The True Goal Of Socialism.

image: the true goal of socialism

[image by Revellati Online]

O Verdadeiro Objetivo Do Socialismo: The True Goal Of Socialism.

The party elites enjoy luxuries while everyone else begs for food and shelter.

"Socialism means government dependency, rationed resources, and exorbitant taxation. It means the destruction of every incentive to achieve." -- Rachel Campos-Duffy

"The harsh reality is that socialism not only destroys economic freedom, it severely limits the capability of everyone to reach maximum potential. It's a system that doesn't provide more, but instead vastly less." -- Katie Pavlich

"Socialism requires that government becomes your god." -- Rafael Cruz

"Socialism is not a way of life. It is an unworkable formula which would apply to robots but not to men and women." -- Malcolm Fraser

"Wherever socialism spread, misery followed - and still follows." -- Greg Gutfeld

"Socialism is antithetical to freedom, because when it breeds and thrives, people die." --  Lisa Kennedy Montgomery

"In socialism, everything is supposed to be equal. And yet, it's always fascinating how the elite government bureaucrats (in socialist places like Venezuela, Cuba and Argentina) are the ones that wind up with all the money." -- Trish Regan

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