Your Money Finances Horrible Things.
What you do with your money really matters. Your taxes fund wars, genocides, corruption, surveillance, medical tyranny, weather manipulation, human trafficking, abortions, and the growing police state, among other things that destroy our freedom or crush the human spirit. Where you store your money also matters. Keeping deposits in the large criminal banks like JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo rewards their activity and prevents local banks from growing and serving their communities. Your purchases matter too. Many companies clearly don't have your best interests at heart and they use their power to fund disturbing things like digital ID, face scans, censorship, DEI, the trans agenda, illegal immigration, unhealthy food, and dangerous prescription drugs.
Think about your actions. Do you want it on your conscience that you're helping to finance immoral and anti-human activities? One day you may have to explain what you did, and "I didn't know" or "there was nothing I could do" probably won't be acceptable excuses.