The Deadly Payload Has Been Delivered.

It's been a long and stressful two years of COVID pandemic theater. The elites and their global propagandists, working in partnership with governments around the world, have successfully made humanity go mad from fear of an illness with a 99.9% survival rate.  We've lost our jobs, our businesses, our freedom, our decency toward others, and even our dignity, with the vast majority of us complying obediently to it all without complaint or protest. We've believed lie after lie from the people who claim to represent and protect us. And we've rolled up our sleeves and let mysterious substances be injected into us and our children in the blind belief that the jabs will save us from COVID, the only disease that seems to exist anymore.

We've been so compliant and obedient some of our leaders are now backing away from lockdowns and vaccine passports. They're giving us back the freedoms they had no right to take away in the first place. And people are celebrating this hollow victory as if everything is now going back to normal. But don't get too excited. The same people who have been abusing us for two years aren't suddenly going to stop no matter how nice their words may seem. The elites are psychopaths. The politicians they control are morally bankrupt puppets, willing to do anything for money, power, or social status. They aren't on our side. They never have been. They never will be. They've put a huge amount of effort and money into planning their new society, the technocratic hell they've disguised as progress by naming it "The Great Reset". Anyone who thinks they'll abandon it now is either horribly naive or a complete fool. They might slow down a bit and ease the pressure on us for a while, but the long term goals will remain just as they have been, ready for action as soon as the next "variant" or other global "crisis" is created. 

But what if they've already accomplished the largest part of their agenda? Are they backing off on some of the tyranny to keep society from erupting into violent protests, confident that they've already beaten us? Are we being lulled back to sleep while they wait for the bombs they've already launched to detonate, slowly but surely in nation after nation?

Consider this: many doctors and scientists have said the COVID vaccines are bio-weapons created for depopulation. Already we've had more than 20,000 deaths linked to the jabs in the United States alone, a fact regularly covered up by our corrupt news media. And now we're seeing even more people dropping to the ground within a month of getting their second or third shot. Hundreds of healthy athletes in peak physical condition have collapsed in the past several months due to chest pains and heart attacks. Many have died. Insurance companies are reporting a 40% increase in non-COVID deaths in the past year. Funeral home operators are complaining that they've never been as busy as they are now. If the vaccines are indeed bio-weapons, the elites have already delivered the deadly payload and they no longer have to threaten us with lockdowns to move their agenda along. They just have to wait for more bodies to fall.

Worldwide the majority of people have been injected with at least two doses of the vaccines. A few numbers:

Portugal: 90% - Chile: 88% - Singapore: 87% - Cuba: 87% - Spain: 82%

Denmark: 81% - Japan: 79% - Canada: 78% - Australia: 78% - France: 76%

Italy: 75% - Germany: 73% - United Kingdom: 71% - United States: 63%

If predictions come true, this is a huge number of people who will either die or develop serious chronic diseases within the next several months. The depopulation will happen, and no one will connect it back to the vaccines. The elites will laugh and pat each other on their backs, smug about their apparent victory. 

They don't need vaccine passports right now. The lockdowns can go away. Their deadly payload has been delivered.

Wait for it to explode.

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