Google Caught Interfering With Election Search Results.

Google spy

Here is proof that Google manipulates search results to sway elections. When searching on the term "Donate to trump", dozens of results are displayed, but none are what the searcher was looking for. The goal was to find a link to Trump's campaign page or at least a page where he could donate money to Trump's re-election efforts. But Google refused to cooperate.

To verify these results, I tried this search for myself. I didn't get the same suggestions, but I did get page after page of links to news sites about Trump's campaign finances. I was NOT shown a link to Trump's website or any other site where I could donate money. 

In my opinion this proves Google's bad intentions. On this blog, for years I've been warning about Google and how they pretend to be a for-profit private corporation while actually doing the bidding of the intelligence community and the deep state. Google exists to control your thinking and keep you within the acceptable lanes of travel, a role also assigned to all the corporate-owned news sites. Factual information and independent free thought are dangerous to totalitarian regimes, which is why government officials are always rattling on about "misinformation" while pushing for even more censorship than we've seen in the past four years. 

Evil hides in the shadows. And it seems that Google wants to keep us there as much as they possibly can.

For better options, check out my post "Comparing Eight Top Search Engines: Which Censors The Least?"

Medical Science Is Now A Tool Of Oppression.

fda warning about bird flu

Revving up the fear machine: the public is being conditioned to accept the next big disruption. I don't think a new human pandemic with lockdowns will happen, but I do think bird flu will be used as the excuse to wipe out our food supply and create social unrest, panicking, and possibly rioting & looting. This will give our Zionist overlords the excuse they need to impose martial law. But if bird flu doesn't scare enough people, maybe they'll try whooping cough. 

Oops, they already did.

news headlines about whooping cough

The whooping cough propaganda is obviously a ploy to frighten parents into conforming with insane childhood vaccine schedules that governments impose upon healthy kids. It's big money for Big Pharma, greedy doctors, and bribed politicians. As increasing numbers of informed parents back away from unsafe & ineffective jabs, the control system has to pull them back in, using whatever dishonest tactics they can dream up. Side effects? They'll be hidden for eternity, with any data leaks immediately labeled as "misinformation".

Since 2020 we've lived in a world of constant, endless warnings of diseases and constant, endless propaganda to convince us we need constant, endless injections of mystery chemicals to stay alive. We're now experiencing the early stages of the biosecurity state, where everyone is considered to be dirty and diseased and a threat to others. Fake health scares have become the norm, followed by oppressive countermeasures pulled straight out of the most dystopian sci-fi movies you've ever seen. Increasing numbers of doctors no longer believe that viruses cause communicable diseases, yet viruses remain the number one tool of fear and control. We know "social distancing" rules had no scientific basis, yet people still keep their distance from others as if an angry monkey was about to attack. Face masks have been debunked so many times I've lost count, yet at every mention of a "disease outbreak", weak-willed politicians start talking about bringing back mask mandates. And every medical condition short of toe fungus seems to have its own vaccine now.

The reasons are clear. Many people are horribly ignorant, knowing nothing but what's been fed to them by the social controllers running almost all news media companies. They fear illness and death and they're desperate to avoid them both. And tyrannical politicians take advantage of ignorance and fear to push an agenda of totalitarian control. The people who rule over us want us tagged, cataloged, and tracked from the cradle to the grave. They want us to be completely obedient and spiritually broken. They don't want us rising out of poverty. They want us to be dependent on them, unable and unwilling to rise up and threaten their authority.

Medical science is the easiest way to achieve all that. Frightful propaganda throws us into a panic, ready to accept whatever limits to our freedom the government demands. As we saw during the COVID psyop, many people will ignore what they see with their own eyes and shut off all critical thinking when the fear of death is imagined to be near. The propaganda was so effective during COVID that we saw scenes where a person would die in a vaccination center as soon as the needle was pulled out of an arm, and the people in line watching the death wouldn't even leave. They stayed in line, rolled up their sleeves, and pretended they didn't see anything. This is the kind of madness that politicians exploit to gain unlimited power and control.

