There Is Only One Immediate Existential Threat.

Humanity worldwide is suffering from mass hysteria thanks to psychological manipulation. We're constantly bombarded with warnings about viruses, future pandemics, climate change, food shortages, racism, white supremacists, terrorism, corruption, space aliens, and even rogue meteors. The billionaire globalist psychopaths who control most of the world and want to control all of it use our fears and insecurities against us, bouncing us from one existential threat to another. But don't worry! They have the answers to the imaginary problems they've created and they'll be happy to save us all, if we're willing to obey their orders and pay their price. 

The year 2020 was a rehearsal, a practice run to see how far they could push us and how much we would comply. To their delight, we proved we'd do almost anything to feel safe. Our blind obedience opened the door for 2021, the year we fall deep into the misery of totalitarianism. Coming very soon are digital vaccine passports that you'll have to carry with you if you expect to enter bars, concerts, sporting events, and possibly even grocery stores. Some employers have hinted you'll need a passport to keep your job. No vaccine means no passport, and that will make you a shunned second class citizen. At least for now. Your continued refusal to "get the jab" could lead to having your children taken away, or land you in a concentration camp, since society will deem you to be a threat who must be kept apart from the others. The vaccine passports will soon be expanded to include all of your personal information, including your credit score, your criminal record, your purchase history, your online search history, controversial social media posts, and a minute by minute record of every place you go. Eventually vaccine passports will become 'life passports', expanding to include new things they want you to comply with, like eating bugs instead of meat in the name of combating climate change. Expect a lot of in-person visits by the police asking about your recent activities. They'll do that to intimidate you into being a good citizen.

Once these passports become a requirement, it's game over for freedom. You'll be locked down as tightly as any prison inmate. The only difference is which side of the fence you're on.

Much of what I've written has been written before. But I've repeated it because totalitarianism is the only real immediate existential threat that we face. All of us must open our eyes and see the danger we are in. Our opportunity to rise up and resist it is closing fast. This isn't something we can deal with in a year or two. The walls are closing in now. The globalists are accelerating their plans for human enslavement and I predict we'll be defeated by the end of this year if we keep on accepting everything they and their puppet politicians tell us to do. 

There are other problems in the world. Yes, child trafficking is real. Election interference is happening. Our President is a tool of the deep state. People are being divided and told to hate each other. The news media is a corrupt propaganda factory. Pointless wars are being fought. But none of these are as urgent and as threatening as totalitarianism. None of the other problems we face can be fixed if we are fighting to survive as slaves with no voice and no rights. How can we do anything if we're locked in our homes with our communications cut off or heavily censored? How can we help others if we're unable to help ourselves?

Stopping the globalists is the only path forward for humanity. It is the only way forward for freedom. It is the only way forward for decency and morality.

Rise up now! We have the power to change everything but we have to stop obeying destructive power-mad psychopaths and return our world to truth and sanity. 

It's not difficult. It just takes courage.

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