The Republican Party Has Surrendered To The Zionists.

Shabbos Kestenbaum at the Republican national convention

This week's Republican national convention looked more like Zionist love-in than a meeting of MAGA Americans. At times it looked like Israel was more important than the United States, and to some of our politicians, it is. If past statements by Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, Lindsey Graham, and Mike Johnson weren't enough to convince you that Israel and Jewish Americans are the priority of the Republican Party, the parade of speakers at the convention should have at least caused concern. The party that constantly bangs on about defending our Constitutional rights actually let Shabbos Kestenbaum brag about his work to subvert the 1st Amendment while also demanding "antisemitic" hate speech laws. I would expect such a demand would be met with booing, but the conservative crowd, some wearing cowboy hats, cheered him on. Incredible. What's next? If a rabbi is shot and killed somewhere in America, will the Republicans demand gun control to prevent antisemitic violence? Five years ago I would have thought, "no way". Now, I'm not so sure. After all, we now have millions of Christian conservatives defending Israel's genocide in Gaza, as if the deaths of tens of thousands of Palestinian's don't matter because of something they read in the Bible. (Hint: if your god is okay with the murder of children, you might be worshiping the wrong god.)

Seen at the 2024 Republican national convention:

man wearing MAGA kippah at Republican national convention

And in case you are living under the delusion that Israel is an innocent victim of terrorism rather than being the instigator of terror around the world, here's a short video of the IDF targeting and striking a Palestinian family with a rocket as they were traveling in an animal-drawn cart along a road in Gaza. It was a senseless act of violence, something Israel takes pride in.

And apparently, so does the Republican Party.

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