World Tyranny Report: December 03 2021.

The global elite and their government puppets keep pressing on, destroying human freedom using the false flag of an alleged COVID pandemic. Here's the latest:

France: Citizens over the age of 65 will be required to show a COVID booster vax digital passport or be locked out of society. According to Reclaim The Net, French President Emanuel Macron announced new rules for the nationwide vaccine passport mandate. The vaccine passports of those above the age of 65 will be invalid if they have not gotten a booster shot. Boosters will be approved for the over-50 crowd in early December, so expect the mandate to include millions more very soon. 

United States (Nevada): The state became the first to impose a $55 surcharge on health insurance premiums of any Nevada state employee who has not received COVID vaccines. The state claims they need the revenue to offset the cost of the notoriously inaccurate PCR tests that the state requires the unvaxxed to take. This is a typical government action: create a problem (testing) and then extort money from the people to "fix" the problem. Officials claim the surcharge isn't a punishment for refusing the vaccine, but anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see the state is threatening to take people's money to force submission to an unnecessary experimental medical procedure.

Germany: In a move Adolf Hitler would surely approve, Angela Merkel and her successor, Olaf Scholz, are introducing a nationwide lockdown for unvaccinated citizens, claiming the country needed “a lockdown, so to speak, for the unvaccinated.” This is despite clear evidence that the COVID vaccines don't prevent the spread of the virus. But who needs facts when you're trying to create a two-tier society while on the way to global totalitarianism? 

The proposed measures, which are expected to be fully implemented soon, suggest banning those who won’t show a vaccine passport from non-essential stores and venues such as cinemas, restaurants, pubs, and gyms.

Didn't Germany try this once before? I don't think it ended very well for them.

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