You're Being Played.

The Democrats and their Socialist allies are using you. They divide people into groups and then tell each group that conservatives hate them and want them dead. But it's a lie. Conservatism in America is about freedom and opportunity for everyone. Get government off our backs. Let all of us rise as high as we can. Let there be no barriers to success but also no favoritism for anyone. We succeed or fail on our own merits. 

But Democrats and Socialists want you to fail. When you fail, often thanks to their oppressive style of government, they'll tell you it's because of your race, or your gender, or your nationality, or your sexual orientation and the way the horrible people on the right have oppressed you. But don't believe their lies. They don't like you. They don't respect you. In fact, they hate you and laugh at you. To them, you're a tool. They want power. All of it, and nothing less. They use you and tell you you're a victim. They say they're your ally and they'll help you. But they won't. They'll just keep lying to you until they have all the power and all the money and you're so pushed down and powerless you have nowhere to go and no food to eat. They'll have food. Lots of it. And huge nice homes to live in. You'll be living in a box.

History shows that what I've said is true. We've seen it before. 

But the Democrats won't tell you that. Because they don't care about the truth. They don't care about you.

They care about themselves. And they think you're stupid enough to keep their scam going.

Are you?

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