Russian Orthodox Bishop Exposes The New Genocide.

In this video clip, Russian Orthodox Bishop Porfiry of Ozersk speaks out about the wealthy elite's plan to murder billions of people worldwide and destroy human spirituality as they force their demonic transhumanist agenda upon those of us who survive the purge.

The NWO Is A Conspiracy Fact.

Despite decades of disinformation trying to discredit the idea that the New World Order is a real threat, the words coming out of the mouths of these political elites tells a different story: The NWO is not a conspiracy theory; it's a conspiracy fact.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano: We Must Unite To Stop The New World Order.

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"Let us free humanity from a totalitarian regime that brings together in itself the horrors of the worst dictatorships of all time. If we continue to delay, if we do not understand the threat that looms over us all, if we do not react by organizing into a firm and courageous resistance, this infernal regime that is establishing itself everywhere, will not be able to be stopped." -- Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano


Max Igan Reports: Humanity Is Facing A Clear And Present Danger.

Max Igan tells how the ruling elite and their puppet governments are waging war against humanity.

Ongoing Covid tyranny, deadly fake vaccines, out of control woke mentality, mass starvation, disruptions to the power grid and internet...they're all part of the horrific plan to completely subdue and control us. But we can change the outcome.

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