In decades past, many lives have been saved by our medical system. But times have changed, and what used to heal us is now being used to enslave us. I urge you to not fall for the fear campaigns currently spreading across multiple news sites. The people writing them, or paying to have them written, don't have your best interests at heart. 

Just Another Day Of Misinformation & Chaos.

A quick summary of today's misinformation and chaos being served up by the psychopaths and propagandists who seem to be in charge of the world right now. [news & images sourced from]

What are the odds this fuel tanker just happened to be under a bridge when it was hit? We're seeing an awful lot of "coincidences" lately that affect our infrastructure. Gas tankers, trains, ships, bridges, food factories, pipelines...they all seem to be under attack, and yet we're being told by the "authorities" that they're all unrelated. Move along...nothing to see here. Do you believe them?

The US occupied federal government is assembling a "squad" of allies to agitate China and make sure we stay in conflict with them for the benefit of the military industrial complex. Peace and prosperity will remain elusive as long as mentally disturbed (and bribed) war hawks remain in control of the US government.

Bee populations are declining, but it's not from glyphosate, pesticides, EMF's, or chemtrails. It's from CLIMATE CHANGE! (that's the new official story from the propagandists helping to eliminate all life on the planet). I'd like to see who funded this study and see if they're related to the usual suspects.

If climate change was a real threat, private jets would be banned. Clear-cutting trees for housing developments, factories, and warehouses would be banned. Vacant buildings would be replaced by trees. Rocket launches (Space X?) would stop. There would be a ceasefire on all wars. People would be encouraged to grow food gardens. And money for weapons would be replaced by money for energy-saving home improvements.

But none of this happens, does it?

Anti-Zionism Isn't Anti-Semitism.

anti-Zionism isn't anti-semitism

With protests against Israel's atrocities in Gaza erupting on college campuses across the nation, propagandists working on behalf of Zionists are working overtime to spin the news in their favor. News reports and dishonest statements by our elected officials completely ignore the ongoing genocide while attempting to link support for Palestinians with Communism and Nazism. In the nation where freedom to assemble is a basic Constitutional right, police officers have been ordered to brutally assault and arrest people who are simply trying to stop the senseless murders of thousands of children in Gaza. But attempts to stop the protests have done nothing but reveal the dirty truth: America is ruled by Zionists. Our politicians, who receive hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars from lobbyists such as AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) are putting the interests of foreign nations ahead of their own, and then using police state tactics to hide their crimes. But we see it now. We know the motivation driving people like Mike Johnson, Mitch McConnell, Dan Crenshaw, Adam Schiff, and so many others.  It's not patriotism for the United States. It's money. It's greed. And possibly even a bit of blackmail and extortion. 

Dare we call it treason?

Mike Johnson Wants You To Shut Up About The Genocide He's Funding With Your Money.

Representative Mike Johnson in Israel

House Speaker Mike Johnson has played a pivotal role in getting more of your money sent to Ukraine and Israel while leaving America's southern border wide open as our nation collapses. The world knows Ukraine is a lost cause and it's just a matter of time until Russia wins the war. It's a battle the United States should have never gotten involved in. In truth, our government's actions were instrumental in causing the war. The DC death cult never admits it but rather continues to churn out propaganda saying Vladimir Putin is a murderous butcher. I doubt Putin is an innocent cub scout, but the criminals running our own government have no moral standing to accuse others of wrongdoing. With Israel it's even worse. In the 200 days since Netanyahu's thugs began their genocide in Gaza, 34,183 Palestinian's have been killed, almost half of them children. The killing continues, and people around the world are understandably upset. Many nations have called for a ceasefire, but demonic US politicians refuse to support it.

