Plandemic 2: Indoctornation

In this second installment of Plandemic, Dr David Martin reveals who the corrupt players are in the COVID pandemic scam that is ushering in tyranny all around the world. You'll learn how this all began and where it's likely going if we don't rise up and stop it.

If you're ready to go down the rabbit hole and find enough information on this global conspiracy to make your mind explode, click here.

Plandemic: The Interview With Dr Judy Mikovits.

This interview with Dr Judy Mikovits exposes the crimes of Anthony Fauci and the rampant corruption and deception within the medical profession. See how money and greed have been put ahead of the public interest, continuing today with the worldwide fraud of the COVID-19 pandemic. This part 1 of the Plandemic series. Part 2 will be posted here soon.

Covid Tyranny And Global Fascism Would End If Everyone Watched This.

The pandemic is a crime being committed against humanity. The goal is to enslave us all in a Fascist digital dictatorship that we'll never escape. If even 70% of us watched this video that David Icke has recently made available to everyone for free, all of this madness would come to an end. Icke explains the pandemic from A-Z and exposes the lies that have brought us to our knees while the global elite laugh at us and accumulate even greater wealth.

This is part one of a longer presentation, but you'll walk away knowing exactly what is being done to us, and why. Know your enemy and you'll know how to defeat them.

Updated VAERS COVID Vaccine Data For July.

Current data through July 09 2021 as reported to the CDC's VAERS system. Deaths are above 10,000 now, but politicians continue to push these dangerous jabs. Who is paying them to endanger the public?

vaccine injury data chart

10,991 deaths, 30,781 hospitalizations, 59,402 urgent care visits, 82,535 office visits, 2,487 instances of anaphylaxis, and 2,885 reports of Bell's palsy. And notice the heart attack figure: 3,906. 

But we're still being told the vax is "safe and effective". When will someone be held accountable for all these deaths and injuries?

Chart courtesy of the OpenVaers project.

The New Psy-Op: Variant Factory.

covid variant factory meme

"Variant Factory": A Carefully Chosen Term Of Psychological Manipulation That Demonizes The Unvaccinated, Creates Fear, And Turns Us Against Each Other.

The Lies Are Mutating.

Wake Up! The Only Thing Mutating Are The Lies! (Sign seen at the most recent London Freedom Rally)

You cannot prove mutations are happening to a virus that hasn't been proven to exist. Covid-19 has never been isolated and proven to exist. 

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