off. If you want to know how the world really works and why things never seem to get better for the average person, 'Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick' will shatter your delusions and reveal the truth the elites don't want you to see.

It's the ultimate "red pill".

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