After months of senseless carnage, the people of America have finally begun to speak up, especially at colleges and universities. Students are organizing and demanding an end to the murders, something any sane and moral person should support. Instead, our so-called leaders are condemning the protests, perversely saying they are antisemitic demonstrations in support of Hamas. Mike Johnson called the protests "nonsense" and went on to say “As Columbia has allowed these lawless agitators and radicals to take over, the virus of antisemitism has spread across other campuses.” Yes, Johnson thinks you're a lawless agitator and a radical if you oppose the killing of innocent children in Gaza, as well as being "antisemitic". Representative Anthony D’Esposito (R-N.Y.) added his own misinformation by saying “If you are a protester on this campus and you are proud that you’ve been endorsed by Hamas, you are part of the problem.” Not content with saddling Americans with more debt we can't afford by sending $26 billion to Israel, Johnson said he was going to ask Biden to send in the National Guard to break up the protests. (Gov Abbott of Texas didn't wait: he's already deployed the Texas Rangers to squash free speech and freedom of assembly in Austin.) Senator Mark Warner (D-Va.) says students have a right to protest, but there is a limit. Apparently the limit is reached when you criticize Israel. War criminal Netanyahu got involved too, saying "Antisemitic mobs have taken over leading universities". He demanded the protests be shut down, as if he has some legal authority over what happens here. 

Fortunately, the protests are continuing, making the sleeping hordes awaken from their naps and finally pay attention to the atrocities we're all financing without consent.

Netanyahu statement about US protests

Shulamit Aloni quote on antisemitism

"Anti-Semitic? It's a trick. We always use it" to stifle legitimate criticism of Zionist Israel. -- Shulamit Aloni

200 days of death in Gaza

34,183 death, at least 14,560 of them are children. This genocide must stop. It isn't antisemitic to oppose murder. You have a moral obligation to do the right thing. Don't let the Zionist death cult shut you down and keep you from speaking up! 

Did Fashion Photo From 2009 Predict COVID?

wonderland backdoor man

In November 2009, ten years before the world first began hearing about an alleged respiratory illness spreading in China, Wonderland magazine published this photo as part of a collection named "Backdoor Man". The image was shot by fashion photographer Mariano Vivanco and it was styled by Way Perry.

Aside from the obvious homoerotic tone of the photo, what jumped out at me is how it appears to have predicted the COVID scamdemic through the use of an odd choice of fashion props.

On the far left, the model is wearing a clear plastic bag over his head. We often see this in photos from the entertainment industry - especially the music industry - and some say it references MKUltra mind control or slavery. But my first thought was how the plastic bag restricts breathing, just like the obligatory face masks of 2020 did. The bag also symbolizes restrictions on free speech.

The second model is wearing a strange hat, which looks almost identical to the computer-generated images of the COVID-19 virus. Of course the virus doesn't actually exist but the mind-control media and corrupt world governments did a great job of making us think a fake CGI spiky ball was the real deal that was killing grandma's and scaring the rest of us into avoiding any human contact closer than six feet.

The third model is holding an umbrella. This one is trickier to interpret. It could be a symbol of protection from a storm. But umbrella's also signify protection from illness, and in some cultures they are a symbol of effeminacy, inferiority, and subservience. I'm going to combine them all and say that the model is warning of a coming illness that will sweep the world like a storm, and people will be too mentally weak to speak the truth about what's really going on, and thus the world becomes subservient. 

The last model, on the far right, is wearing a crown. A common definition of 'corona' is: "something suggesting a crown".

Could it be a coincidence that a fashion photo from 2009 just happened to have so many elements that are predictive of the COVID scam? Were the events of 2020 and beyond planned more than a decade in advance, and if so, why would a fashion magazine be used to covertly announce it?

Or could it be that spiritual entities influenced the photographer and stylist to create this photo in a specific way to send us a warning we completely ignored? If so, it makes me wonder how many other warnings we've ignored.

Perhaps we should pay closer attention.

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