The Clowns Are Here On Purpose.

The news seems to get crazier and crazier by the day. Things that would be considered insane only ten years ago are now being pushed in our faces in a radical attempt to normalize the abnormal. Although we've always had eccentric characters, goofballs, and clowns in our midst, today we have these people in positions of power, dictating policies and controlling arsenals powerful enough to destroy the world.

The clowns are in charge, and they're here on purpose.

Over the past several years, the psychopath elites who own most of the world have been quietly grooming these clowns and putting them into positions of influence and power. But unlike the circus, these clowns aren't here just to entertain and distract us. They're also here to fuck things up and send our polite, familiar society into a tailspin. When they do stupid things and create harm, it's not by accident. It's what they're here to do.

It's no coincidence that the President of the United States, a man with nuclear bombs at his command, is so mentally deficient he can't even put together a coherent sentence. Remember this one? 

“You’re going to see when you’re there, and some of you have been there, you’re gonna see — you’re gonna see women, young people standing in the middle in front of a damned tank.” 

Or this confusing message about food shortages:

"We both talked about how we could increase and disseminate more rapidly food. Food shortages.”

Try to sleep well knowing this imbecile is running the show. But here's the point: he's not building anything back better. His job is to destroy, dismantle, and disillusion the United States and makes things so bad we will beg for foreign intervention. Biden wants the economy to crash, crime to skyrocket, and bridges to collapse. He wants us angry. He wants us to take to the streets violently. He wants everything stable to become unstable. He wants us to wonder where our next meal will come from and if we'll have a place to sleep at night. Because once we're desperate enough, we'll turn our backs on our own country and accept a One World Government, with our every action dictated by investment banks and the multi-billionaires who own them.

And it's not just in America that this clownish path of destruction is being followed. We see it in Canada with Justin Trudeau, in the United Kingdom with Boris Johnson, in France with Emmanuel Macron, and in New Zealand with Jacinda Ardern. These aren't just clueless idiots who coincidentally all ended up in power at the same time. These are puppets, remote controlled clowns working to bring us to our knees.

But when their tent folds, it will be replaced by an open-air digital prison run by what is basically the Fourth Reich: a cabal of technocrats and power-mad psychopaths who see us as nothing more than slaves.

These circus performers may act funny and sometimes amuse us, but the next show we see will be brutal and horrific.

And that's no laughing matter.

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