The New Normal Is Slavery.

If you watch no other video this year, please watch this one. It lays out how the pandemic was planned in advance, and how the responses by governments and tech companies are leading us to a future of powerlessness and enslavement.

Everyone needs to see this.

Together, we can advance humanity.

[This video originally appeared on, my other blog which has been merged with this one. It has been posted here due to its importance.]

The Evolution Of An Idea.

Think concentration camps and a second Holocaust can't happen? This editorial cartoon shows the evolution of an idea from subtle authoritarianism to full-blown genocide. We've been down this road before. Why are we traveling down it again?

Modern Day Slavery: A Photo Essay.

Slavery still exists in the 21st century, but it's been changed so that people actually volunteer to be in bondage. Here is a selection of photos that demonstrate that.

Belief In Absurdities Leads To Atrocities.

"If you can make them believe in absurdities like man-made climate change, you can make them commit atrocities like depopulation through vaccination." -- Robin Monotti, Dr Mike Yeadon, Cory Morningstar

The People Didn't See.

man reading poem about tyranny

Our freedom is being stolen from us. Fascist totalitarianism is spreading around the world. It's happening right in front of our eyes. But too many people still can't see it. This poem, spoken from an historical perspective, tells how it happened so that maybe we can change the future. It's a powerful warning.

All You Need To Know.

This is all you need to know: Refuse to comply!

Acquiescence to government tyranny ends in slavery and genocide. Universal non-compliance will save humanity and change the world. It starts with YOU.

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