Day 400 Of The Genocide In Gaza.

400 days of death in Gaza

43,552 people killed. 102,765 injured. Israel's barbaric attacks in Gaza continue unabated. 

[of the dead, 11,891 are women, and 17,385 are children]


News From Clown World: November 08, 2024.

Donald Trump in MAGA hat

The Justice Department is alleging that Farhad Shakeri of Iran conspired to kill Donald Trump prior to the election. The DOJ says "Shakeri – who participated in recorded conversations with law enforcement – was originally tasked by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps to carrying out other assassinations against US and Israeli citizens inside the US. But IRGC officials told Shakeri on October 7 to focus only on Trump, court documents say, and that he had seven days to formulate an assassination plan." [source: CNN] But was this a real plot, or was Shakeri part of a set up, something the DOJ is reputed to frequently do?

Iran is the primary resistance against Israel's attempts to expand its territory across nearly the entire Middle East. With Iran out of the way, Israel is essentially free to do as it pleases, and for that reason, Iran has been a target of American neocon warmongers for decades. Senator Lindsey Graham practically foams at the mouth at the mere mention of bombing Iran. His desire to please his Zionist masters overrides any concerns about the horrors of war. Knowing the United States would like to wipe it off the map, one could almost expect Iran to take some sort of action against us, yet in the current Middle East conflicts, they've shown a remarkable level of restraint. By no means have they acted like the insane terrorists that the U.S. State Department portrays them as. But if they did do something, why would it involve Trump? One reason is that he ordered the successful assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani in 2020. Another is Trump's endless promises to defend Israel and allow them to continue the genocide in Gaza. Iranian officials know that when Gaza has been bulldozed, Israel will move on to new targets such as Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, and Iran. They expect Trump to support Israel in whatever it does. Despite this, I doubt the alleged plot by Farhad Shakeri has much validity. Just like we were lied to about weapons of mass destruction prior to the invasion of Iraq, the public must be angered to get it to support a war with Iran. An assassination attempt, even one conducted by operatives within our own government, would certainly create that anger. The truth will just have to wait a while.

Nancy Pelosi reelected at 84 years old

Rep. Nancy Pelosi has won another term in office. At 84 years old, a normal person would want to slow down and enjoy her final years alive. But Pelosi can't let go of the power and fame. She thinks she's doing a job that no one else can do. "The world needs me", she probably mutters each morning as she brushes her fangs. I was certain there had to be a psychological condition that fits her behavior, and here it is: megalomania.

"Megalomania is an unrealistic belief in one's superiority, grandiose abilities, and even omnipotence. It is characterized by a need for total power and control over others, and is marked by a lack of empathy for anything that is perceived as not feeding the self."

It also makes you run for public office when you're 84 years old.

Stay home, Nancy. You've done enough damage. We'll be fine without you.

media claims disinformation affected election

The mind-control news media is claiming "disinformation from adversaries and Americans swamped 2024 election". Left-leaning rag 'The Hill' claims "Russia, Iran, and China continued to promote content that sows division among Americans". I don't doubt that some of that took place, just like the United States government sends disinformation into Russia, Iran, and China. Turnabout is fair play, after all. But as usual, the news media lacks all self-awareness and can't see that much of the disinformation and misinformation about this year's political campaigns came from the news media itself. They made it their mission to lie about not just Donald Trump but all conservatives while hiding the truth about Democratic Party candidates from the public. Much of the news media, especially MSNBC, are little more than propaganda pushers for Democrats and other elements of the radical left. Anyone with a bit of time on their hands can debunk at least 25% of what we're told is news. And important stories never get covered while space is created for the latest Taylor Swift update.

More Americans than ever before now realize that the media (news, music, TV, and films) is not on our side and is actually doing real harm to our society. We don't have to worry about what foreign adversaries might do: our real enemies are right here in America, sending their garbage into our homes 24 hours a day.

asymptomatic bird flu claims

Finally for today, we see that the CDC is still trying to create a bird flu pandemic, at least in our minds. Despite repeated attempts to convince us that a few cases of pink eye came from chickens, so far the public hasn't been fooled. Many people now know that the PCR tests used to detect the alleged virus (H5N1) are not designed to diagnose diseases and at best, they find fragments of material that health officials claim is proof of a virus. What the officials never admit is that viruses have never been proven to cause transmissible illnesses. Many researchers say viruses don't exist at all, and if that's the case, there's nothing to test for, at least not with our current level of knowledge and technology. But claiming a virus is spreading and could potentially make us sick is a great way to control people. We're more obedient when we're afraid. We follow orders when we think those orders will keep us and our loved ones well. We voluntarily submit to vaccines that contain harmful ingredients and can create chronic health conditions that impair us for life. And we kill millions of animals destined for our food supply in a misguided attempt to prevent the spread of something that probably doesn't exist.

