'Thrive' Documentary Predicted Global Totalitarianism And Genocide.

Way back in 2011 Foster Gamble produced a documentary called 'Thrive - What On Earth Will It Take?' that followed the money to reveal how the planet has been held hostage by wealthy globalists intent on enslaving all of us. The film was way ahead of its time in predicting the rise of a global totalitarian police state and even warned of the depopulation of humanity to make controlling us easier.

Now, in 2023, I have to wonder why we didn't heed the film's warnings? Despite it being viewed more than 94 million times, its message still didn't reach enough people who were willing to take action.

So, what on earth will it take? Is our fate already sealed? Or will more people gradually come out of their coma's and join the fight? I'm optimistic for the latter. To help make that possible, I encourage you to watch the documentary now and compare what they predicted to what is going on right now all around us. The accuracy is amazing, which reinforces the belief that the elite's really do have a plan to keep us divided and under their control. And once we know the plan, we can use it against them and restore sanity to our world.

Enjoy the film, and be sure to share it with someone you care about.

For further information and a ton of resources, visit ThriveMovement.com

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