What They Really Mean By 'Net Zero'.

net zero graphic

[to view a larger, high resolution version of the above graphic, click here.]

In this fascinating graphic provided by The Light Paper UK, we're shown what the climate cultists actually plan to do to reach their insane 'Net Zero' carbon goals. As you can see, if successful, their plans will radically change modern society and actually plunge us into something similar to the Medieval Times, except with less freedom. Unlike those times we'll have electricity, but thanks to the limitations of renewable energy, there won't be enough volts to go around to keep all of us mobile, entertained, or even mildly comfortable. Recreational travel will be eliminated, unless you're one of the wealthy elites who never think rules apply to them. And natural food will be a thing of the past, replaced by lab-grown nuggets of god-knows-what. 

All of this will be done to reduce carbon dioxide, the gas of life, without which all life on the planet ceases to exist. And these daft plans completely ignore a different scenario many scientists are predicting: a solar minimum that will start before 2030 and last up to 35 years. During this time, the planet will cool off dramatically in a mini-ice age. It's not global warming that we have to worry about. Global freezing is the real threat. Why aren't we being warned? Millions of people will die if the planet cools but we don't have fossil fuels available to generate heat. 

We truly are ruled over by maniacs.

They Want Your Property And Your Children.

chd financial rebellion

Catherine Austin Fitts, Carolyn Betts, and Polly Tommey of Financial Rebellion discuss how the global deep state doesn't want your money (they can print all they want). They want total control, and they want your property and your children. This is a new era of worldwide slavery, unless we stop it.

It's A Trap!

debt is a trap

Easy money from credit is the bait. But debt is a trap. Especially in these highly uncertain times, get out of debt and stay out of debt. Don't give the banking elite an excuse to take your stuff.

[image: The Solari Report]

The Goal Is A Totalitarian Police State.

totalitarian police state

When you realize the goal is a totalitarian police state, everything we've been through makes sense:

A pandemic psy-op, cancel culture, censorship, travel restrictions, searches & seizures, frozen bank accounts, the climate change scam, constant propaganda, "hate" crime laws, arrests of whistleblowers, election fraud, the January 06 DC trap, forced injections of bio-weapons, vaccine passports, the encouragement of violence by the left, the breakdown of morality, the invasion of America's southern border, mass migration into European nations, digital ID, invasive airport security, infiltration & weakening of churches, mass consumption of prescription & illegal mind-altering drugs, governments compromised by the fascist World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization, the gradual elimination of cash, out-of-control inflation, the housing crisis, 9/11, endless contrived wars, The Patriot Act, surveillance cameras everywhere, militarized police forces, armed IRS agents, gun bans virtually worldwide, geoengineering (chemtrails), and the encouragement of people to spy on and report their friends, family, and neighbors to the authorities. And I probably missed several things.

Freedom is under attack around the world. We are heading toward a New World Order with the super-wealthy "elites" at the top, and a feudal or communist society for the rest of us, brutally enforced by government thugs and advanced technology. 

We stop it now, or we become slaves forever.

Wake Up & Do Something To Save Humanity.

sleeping man

If you could visualize the end of human civilization as a clock, with midnight being our final moment, it's now 11:30 pm. Life as we have known it will soon be over, replaced by a technocratic totalitarian global prison that we may never escape from. Freedoms we've taken for granted will be gone: free speech, freedom of travel, freedom to better ourselves, freedom to live where we choose, and even freedom of thought are disappearing right now and those freedoms will vanish completely, very soon, if we don't wake up and do something to stop it.

We're running out of time.

Wealthy globalists want to own the world....every inch of land, every house, every person, every scrap of food, and every drop of water. They want it all, but they'll give you a cubicle to sleep in and bite to eat if you behave like a good little inmate in their depraved new world order.

This isn't hyperbole or fear porn. The globalists have made their plans well known in numerous books, videos, and transcripts of meetings. They don't hide it because they don't think we're smart enough or concerned enough to stop them. They think they can roll over us while we're distracted by television, video games, drugs, and the constant pressures of daily survival. And to a large degree, they're right.

Even those of us who are aware of what's happening have done very little to resist it. Sure, we post on social media, but thanks to the brutal censorship on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter (now 'X'), truth tellers have been pushed into the echo chambers of Gab, Brighteon Social, Truth Social, Gettr, Telegram, and CloutHub. Sharing news on these platforms is important. And there's immeasurable value in having a place to vent our thoughts when so many of our friends and family members don't want to hear anything that shakes their beliefs. But it's not enough to save the world.

We must do more.

We absolutely have to get the word out to more people...people who aren't on social media, for example. We have to warn the world that this time, the end really is near. We have to wake them from their comas or whatever hypnotic spell they've been placed under. Talk about the the climate change scam, or chemtrails, or CBDC's (central bank digital currency), or 15-minute cities, or censorship, or surveillance, or vaccine injuries. Don't try to be an expert on everything. Pick a topic that's really on fire for you and make it your mission to evangelize about it. You can ask your grocery store cashier if they've heard about CBDC's. Give him something to be curious about. Ask your hair stylist if she knows anyone dealing with a vaccine injury. Ask your neighbors if they know that thousands of scientists don't agree with the climate change narrative they see on the nightly news. Ask your car mechanic if he's heard of United Nations Agenda 2030. Find something you're comfortable talking about and go for it. You don't have to be confrontational about it; often a soft approach is received better. The important thing is to stop being silent and to start conversations.