To add to this madness, the CDC now claims that you can have bird flu without feeling sick. Yes, that old myth of "asymptomatic illness" that was used so effectively during COVID is being tried again. The CDC has provided no proof of anything they claim, but science isn't their specialty. What they're really good at are propaganda campaigns and behavior modification.

After four years of COVID mania, I hope the majority of us have learned to be extremely skeptical of health officials and anyone else who uses health issues to control us or profit from us.

Israel Is Committing Unimaginable Horrors. The World Must Respond.

Deir al-Balah war zone

"People are burning alive in front of me. I swear to God they are burning in front of me. No one is able to do anything. Men, women, the little girl, are on fire before my eyes ... No one was able to do anything, to pull them out. We tried but we couldn't. The fires are too strong ... They burned alive ... the crimes of the Zionist occupation are intensifying, in the south, in the north, everywhere ... The occupation is committing massacres like nothing we've ever seen, that humanity has never seen ... I will never forget these scenes in my life, a child burning in front of me and nobody is able to help him."

— Saleh al-Jafarawi from Deir al-Balah, central Gaza.

Israeli's are burning people alive in Gaza. If you're a U.S. taxpayer, you're paying for these atrocities, and you'll have to explain yourself to your creator one day. What will you say?

attack at Deir Al Balah hospital

(text from image above: "Palestinian refugees burned alive as Israel bombs tents at Deir Al-Balah's hospital. The Israel regime has bombed a refugee camp in the central part of the Gaza Strip, triggering a huge fire that killed Palestinians who were seeking refuge there from the ravages of the regime's ongoing genocidal war.")

The Associated Press reported on October 14, 2024 that Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is considering a plan to "seal off humanitarian aid to northern Gaza in an attempt to starve out Hamas militants, a plan that, if implemented, could trap without food or water hundreds of thousands of Palestinians unwilling or unable to leave their homes."

"The plan proposed to Netanyahu and the Israeli parliament by a group of retired generals would give Palestinians a week to leave the northern third of the Gaza Strip, including Gaza City, before declaring it a closed military zone. Those who remain would be considered combatants — meaning military regulations would allow troops to kill them — and denied food, water, medicine and fuel."

everything about Israel is illegal

Everything about Israel is illegal: occupation of Palestine, genocide of Palestinians, murder of Palestinians, displacement of Palestinians, incursions into Syria, bombing Syria, incursions into Lebanon, bombing of Lebanon, assassinations overseas, theft of resources.

Bezalel Smotrich

Pictured above: Israeli finance minister Bezalel Smotrich, who says Gaza is only the first step in Israel's plan to steal land, displace populations, and control the Middle East. What more proof do you need that Benjamin Netanyahu's Israel, a product of the Satanic Rothschild family, is NOT the Israel of the Bible?

But despite the atrocities being committed by Israel, and despite its plans for even greater war crimes in the future, the world sits on its hands and does nothing, except for a few minor retaliatory strikes by Iran, Yemen, and Hezbollah forces in Lebanon. The United States is one of the main drivers of Israel's madness, for without American money, military equipment, and bombs, there could be no continuation of aggression. Unfortunately, American politicians seem to be controlled by Israel, either through bribes, threats, blackmail, or extortion. The situation is much the same in the rest of the western world, especially the United Kingdom and Germany. This leaves it up to the nations of South America, Asia including China, Russia, and the Muslim countries in the Middle East, to find the moral will to stand up to Israel.

We've learned from history that maniacal leaders hellbent on world domination won't stop until the rest of the world comes together and says "no more". 

It's time for the world to do just that.

Israel's Immoral Aggression Continues In Lebanon.

2036 people in Lebanon killed by Israel

2036 people killed in Lebanon since October 8, 2024. The international community does nothing as Israel continues it's savage agenda of controlling the entire Middle East. How many people must die to satisfy their blood lust?

