The Plan: From COVID-19 to Technocracy.

technocratic robot zombies

Using a compilation of video clips, Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond shows us what the so-called "elites" have planned for all of us, by taking advantage of the COVID psyop to transform humanity into digitally controlled zombies.

If they succeed, your thoughts will no longer be your own, and your life will be constantly monitored and manipulated to suit the whims of the technocrats and the wealthy families who finance them.

Men With Digital Machines Will Enslave Us.

"Once, men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965

America Is A Captured Nation, And Mel K Is Naming Our Enemies.

Mel K and David Whited of The Flyover Conservatives have an in-depth discussion on the current state of America and how both Democrats and Republicans (the "uniparty") are conspiring to destroy us from within and turn one-world government into a reality. Mel tells us who our enemies are and how they're manipulating us to fight over petty issues as a distraction away from the real crimes.

Is there a way to fix this mess? Yes! The solution is simple, but you'll have to watch the video to find out how.

International Banks Are Creating A Slave Society.

[above: Agustín Carstens, General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements]

Most people have no idea that an elite group of international bankers are using propaganda and other social control tactics to push humanity into a new kind of digitally-controlled society that is closer to slavery than anything we've ever seen before. These bankers control the vast majority of all the money in the world, and they hold tremendous power over our elected officials. In this important 11 minute video, you'll learn how the super-wealthy, with the help of the Bank for International Settlements, are increasing and consolidating their control over all of us. The end-game will have us poorer than ever, with everything we do tracked, traced, and controlled by people we never elected, and we can never fire.

2023 is the year everyone needs to learn about these people and how we can still stop them before they completely enslave us. Watch, learn, and share!

The Digital Identity: The Population Control Network.

In the very near future, if the globalists have their way, everything you do will be tracked and controlled using your government mandated digital ID. Without it you won't be able to work, use the internet, perform banking transactions, travel, or even buy food. This is the world being built for you, without your knowledge, input, or permission. In this video Dave Cullen lays it all out for you. This will be the future if we don't stop it right here, right now. See what it's all about and then spread the word to anyone willing to listen.

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