The Mainstream News Media Is A Threat To Humanity.

We're constantly told there are "existential threats" to humanity: coronavirus and climate change are the top two dangers, with racism, white supremacists, and domestic terrorism rising fast. But let's not forget about good ol' Islamic terrorism, which no one seems to care about anymore.

Meanwhile we have a senile President in the United States who seems to be doing nothing but acting as a puppet for whoever is really in charge of the nation. In less than two months, Joe Biden has signed dozens of executive orders that do little if anything for the American people but instead seem to have been created to please the global elite and radical Marxists. We have a crisis on our southern border, public schools are still closed in many states, lockdowns continue in blue states, and the White House continues to push Covid fear upon the public, despite rapidly falling hospitalizations and deaths. Now Biden is talking about imposing huge taxes on firearms and ammunition, a fake Covid relief bill has been passed that puts the nation into incomprehensible debt but does virtually nothing to help Americans who are financially suffering from the government's pandemic response, and Democrats are now trying to get the HR1 "For The People" act passed which will make fraudulent elections the norm and help to keep the Dems in power forever. 

Anyone who knows the facts about what is going on is probably going to be upset about it. But people don't know what is going on. 

In 21st century America (and worldwide, to be fair) the news media has largely become a disgrace. Outlets like CNN, MSNBC, CBS, the BBC, the Washington Post, the New York Times, and the Associated Press, have become propaganda machines financed by globalists and doing the bidding of their wealthy power-mad owners rather than what is good for society. Public opinion is being shaped to suit the needs of the elite and to steer us where they want us to go.  That's why we had 4 years of anti-Trump misinformation shoved down our throats while offenses by leftists weren't mentioned. It's why all dissenting scientific information on Covid was suppressed or dismissed as fake news. It's why transgender people have been celebrated and Dr Seuss has become a villain. 

The mainstream news media purposely failed to report on the Hunter Biden scandal. It has protected Joe Biden by hiding his history of lies, plagiarism, and corruption. It has avoided all mention of Nancy Pelosi's never ending dishonesty. It hasn't told us how Kamala Harris' ancestors were slave owners. The media inaccurately reported on the January 06 DC riots, painting it as a white supremacist "insurrection" rather than it being a protest by rightfully angry average Americans that sadly got way out of control. 

We end up in a situation where lies are spread by the media or critical information is suppressed, leaving the public uninformed or misinformed. Then the same elitists who own the media conduct public opinion polls that are then used to show the majority approve of policies they really know nothing about. It's a great scam, and it's working.

People are divided and horribly uninformed, which is a tragedy considering how easy it is to access truthful information now. But the truth has to be sought out. And that takes a bit of time and effort. In today's fast paced, overly complicated world, many people don't have the time or the energy to research what is going on all around them.

The elitists and their news media co-conspirators know this, and they use it to their advantage to feed us poison.

And that is by far the biggest threat humanity faces.

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