SOS Call From An Aborigine Community.

SOS Call From An Aborigine Community - powered by

An aborigine community in Australia has posted a call for international help on social media. They are accusing the government of using military force to quarantine and vaccinate the population. You can help them by sharing this video on all your social media accounts. International pressure could shame the Australian government into doing the right thing and stopping these crimes against humanity.

The COVID Vax Kills And Destroys Lives. Your Government Doesn't Care.

It's been a while since I posted a VAERS red box summary report so I decided to see where the totals are now. It's not good. Deaths and life-altering side effects continue to climb. And while these numbers are horrible enough, studies show they represent less than 10% of the real totals. Whistleblowers in hospitals have revealed they're being told to never report adverse reactions to VAERS or say anything at all that isn't "pro-vaccine". When nurses and doctors tell the truth, they lose their jobs. This is a worldwide genocide and your local hospital, your government, pharmaceutical & technology companies, and the mainstream news media are all guilty of crimes against humanity.

VAERS red box chart

Some studies say that VAERS only represents 1% of the real total, but even if we go with 10% estimate, it means the actual number of vax related deaths is 188,530 people. If only 1% are reported then actually we have lost 1,885,300 people to this toxic goo being forced upon us by the psychopaths who think they own us. Even worse, VAERS does not include totals from other nations so the worldwide count is astronomically higher.

VAERS deaths

The chart above shows the number of deaths caused by all vaccines since 1990. Notice the huge spike that hits in late 2020. Has your local news station told you about this? Are your elected officials urging caution?

Or are they pushing this poison with every tyrannical action they can imagine?

Their goals are simple: they either want you dead to reduce the world's population, or they want you sick and under their total control. And those of us who refuse to play along will be persecuted as second-class citizens, if we're lucky. The hateful rhetoric toward the un-vaxxed is increasing by the day, creating an environment of fear that could easily end with a second Holocaust. 

What will you do to stop it?

Vile COVID Cult Rhetoric Encourages Violence.

The scamdemic and its vax bio-weapon have done immeasurable damage to our society. The elite's engineered disaster is being used as the excuse to end life as we know it and replace it with a new world which is nothing but an open-air digital prison that we can never escape from. Humanity has never faced a threat as large and dangerous as it is facing now. This is when all of us need to put aside our differences and work to save our families and our freedoms. 

Instead, with the encouragement of the elites and their fully-controlled corporate news media outlets, many people are becoming hateful and intolerant toward anyone who refuses to join the COVID cult and obey all of its hysterical rules, mandates, and superstitions. 

Recently this graffiti was spotted in Germany. It says "Ungeimpfte Ins Gas". In English that means "Gas The Unvaccinated". This is intolerance at a level we haven't seen since the Holocaust. If this kind of thinking spreads, why should we expect a different outcome now compared to the 1940's?

gas the unvaccinated

In the United States aging rock star Gene Simmons made several vile and hateful comments about unvaccinated people. In August he said "I’m not worried if an (unvaxxed) idiot gets COVID and dies. I’m worried he takes other people with him." This month he said "If you're willing to walk among us unvaccinated, you are an enemy. I don't want to catch your disease. This whole idea, this delusional, evil idea that you get to do whatever you want and the rest of the world be damned is really terrible.”

It's quite amazing that Simmons would be so pro-vaccine considering he's double vaxxed and still caught COVID in a breakthrough case. The vaccine didn't help him at all. But he seems to have the unscientific delusion that all of us should be vaccinated anyway. Because he's afraid. His fearful statements don't really match his demonic on-stage persona. Instead he sounds more like a stereotypical "Karen", someone who whines a lot and wants to run everyone's else's life. 

Simmons also thinks you have no right to drive a car without wearing a seatbelt, so freedom isn't something he seems to care about. He wants to feel safe and that requires obedience to authority. All of this is making his rock star image look a bit fake.

What makes Simmons statements even more deplorable is the fact that he's from Israel, the son of a Holocaust survivor. According to Simmons (real name: Chaim Witz) his grandmother and several other relatives died in Germany's gas chambers. With that sort of heritage, you'd think he'd be aware that inflammatory language can lead to horrific endings. But apparently history isn't his strong point. Neither is science.

Gene Simmons

The situation we're in is grim enough without anyone stirring up feelings of hate. Everyone needs to come together to prevent the elite's totalitarian fantasies from becoming reality. Some people have the mistaken belief that if they support the COVID narrative and obey all the directives like nice little slaves they'll be spared an unpleasant future. History tells us that won't be the case.

The only sane path forward is human unity, regardless of vaccination status.

Leave your intolerance behind.

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