Governments Are Waging War On Internet Anonymity.

online internet anonymity

Governments around the world are attacking online anonymity. They are attempting to pass legislation that would require a government-issued or approved photo ID in order to gain access to social media sites. Some US states are also proposing ID requirements to view websites with 33% or more "adult content", but the definition of adult content is left purposely vague and could include virtually anything at the discretion of the "authorities".

In the same way that government-sponsored terrorism was used to enact anti-privacy rules in the financial realm (so-called "Know Your Customer" rules) governments use fear-based excuses to destroy our freedom, and internet anonymity is no exception. This time, children are being used, with politicians claiming we must protect the young ones from online hate, bullying, and porn. While these are valid arguments, locking down the internet to anyone who is unwilling or unable to satisfy government requirements is like killing a mosquito with a cannon. And it's not the government's job to protect us from web content. If children are viewing things they shouldn't be seeing, then it's the parent's job to monitor and control their children's internet browsing. And content filters are available to help parents keep their kids safe.

But this isn't about keeping kids safe. It's about ending anonymity for everyone, including whistleblowers, battered women hiding from their abusers, and political dissenters. It would mean everything you post online could be tied back to your employer, your bank, law enforcement, and eventually, your social credit score. It would have a chilling effect on bloggers, investigative reporters, and other content producers who work to expose the government's crimes. And it would put people at risk of losing their jobs if they dared to criticize their employers. 

Online anonymity creates a unique set of challenges that society has to deal with. But ending that anonymity would create even worse challenges, including unchecked abuses of power, self-imposed censorship, and the end of open and free debates. 

Write to your representatives and demand that they keep their hands off the internet and let it be the free and private community space that it was designed to be.

For more information on this, please watch the video below created by the great people at Reclaim The Net:

Men With Digital Machines Will Enslave Us.

"Once, men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965

International Banks Are Creating A Slave Society.

[above: Agustín Carstens, General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements]

Most people have no idea that an elite group of international bankers are using propaganda and other social control tactics to push humanity into a new kind of digitally-controlled society that is closer to slavery than anything we've ever seen before. These bankers control the vast majority of all the money in the world, and they hold tremendous power over our elected officials. In this important 11 minute video, you'll learn how the super-wealthy, with the help of the Bank for International Settlements, are increasing and consolidating their control over all of us. The end-game will have us poorer than ever, with everything we do tracked, traced, and controlled by people we never elected, and we can never fire.

2023 is the year everyone needs to learn about these people and how we can still stop them before they completely enslave us. Watch, learn, and share!

The Digital Identity: The Population Control Network.

In the very near future, if the globalists have their way, everything you do will be tracked and controlled using your government mandated digital ID. Without it you won't be able to work, use the internet, perform banking transactions, travel, or even buy food. This is the world being built for you, without your knowledge, input, or permission. In this video Dave Cullen lays it all out for you. This will be the future if we don't stop it right here, right now. See what it's all about and then spread the word to anyone willing to listen.

The New Normal Is Slavery.

If you watch no other video this year, please watch this one. It lays out how the pandemic was planned in advance, and how the responses by governments and tech companies are leading us to a future of powerlessness and enslavement.

Everyone needs to see this.

Together, we can advance humanity.

[This video originally appeared on, my other blog which has been merged with this one. It has been posted here due to its importance.]

A Cyber Pandemic Could Be Used To Lock Us In A Digital Prison.

In this video from Trader University we're warned that a cyber pandemic, either a real or false-flag event, could be used by the world's governments as an excuse to restrict or ban Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Worse, such an event could usher in sweeping new restrictions on internet access and all things digital, including your bank account.

"Tech and AI are now strong enough to put us in a 1000 year prison of government control." -- Matthew Kratter

Now is the time to learn about the risks and take action to protect yourself and your family.

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