Joe Biden Gaslights Us About Censorship & The Canceling of History.

A few days ago on Twitter, Joe Biden or his handlers posted this: "At a time when some seek to ban books and bury history, we're making it clear that we can't just choose to learn what we want to know. We should learn everything - the good, the bad, and the truth of who we are as a nation. That's what great nations do."

We're all used to Biden's lies. Rarely a day goes by without something dishonest slipping past his lips. But this particular post really fired me up. Since his installation as President in 2021, he has worked harder to censor free speech than any other President in history. He has bullied social media networks to silence dissenting opinions, he has weaponized the DOJ to go after his political opponents, and he has stayed silent as his allies in the Democratic Party have pushed the cancel-culture woke agenda across America. 

Biden's attempts to censor have been so aggressive and dangerous that when a federal appeals court was hearing the Justice Department’s appeal of a July 4 decision in Missouri v. Biden, Federal Judge Terry Doughty’s opinion condemned the Biden administration for potentially “the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history.” The case involved Biden's attempts to bully social media companies into suppressing millions of posts and comments by Americans.

In another case, America First Legal (AFL) filed a lawsuit against the US Department of State, alleging covert activities surrounding the Biden administration’s outsourcing of censorship through the Global Engagement Center (GEC). AFL says GEC was hired to enable the outsourcing of the Biden administration’s propaganda and censorship efforts to leftist nonprofit groups. Critics go on to say, “Citing ‘misinformation,’ ‘disinformation,’ and ‘malinformation’ as a pretext, the Biden Administration has launched an unprecedented assault against the First Amendment. (source:

Biden's continuous attacks against free speech make his tweet about banning books seem disingenuous, at best.

But what about his tweet saying others are trying to "bury history"? Is he being honest about that? Sadly, no. Biden is referring to the Florida State Board of Education's new curriculum that says “slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit.” The radical left, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris included, have worked overtime lying about the curriculum and claiming it requires students to be taught that slavery itself was a good thing. Anyone with more than a couple of brain cells can see through the left's dishonesty and understand what's really being taught in Florida: slaves did in fact learn useful skills while working for others. We can say that while still condemning the hideousness of slavery. The left wants us to ignore the truth and pretend nothing positive came out of slavery, because that's the politically correct way to think. But anyone who has suffered hardships in life knows they learned something in the process and possibly came out the other side a better person...stronger if nothing else. This applies whether the hardship was slavery, prison, the onset of a physical handicap, the death of a child, or even a really bad relationship. I don't wish any of those things on anyone, but when it does, you do your best, you endure, you learn, and you move on. What you shouldn't do is turn it into an opportunity for political gain.

Since Biden is accusing his opponents of burying history and saying we "should learn everything - the good, the bad, and the truth of who we are as a nation", let's see how that's worked out so far. Here are a few reminders of the radical left embracing the exact opposite of Biden's words, tearing down historical statues in a short-sighted effort to bury the past to better suit their Marxist agenda:

Portland, Oregon: Thomas Jefferson statue toppled by BLM supporters:

Minneapolis, Minnesota: Christopher Columbus statue knocked over by leftists & native Americans:

Salisbury, North Carolina: Confederate statue removed by city officials to appease the left:

Denver, Colorado: Confederate statue removed by city officials to appease the left.

As is typical, Joe Biden is being dishonest and deceptive when he talks about book bans, censorship, and American history. But we needn't be surprised. Those who push the poison of Marxism, whether they call themselves progressives, Democrats, socialists, or communists, rarely struggle with ethics, morality, or the truth. In their world, the end always justifies the means, and if that means silencing their opponents and rewriting history, they're all for it.

I leave you with this quote from Lee Hyeon-seo, a political activist who defected from North Korea:

"In communism, we never had any freedom - of movement, of speech, of press. We didn't even make own decisions for our lives, our future. We were human robots."

The Pushback Must Begin.

For the first time in the known history of man, oppressive totalitarian ideologies are spreading around the entire world. While fascism, Marxism, and other poisonous concepts have existed in limited areas in the past, they can now go global instantly thanks to the internet and other advanced methods of communication. Censorship used to be a tool of dictators, but now millions of regular people are demanding that information be suppressed when that information disagrees with their worldview or makes them feel uncomfortable in any way. Non-government organizations such as the World Economic Forum are pushing radical new ways to run society, some of which would lock us into cities that are run like prisons. The World Health Organization is trying to take over healthcare decision-making from sovereign governments. Governments are forcing green energy schemes upon us that can't possibly work and threaten to return us to the days of feudalism. We're being spied on constantly, and more cameras and microphones are installed every day, often at the taxpayer's expense. And tech companies are trying to position themselves as the new rulers of a technocratic age powered by artificial intelligence, in which humans are no longer valued.