But there's even more you can do: print signs and hang them up on power poles or on community bulletin boards in stores and apartment complexes. Go door to door and leave flyers at homes in your neighborhood. Put a bumper sticker on your car. Wear a button with a message. Wear a printed ball cap. Pool your money with others and rent a billboard. Email your city's elected officials. Write your representatives in Congress. Sure, most of them are compromised and corrupt, but they still need to hear from us. 

It's vitally important that we get out from behind our computer screens and do what humans do best: socialize in person and discuss ideas. Facebook can't censor you when you're face to face with someone. And words have a greater impact when they come from a real person who is directly in front of you. And going "analog" has another benefit: Google can't hide 100 posters that you've hung up all over town. 

So what are you waiting for? Turn off your computer and go do something to save humanity. The clock is ticking.

Joe Biden Gaslights Us About Censorship & The Canceling of History.

A few days ago on Twitter, Joe Biden or his handlers posted this: "At a time when some seek to ban books and bury history, we're making it clear that we can't just choose to learn what we want to know. We should learn everything - the good, the bad, and the truth of who we are as a nation. That's what great nations do."

We're all used to Biden's lies. Rarely a day goes by without something dishonest slipping past his lips. But this particular post really fired me up. Since his installation as President in 2021, he has worked harder to censor free speech than any other President in history. He has bullied social media networks to silence dissenting opinions, he has weaponized the DOJ to go after his political opponents, and he has stayed silent as his allies in the Democratic Party have pushed the cancel-culture woke agenda across America. 

Biden's attempts to censor have been so aggressive and dangerous that when a federal appeals court was hearing the Justice Department’s appeal of a July 4 decision in Missouri v. Biden, Federal Judge Terry Doughty’s opinion condemned the Biden administration for potentially “the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history.” The case involved Biden's attempts to bully social media companies into suppressing millions of posts and comments by Americans.

In another case, America First Legal (AFL) filed a lawsuit against the US Department of State, alleging covert activities surrounding the Biden administration’s outsourcing of censorship through the Global Engagement Center (GEC). AFL says GEC was hired to enable the outsourcing of the Biden administration’s propaganda and censorship efforts to leftist nonprofit groups. Critics go on to say, “Citing ‘misinformation,’ ‘disinformation,’ and ‘malinformation’ as a pretext, the Biden Administration has launched an unprecedented assault against the First Amendment. (source: ReclaimTheNet.org)

Biden's continuous attacks against free speech make his tweet about banning books seem disingenuous, at best.

But what about his tweet saying others are trying to "bury history"? Is he being honest about that? Sadly, no. Biden is referring to the Florida State Board of Education's new curriculum that says “slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit.” The radical left, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris included, have worked overtime lying about the curriculum and claiming it requires students to be taught that slavery itself was a good thing. Anyone with more than a couple of brain cells can see through the left's dishonesty and understand what's really being taught in Florida: slaves did in fact learn useful skills while working for others. We can say that while still condemning the hideousness of slavery. The left wants us to ignore the truth and pretend nothing positive came out of slavery, because that's the politically correct way to think. But anyone who has suffered hardships in life knows they learned something in the process and possibly came out the other side a better person...stronger if nothing else. This applies whether the hardship was slavery, prison, the onset of a physical handicap, the death of a child, or even a really bad relationship. I don't wish any of those things on anyone, but when it does, you do your best, you endure, you learn, and you move on. What you shouldn't do is turn it into an opportunity for political gain.

Since Biden is accusing his opponents of burying history and saying we "should learn everything - the good, the bad, and the truth of who we are as a nation", let's see how that's worked out so far. Here are a few reminders of the radical left embracing the exact opposite of Biden's words, tearing down historical statues in a short-sighted effort to bury the past to better suit their Marxist agenda:

Portland, Oregon: Thomas Jefferson statue toppled by BLM supporters:

Minneapolis, Minnesota: Christopher Columbus statue knocked over by leftists & native Americans:

Salisbury, North Carolina: Confederate statue removed by city officials to appease the left:

Denver, Colorado: Confederate statue removed by city officials to appease the left.

As is typical, Joe Biden is being dishonest and deceptive when he talks about book bans, censorship, and American history. But we needn't be surprised. Those who push the poison of Marxism, whether they call themselves progressives, Democrats, socialists, or communists, rarely struggle with ethics, morality, or the truth. In their world, the end always justifies the means, and if that means silencing their opponents and rewriting history, they're all for it.

I leave you with this quote from Lee Hyeon-seo, a political activist who defected from North Korea:

"In communism, we never had any freedom - of movement, of speech, of press. We didn't even make own decisions for our lives, our future. We were human robots."

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