Massive Terror Attack Likely In October.

terrorized girl viewing explosion

Image by Alex Vyshnikov

Most people who are paying attention now realize the deep state, working in cooperation with the radical Democratic Party, is at war with the American people. We've seen suspicious elections, corrupt & politically biased courts, weaponized federal agencies, medical assaults, attacks on our infrastructure including food production, and the entry of millions of illegal immigrants. We have a housing crisis, high inflation, attacks on free speech, runaway spending, a fentanyl epidemic, and military conflicts that could lead to World War III. We're in a lot of trouble, but we didn't get here by accident. 

We're in a Marxist coup, and our domestic enemies want to tear everything down so they can rebuild as a Communist society that imposes total control over all of us, or at least, those of us who aren't sent to the death camps. Who are the Marxists? They are the people who now control the Democratic Party, and they include Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Alejandro Mayorkas, Nancy Pelosi, Gavin Newsom, Tim Walz, Hakeem Jeffries, Chuck Schumer, Antony Blinken, Josh Shapiro, Roy Cooper, Kathy Hochul, Katie Hobbs, and many others. Helping them are a large number of media personalities such as Joy Reid, Joy Behar, Brian Stelter, Rachel Maddow, Joe Scarborough, Jimmy Kimmel, and Stephen Colbert, and the propagandists at The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Daily Beast, Daily Kos, The Hill, and hundreds of local television stations from coast to coast.

Marxists have been playing a long game since the 1960's, carefully taking over our institutions and indoctrinating us with their collectivist hive-mind bullshit for decades. They've been very patient, but their slowness has given many of us time to wake up and realize what's going on. And then the election of Donald Trump sent them into crisis mode as they began to realize their dreams of a Communist revolution might never become reality. They pulled every stunt they could think of, including a fake pandemic, to get Trump out of the way and to traumatize the rest of us so that we would blindly obey while they completed their coup. But we didn't obey. We organized and communicated. And Trump came back for round two. 

They're getting desperate. They want their revolution. They want total control of everyone and everything. They want to destroy the one thing they talk about the most: democracy. But how will they do it?

The least likely way forward is a win for Kamala Harris in November. It would take a lot of cheating to get Harris in the White House, and you can bet the fraud will be rampant again this year. But she's so unpopular I'm not sure it's possible to cheat enough to guarantee a victory. They need another plan.

The other plan is a false flag event, a massive terror attack so horrible, so traumatic, that it either divides the nation with civil war, or is so disruptive that the election can't take place.

Earlier this year, researcher Ole Dammegard said his intel suggests the next false-flag attack will be either an attack on the Statue of Liberty, or some sort of major event in Florida. I suspect an attack on the Statue of Liberty would be the most traumatic to Americans and would therefore have the most political value to anyone wanting to create social chaos. But a civil war could be sparked by a terror event at Mar-A-Lago, especially if Donald Trump was injured or killed. Recently I've also heard chatter that the White House or the U.S. Capitol building could be targeted, but those buildings are so heavily guarded that choosing either as the target might be so incredible that the public wouldn't accept it as anything but an inside job. But regardless of what is targeted, the attack would be planned and carried out by operatives of the deep state, with the CIA and FBI being the likely suspects, but we can't rule out involvement by Israel's Mossad.

And then the blame game begins. Depending on what is attacked, we'll be told it was done by one of these three: Russia, Iran, or "white nationalists". If Russia or Iran is blamed, a fully kinetic war involving American troops would be the next step in the plan. If white nationalists are blamed, it could be the beginning of a full-on Communist revolution, with martial law and gun confiscation imposed in the name of "public safety", and that could be another way to start a civil war.

Unfortunately, there's no way to predict exactly what will happen next. The people controlling our nation are morally derelict and mentally depraved. They're capable of doing anything, and they're desperate enough to do anything. They're lying to us now and they'll continue lying to us until real justice is restored and the traitors receive whatever punishment is handed to them by a court of moral Americans who respect the Constitution.

But that's in the distant future. We now have less than a month before the election. The threats I've outlined are real possibilities that could happen at any time between today and November 5. Let's pray that God's hand intervenes and keeps us all safe.

The Worst Terrorists Wear Suits.

meme the worst terrorists wear suits

The worst terrorists wear suits, and Benjamin Netanyahu is probably the best example of this. #GazaGenocide

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