Technocracy Will Destroy All That Makes Us Human.

If the goals of the technocrats come true, we'll be living in a world with no music, no art, no theater, and no pleasure.

In the past year I've been doing a lot of research on our proposed technocratic future. Several international organizations have come up with unsolicited plans for how life on earth should be in the near future. Most of us have now heard of the World Economic Forum's "Great Reset" and how it intends to radically reshape society through the process of tearing everything apart and then "Building Back Better". But the WEF isn't the only group of deluded psychopaths who think they know the way forward for the rest of us. Sadly, there are many others. But despite their different organizational names they all come up with similar visions, and they're all dystopian. They all see people as the problem rather than a potential creative source for solutions. Technology is everything to them. Every problem can be solved with enough artificial intelligence, even it means merging humanity with machines. But these ideas are coming from dark souls who hate life and are incapable of seeing the infinite potential of consciousness. The techno-elitists who wish to rule us think only of logic, efficiency, savings, austerity, and productivity. Their emotions are limited to greed and lust. Happiness, joy, optimism, and tranquility are foreign to them. And so the world must be centrally managed and tightly controlled by computers, surveillance cameras, digital passports, medical implants, facial recognition, GPS tracking, and millions of pages of laws prohibiting everything except what they expressly allow us to do. 

We'll live where we're told to live. We'll do the work that is assigned to us. We'll eat the rations that they deem most efficient for the production system. We'll no longer be allowed to own cars or homes. We'll be told how often we can buy clothes and other goods, if we're allowed to own them at all instead of renting them. Everything about our lives will be planned for us and scheduled to meet the needs of the collective instead of our own personal needs and desires. 

If you think I'm exaggerating, do the research yourself. The global elite have published papers, books, and even released videos detailing what they hope the future will be. They don't hide it. Their grim visions are out in the open, if you're willing to see them.

But here's what you won't see in their plans. These are the things never mentioned in any of the technocrat's schemes:

There is no music. There is no theater. There are no professional sports. Bars, pubs, and restaurants are never mentioned. Going to the park for fresh air or recreation will apparently be forbidden. Pets and other companion animals aren't part of their plans. Farming and even local gardening are never included. Religious services of any kind are ignored. Have they ever heard of a museum? Apparently not. They don't talk about them. Nothing that makes life enjoyable, that makes us alive and human, is included in their blueprints for the future. It's all about work, efficiency, and feeling safe. Trade your freedom for the absence of fear. Stay indoors and eat your vegetable stew so you won't be exposed to the manufactured horrors that apparently await you if you try to go your own way. Not that you'll want to, since all information will be tightly controlled to keep you ignorant, locked down, and submissive.

Is this what you want? Do you desire safety and the comfort of never having to make your own decisions more than the ability to shape your own life and explore your potential? Are you willing to live in a world of total conformity where you have to give up everything you love in order to be an acceptable member of the new collective? And if you do, how do you know they are right? How do you know they're telling you the truth and not just manipulating you so that you have nothing and they have everything?

The future I've described above isn't science fiction. It isn't someone's prediction for 100 years from now. These are ideas that have been planned for decades and they are now being implemented worldwide. The covid-19 pandemic is being used to test us. Who will we believe? What will we believe? How far can we be pushed before we resist?

Unfortunately, most of us can be pushed all the way to the dark dystopian world that our emotionally bankrupt leaders want us to go to. 

And if they win, humanity will die.

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