Pleasant People Made The Best Nazis.

Pleasant people made the best Nazis. They were good natured, dutiful, and never made trouble.

They looked the other way when things got controversial.

They focused on happier things than ugly "politics".

They were respectable folks that turned their heads as their neighbors were dragged away.

You know who weren't pleasant people? The resisters.

Pleasant is overrated.


Not My President.

Joe Biden: Immoral, Intolerant, Incompetent, Illegitimate. A Puppet of Marxist Globalists.

We Must Regain Control.

Remember when people who defended our Constitution were called Patriots? What has happened to our nation? We must regain control. The Communists cannot be allowed to destroy us.

Without Principles We Have Nothing.

Depending on your attitude, it’s either a frightening time to be alive, or it’s an exciting time to be alive. Maybe it’s a little of both. But there’s no doubt history is being written all around us, not only in the United States but all over the world.

Things heated up enormously after the protest and riot in the US Capital on January 6. I wish it hadn’t gotten out of control. I won’t speculate if our side got caught up in the heat of the moment or if they were manipulated by professional agitators, or even if ANTIFA were the real destroyers that day. That will be debated for months to come and I doubt we’ll ever agree on the answer. But there’s no denying the protest happened, things got crazy, and people were hurt.

And now politicians are foaming at the mouth in excitement trying to exploit a national tragedy for personal and political gain, completely oblivious to the fact that their self-serving greed is a large part of why the protest happened to begin with. These people truly think they are more important than the people they’re supposed to serve. Even days later there are very few elected officials promising to listen to us and work on serious reform that can bring us all back together. Instead, all I see is finger pointing, accusations, hateful statements, and a rush to destroy our freedom in the name of national security. But let’s be honest: they’re worried about their own security, not yours and mine. They’ve learned nothing, feeling safe in their delusion that January 6 was nothing but a bunch of deranged Trumpsters tearing up their Congressional offices. Get rid of Trump and silence his base and the problem is solved, or so they think.

Adding gasoline to the fire is corporate America which has jumped on board the crazy train promising to help with the silencing. While pretending to care about national unity, in reality corporations are censoring, condemning, and canceling President Trump and the entire freedom movement so that they gain favorable points with the Left, which they see as the probable winner of this fight. Most corporations have no loyalty to any nation or political cause. It’s just a horse race to them, and they’ll bet on whichever one is in the lead at the moment. They have no principles. And they’re hoping you don’t either.

But without principles, we have nothing. Our power comes from our principles. And this means:

When Netflix airs a movie that is basically kiddie porn, you complain, and if they don’t pull it off the air, you cancel your account. You don’t ignore it because your favorite show comes on later tonight.

If your bank is accused and found guilty of defrauding customers, change your bank. Don’t reward them by keeping your account open because it’s too much trouble to go elsewhere.

If Facebook and Twitter are censoring everything you post and there’s good reason to suspect they’re guilty of election interference, don’t accept it. Cancel your accounts. They think you’re too weak to leave them. Are you?

Google has trained you to think of them and only them when you need to search for something. But they also censor you, track you, and manipulate your thinking by only showing you the results they want you to see. I’ve published a list on my blog of the better search engines you should be using. Check it out.

And when giants like Amazon shut down our voices like when they recently announced they were turning off Parler’s web hosting, we need to complain. And if they don’t listen, we need to stop ordering from them. Cancel Prime. Get it out of your head that the default shopping site is Amazon. You have other choices.

We have to do these things even if it means we adjust our lifestyle a tiny bit.

Nothing will change until we stand firm by our principles and support the people and companies fighting for us instead of the people and companies trying to shut us down.

The power is ours, unless we’re weak and give it away.

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