COVID Vax Injuries & Deaths Continue To Climb.

vaccine injuries data

While the fake news media tries to distract you with scary stories on monkeypox, COVID vaccine injuries and deaths continue to climb with no apparent end in sight. The latest VAERS data available shows 28,141 deaths in the United States as of May 13, 2022. Worse, it's widely thought that VAERS only captures between 1% and 10% of the actual totals due to underreporting by healthcare professionals. And OpenVAERS has indicated there's a backlog of over 100,000 reports missing or yet to be processed. 

The totals:

28,141 deaths. 157,125 hospitalizations. 129,059 urgent care visits. 192,535 doctor's office visits. 9,652 reports of anaphylaxis. 15,497 reports of Bell's Palsy. 4,642 miscarriages. 14,431 heart attacks. 40,553 cases of myocarditis / pericarditis. 52,299 permanently disabled. 6,643 reports of thrombocytopenia / low platelet. 41,584 severe allergic reactions. 13,783 outbreaks of shingles. 31,438 miscellaneous life threatening situations. 

And as the graph below shows, vaccine deaths skyrocketed beginning in 2020, the same year the COVID jabs were forced upon the public. 

vaccine deaths by year

The next time you hear a politician, news media reporter, or Big Pharma propagandist say that vaccines are safe and effective, refer them to this data and let them try to explain it. They'll no doubt try to dismiss it as misinformation even though the data comes from the CDC. But nothing they can say will bring back all the innocent lives snuffed out by a greedy and immoral pharmaceutical industry.

[data and graphs provided by the OpenVaers project]

Don't Make A Fatal Mistake.

vaccine addict meme

Your next COVID booster is like an addict's next fix. It might kill you while the needle is still in your arm. Don't make a fatal mistake. Get the facts.

The subdomain now goes directly to the OpenVAERS website so you can quickly and easily view up to date data on vaccine injuries and deaths.

Latest VAERS Report Shows COVID Jabs Continue To Destroy Lives.

At the beginning of the COVID "vaccination" process I was posting VAERS data on a regular basis. The numbers of deaths and serious injuries were climbing at an alarming rate, and I wanted everyone to know about it. But a strange thing happened: after VAERS data began being discussed on more and more platforms, the number of casualties reported by VAERS slowed down dramatically. The skeptical, myself included, assumed the numbers were being manipulated and suppressed. With the death count not looking as alarming anymore, I admit I stopped looking at the numbers. I knew the deaths were still happening but I began focusing on other aspects of the ongoing genocide instead of the statistics.

And then I decided to take another look. The injury and death totals were way up from the last time I looked. It was a grim reminder of how dangerous these injections are. Here are the current totals:

As of April 15, 2022, the COVID "vaccines" are reportedly responsible for 27,349 deaths, more than all other vaccines in history combined. They're the cause of 4,538 miscarriages, 13,985 heart attacks, 39,177 cases of myocarditis and pericarditis, and 13,518 cases of shingles. 50,700 people are now permanently disabled as a result of the toxic jabs. And keep in mind, these numbers don't include the UK, Europe, Russia, China, India, Australia, or any of South America.

Another alarming chart is below. It shows the total deaths per year caused by vaccines. Notice how the graph spikes when the COVID vax is introduced.

And still our government and the corporate news media tell us the shots are "safe and effective". When will they stop lying?

How many more people have to die?

[All charts and data courtesy of the OpenVAERS project.]

COVID Vaccine Deaths Continue To Climb.

Here is the latest VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) data from the CDC. The death rate, although still unacceptably high, seems to be slowing compared to earlier in the year. But this may be because of under reporting by the medical industry which seems more concerned about protecting Pfizer and Moderna than protecting the public's health. Many doctors and nurses have come forward as whistleblowers and revealed they've been told by hospital administrators to not file VAERS reports at all. So we have to wonder how high these numbers would be if everyone reported vaccine events honestly and accurately. For now, this is what we have to work with, and despite its flaws it still shows the COVID injections are too dangerous to stay on the market.

VAERS chart

And even without VAERS data, we should question any vaccine that requires 3, 4, or even more doses in a single year and still can't provide lasting immunity or prevent transmission. 

The COVID vax, regardless of the manufacturer, is a failure that is destroying lives. Pharmaceutical company executives and shareholders have blood on their hands, and it's time for them to be held accountable, along with the health officials who pushed this poison into our communities.

[VAERS chart courtesy of the OpenVAERS project.]

The COVID Vax Kills And Destroys Lives. Your Government Doesn't Care.

It's been a while since I posted a VAERS red box summary report so I decided to see where the totals are now. It's not good. Deaths and life-altering side effects continue to climb. And while these numbers are horrible enough, studies show they represent less than 10% of the real totals. Whistleblowers in hospitals have revealed they're being told to never report adverse reactions to VAERS or say anything at all that isn't "pro-vaccine". When nurses and doctors tell the truth, they lose their jobs. This is a worldwide genocide and your local hospital, your government, pharmaceutical & technology companies, and the mainstream news media are all guilty of crimes against humanity.

VAERS red box chart

Some studies say that VAERS only represents 1% of the real total, but even if we go with 10% estimate, it means the actual number of vax related deaths is 188,530 people. If only 1% are reported then actually we have lost 1,885,300 people to this toxic goo being forced upon us by the psychopaths who think they own us. Even worse, VAERS does not include totals from other nations so the worldwide count is astronomically higher.

VAERS deaths

The chart above shows the number of deaths caused by all vaccines since 1990. Notice the huge spike that hits in late 2020. Has your local news station told you about this? Are your elected officials urging caution?

Or are they pushing this poison with every tyrannical action they can imagine?

Their goals are simple: they either want you dead to reduce the world's population, or they want you sick and under their total control. And those of us who refuse to play along will be persecuted as second-class citizens, if we're lucky. The hateful rhetoric toward the un-vaxxed is increasing by the day, creating an environment of fear that could easily end with a second Holocaust. 

What will you do to stop it?

COVID Vaccine Death Count As Of October 1, 2021.

Here are the latest numbers from the CDC's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). The deaths continue with no end in sight, and crippling side effects are destroying thousands of lives. Yet the news media, elected officials, and others taking Big Pharma bribes stay silent except to falsely claim the vaccines are "safe and effective". These numbers prove otherwise.

Even more troubling is this chart that shows how serious the COVID vax crisis is: vaccine deaths were consistently low from 1990 until the end of 2020. As soon as the experimental COVID jabs began the deaths soared. How many deaths will be considered too many? Will this medical terrorism ever end or are we on the way to global genocide?

Data source: The OpenVAERS project

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