Waking Up With The House On Fire.
In 2020 everyone was wishing the year away, thinking 2021 would be better. Contrary as always I said "2020 is just the rehearsal. We're being conditioned for what's yet to come." We're now a couple of weeks in to Joe Biden's imaginary Presidency and the house we call America is on fire.
Nothing has been done about the alleged pandemic except to require people to wear face masks, something almost everyone has been doing for months. Public schools are still closed in many cities thanks to teacher's unions refusal to let their members go back to work. Biden has had nothing to say about it. Some Governor's and Mayor's have granted their slaves the right to reopen their businesses on a limited basis despite the fact that there's been no significant drop in new Covid cases, proving what we knew all along: the closures were always politically motivated. Biden and crew are working on a pandemic financial stimulus but most of the money will not go to anything or anyone directly affected by the pandemic. It's just more handouts to poorly run cities and labor unions, and no doubt they'll send more millions to mysterious overseas destinations.
As of a result of the January 6 attack on the US Capital, which we're now learning many people in our government knew about in advance and therefore could have prevented, or at least been better prepared for, Biden and his totalitarian regime are working feverishly to undermine our Constitution and destroy our basic rights. There's talk of radical gun control laws, mass censorship and elimination of free speech, and the deprogramming and re-education of conservatives. Political commentators on the extremist news site MSNBC have even suggested using drones to attack Trump supporters. Biden has had nothing to say about any of this either.
Millions of dollars are being spent on a sham impeachment of Donald Trump. It's unconstitutional to impeach a civilian, but that isn't stopping the Democrats from trying. But they've never cared about the Constitution anyway except when it advances their agenda.
On his first day in office, Biden sent troops into Syria for absolutely no reason. But this action is a good indicator that we'll soon be in a new war to benefit the military industrial complex.
Compromised Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has announced she's open to new regulations on cryptocurrency, which is a nod to her bosses in the global banking industry.
The Keystone Pipeline project has been put on hold putting hundreds of thousands of blue collar workers out of work. But Biden's buddies in Russia and the Ukraine are really happy about it.
Women's sports have been destroyed thanks to Biden's unscientific executive orders on mentally ill transgender people.
Things are crazy. Facts no longer matter.
I'm not mad at Joe Biden. He's not in control. He's a puppet of the bankers and the global elite. We already knew Biden was a liar and a plagiarist and a traitor. Many voted for him anyway.
But when you invite an arsonist into your house, you shouldn't be surprised when you wake up with your house on fire.
What did you expect?