While I try to be optimistic, I see storm clouds gathering. I fear we're going to be swept away by this storm, with a dark, evil, slave-like society facing us on the other side. It will be global, and there will be nowhere to go to escape it. 

If we want to stop it from happening, the pushback must begin. We can no longer wait around for someone to save us. We can't "trust the plan" and hope for the best. We have to be the ones who save ourselves, standing up to evil wherever we find it, speaking the truth, calling out the lies, and protecting the innocent.

So with all of that in mind, here are some things each of us can do, starting right now, that will help stop the spread of totalitarianism and the evil that fuels it.

  1. Stop being loyal to political parties and candidates rather than to God and the principles of truth, decency and freedom. Voting for the "lesser of two evils" is still voting for evil.
  2. Stay loyal to your country and its Constitution but accept that our governments have gone rogue and no longer protect the people or enforce the rule of law.
  3. Limit exposure to globalist-owned mainstream media television stations and websites. Their primary goal, other than selling advertising, is to limit our knowledge of what is going in the world. While they also spread misinformation and propaganda, their real danger is how they hide important information from us. Find reliable alternative news sites.
  4. Vote, even if it feels useless. We know the voting system is flawed and often rigged, but voting does no harm (when we vote for good candidates) and can make a huge difference in precincts with honest officials.
  5. Speak up against wrongdoing. Silence makes you complicit in evil. It's your responsibility to stand up to it when you can do so without putting yourself in mortal danger. Be a warrior, but don't be a fool about it.
  6. Use cash as often as possible. This keeps cash in circulation and sends a message that we won't accept a fully-digital cashless society. Cash gives you privacy and freedom, two things government authoritarians don't want you to have.
  7. Stop using Google products, including search, Gmail, navigation, Google Photos, Google Drive, and YouTube. If you use an Android phone, remove or disable as many Google apps as you can. Alternatives are available.
  8. Stop using Facebook. The company has proven itself to be untrustworthy and a threat to privacy, freedom, democracy, and morality. When you use Facebook, you're voluntarily cataloging your entire life and making it available to government spy agencies such as the NSA, the CIA, and the FBI. And much of Facebook's revenue comes from selling advertising with rates based on how many active users they have. Simply by logging in, you're helping to fund their operations.
  9. Talk to people. Too many of us are afraid to bring up any topics that are even slightly controversial. But I've found that when I mention the economy, the vaccines, privacy issues, and government overreach, I typically get a good response. Many people are relieved to meet others they can talk to and find common ground with, but it seems we've all been trained to stay quiet and keep our heads down. Conversations create change.
  10. Bank local, shop local. The big banks, while they may be "too big to fail", are also the most likely to be poorly managed and in need of bailouts. Corruption in the big banks is a primary driver of instability in the entire financial system. Find a good local bank or credit union and stick with them. Know your banker and what their values are. Break free from your Walmart and Amazon addiction and spend your money with smaller retailers. You'll soon find there's nothing the big box stores and internet giants sell that you can't find elsewhere, often for lower prices.

I could go on with another ten suggestions and maybe I'll write a 'part 2' someday, but the ten listed above are the most important, in my opinion. They're easy for anyone to do and they'll have tremendous impact if enough of us do them.

Remember: “Big Things Happen When You Do the Little Things Right” - ― Don Gabor

The Plan: From COVID-19 to Technocracy.

technocratic robot zombies

Using a compilation of video clips, Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond shows us what the so-called "elites" have planned for all of us, by taking advantage of the COVID psyop to transform humanity into digitally controlled zombies.

If they succeed, your thoughts will no longer be your own, and your life will be constantly monitored and manipulated to suit the whims of the technocrats and the wealthy families who finance them.

Enlightening Quotes About Evil.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn quote

"Evil people always support each other; that is their chief strength." - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein

"Evil societies always kill their consciences." - James L. Farmer, Jr.

"Solitude is better than the society of evil persons." - Abu Bakr

"I believe that all government is evil, and that trying to improve it is largely a waste of time." - H. L. Mencken

"Evil, when we are in its power, is not felt as evil, but as a necessity, even a duty." - Simone Weil

"Evil has no limits." - Udo Kier

"When we forgive evil we do not excuse it, we do not tolerate it, we do not smother it. We look the evil full in the face, call it what it is, let its horror shock and stun and enrage us, and only then do we forgive it." - Lewis B. Smedes

"Evil. Mistrust those who rejoice at it even more than those who do it." - Victor Hugo

"Evil is the absence of love." - David Icke

"It is by its promise of a sense of power that evil often attracts the weak." - Eric Hoffer

"Evil is an attack against human spiritual development and enlightenment. All evil, badness, neurosis - it has one motive and one motive only, which is to destroy - to destroy your chance of arising above yourself." - Vernon Howard

"Nothing baffles the schemes of evil people so much as the calm composure of great souls." - Honoré-Gabriel Riqueti, Count of Mirabeau

Honoré-Gabriel Riqueti quote

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