Protect Your Mind.

meme about dark forces destroying humanity

"Humanity is being driven to insanity by dark forces so that we can be destroyed." - Timo Malum

"The great viruses of our time spread through minds, not through bodies." - Naval Ravikant

"The demon is a liar. He will lie to confuse us; but he will also mix lies with the truth to attack us. His attack is psychological. And powerful." - William Peter Blatty

Men Will Go Mad.

"A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying: 'You are mad; you are not like us.'" -- St Anthony the Great

The Advance Of Totalitarianism.

Totalitarianism slowly advances like a python squeezes its prey. At first it feels comforting. But soon you discover you're trapped with no way out.

It began with mandatory seat belt and helmet laws. We complied.

Soon, we were subjected to checkpoints using drunk driving as the excuse to stop all drivers without probable cause. We complied.

Next, terrorism was the reason to create yet another domestic law enforcement agency, the TSA, which humiliated us with invasive searches of completely innocent citizens. Yet TSA has done nothing to keep us safe. It's a social control mechanism, nothing more. Yet we comply.

Once we got used to being probed at the airport, along came the COVID-19 scamdemic. We were forced to wear masks despite a lack of valid science supporting their use. Now there's talk of requiring double masking in addition to social distancing and vaccinations. Again, we comply.

And now we have digital vaccination passports which will be required of anyone who expects to travel freely. Even though COVID-19 has a 99% survival rate and can hardly compare to past pandemics such as the Spanish flu, governments and corporations, working together (the very definition of Fascism), are now requiring symptom free people to carry and present a COVID-Pass before being allowed to board an airplane, enter a bar or concert, or even earn an income. Will you comply?

Totalitarianism is here. And what we're seeing now is only the beginning of a much more devastating future. Our acceptance and compliance are allowing it to happen. We are not powerless but if we don't stand up for ourselves now, it won't be long before we no longer have the ability to. The python will squeeze the life out of us. And then the real darkness begins.

[This article originally appeared on, my other blog which has been merged with this one. It has been posted here due to its importance.]

Humanity Isn't Asleep. It's Overwhelmed.

Humanity is losing the war against the global elite cult's plan to enslave us all. It's not because we're asleep. It's because we're overwhelmed by misinformation, propaganda, and outright lies that assault us 24 hours a day. We're hit by so much of it that most people don't know what to do or what to think. So they tune everything out and do nothing. But the cult keeps going, bringing their technocratic nightmare to life.

Making the situation worse, decent people are unable to comprehend evil. It's a vague concept to most. The average person is unable to believe that the ruling elite would push fake vaccines that are designed to kill us. They're unable to believe that our nation is controlled by occultists who are members of secret societies that employ blood and sodomy in their initiations. They're unable to believe that corporate leaders like Henry Ford, the Rothchild's, and J.P. Morgan helped fund Hitler's war machine for personal profit. They're unable to believe our government would spray the air and poison our water with neurotoxins to make us submissive and open to suggestion. And they're unwilling to believe that our authority figures and the news media would lie about it all. 

We don't need to wake up. We need to accept reality. And we do it by turning off the propaganda that's spoon fed to us and then doing the hard work that reveals the truth.

Masks Are Tools Of The Fourth Reich.

Screenshot above - Video below:

Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav discusses face masks and how they are symbols of submission and slavery.

It Will Take All Of Us To Prevent Global Genocide.

People often look back on Germany and ask how good people let it happen. We're living in similar times now, and good people are letting it happen again. Will you resist it before we have a global genocide?

"If you ever wondered if you, your family, or friends, would have complied in 1930's Germany, now you know."

[meme creator unknown. shared for the good of humanity.]

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