The Arrest Of Pavel Durov.

Pavel Durov arrest document from France

[click here for a larger version of the image above]

Here is the official press release from the French prosecutor detailing why Telegram founder Pavel Durov was arrested. As you can see, the only thing he's really being charged with is refusing to censor content. As Europe and much of the rest of the world continue to fall into the darkness of totalitarianism, free speech is being attacked like never before. But since the global tyrants can't arrest all of us, they're targeting the people who make free speech possible. 

The more they tighten their grip, the louder we need to talk. Eight billion people can't be easily silenced. Now, more than ever, we must rise up and resist the evil entities who want to steal our property, lock us down, experiment upon us, and destroy our humanity.

It's also time to relearn some older ways of communicating. Signs, posters, flyers, t-shirts, bumper stickers, and direct mail can't be blocked as easily as a social media post. A return to putting ink on paper may be the only way forward if online avenues are censored or shut down. Why not get started today?

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