The Truth Of Your Existence.

man at prison wall

1: You were born in a cold prison. It is your country, your state.

2: You have to pay for your prison stay. They call these prison fees, "taxes".

3: You have no say in what will be done with the money, but you have to pay.

4: To pay the money you have to work. The prison encourages you to buy new shiny products so you feel better about your miserable existence.

5: You are not allowed to exit the prison.

6: Only a few prisoners have walked far enough to see the prison walls.

7: The prison gives you news and entertainment so you don't discover the prison walls.

8: The prison does not allow strong family bonds or strong brotherhood.

9: The prison you live in wants you weak, sick, and divided. Weak prisoners can't climb the walls.

10: The prison is mostly run by other prisoners. It will collapse if enough prisoners wake up to reality.

[source: Andrycha a.k.a. Ded Drycha]

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