Today The Silent Majority Got Loud.

At the time that I’m writing this, there is still a fragment of hope that Congress will not accept the electoral votes for the corrupt Joe Biden and his wretched choice for Vice President, Kamala Harris. But that hopes fades by the minute as one after the other Republican politician caves in to the Left, sending the United States down a solid path to Marxism. One of our last hopes was the runoff election in Georgia, but even that is looking like a another likely win for the Democrats. Not an honest win, of course. Anyone who has been to the fine southern state of Georgia knows Socialist candidates can’t win there, but there was also no way Joe Biden could have beaten Donald Trump in the Presidential election, but here we are. We’re here because the Democratic Party is a gang of traitorous criminals backed by misinformed followers who worship their party with cult-like fanaticism. Democratic voters have proven repeatedly over the past 4 years that facts don’t matter and living in denial of the truth is perfectly acceptable as long as their radical agenda moves forward. In their defense, the public has been fed a non-stop diet of propaganda and outright lies about Trump since even before his inauguration. And the truth about Deep State criminal activity has been kept out of sight. But we live in an information age, so the truth is out there, but intellectual laziness stops many people from finding it.

Millions of patriotic Americans are angry and fed up with the corruption and the lies, and many are now marching in DC in a large protest against the rigged election and the state of our government in general.

Although the Marxist Fascist news media will continue to promote their side as the side of rational thinking and democracy while painting the protesters as unhinged dangerous white nationalists or “Trumpsters” or whatever slur they choose, the truth is that the dangerous people are the Democrats, spineless Republicans, the media that profits from both. Here’s some of the latest from the swamp:

Democratic Representative Johnson said: Trump Should Be ‘Perp-Walked to the Jail’ Like ‘Black Folks’ Have Been.

Democratic Representative Omar says she’s drawing up new articles of impeachment against President Trump.

Republican Senator Burr said: ‘the President bears responsibility’ for the riots at the U.S. Capitol, but Burr is taking no responsibility at all for his failure to serve his constituents in North Carolina which likely led to pent-up frustration among the DC protesters.

Radical Leftist and former star Sean Penn appeared to suggest President Trump take cyanide: “May Well Be a Road Worth Your Exploration”, he reportedly said.

Facebook and Twitter removed a video by President Trump urging protesters to peacefully return home and respect law enforcement. Why? This action probably resulted in even more anger and violence, and shows a lack of corporate responsibility by the social tech companies.

Police shot and killed an unarmed protester who was behind a locked and barricaded door. The mainstream media is quiet about it.

As much as I’d prefer that peaceful solutions can be found, our political system is broken and dominated by greedy politicians who do the bidding of China or whoever else gives them cash. The 2020 elections were an outrageous display of voter fraud nationwide. And whatever happens today and in the coming days, the Marxist Fascist news media – CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, The Washington Post, Fox News, The New York Times, and many others – are significantly responsible and have blood on their hands. And so do countless Senators, Representatives, Governors, Mayors, and an endless list of DC bureaucrats.

But they need to pay attention to today and make no mistake about it: the silent majority is now awake, and we won’t be silent anymore.

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