The Wealthy Elite's Vision For The World.

This photo from the Philippines really sums up what the world's wealthiest 0.5% have planned for the rest of us: Queues of misinformed and uninformed people living in fear and submitting to endless medical experiments and soul-crushing lockdowns, all under the supervision of armed government thugs. 

And if you think it won't happen in the United States, look at the gun on that soldier's hip. It was likely made in America, as are many of the tools of oppression that keep people subdued and compliant all over the world. The United States, Russia, and China arm almost every nation on the planet. And all of them are controlled by the wealthy elites.

How do we defeat them? 

By not getting into queues that lead to our enslavement.

We beat them using unified non-compliance. We do not submit. We do not live in fear. We stop believing their lies. We say "No More!".

We rise up as one people, extensions of God, capable of greatness.

And in the face of that. the elites will begin to bow down to us!

Freed of our mental and spiritual chains, humanity will rise to levels not seen on this planet in thousands of years. 

Won't that be an amazing thing to experience?

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