COVID Death Cult Claims More Victims.

covid vaccine injuries

(Data courtesy of the OpenVAERS project)

Although the death count seems to have slowed down, there's still been an unacceptable number of fatalities and life-changing injuries attributed to the fake vaccines. (I suspect the data is being manipulated to show fewer deaths & injuries.)

And in a shocking display of irresponsible behavior, the news media, our elected officials, unelected bureaucrats, and hospital representatives are putting out daily propaganda that attempts to scare the unvaccinated into taking the experimental gene therapy jabs. None of these masters of misinformation ever mention adverse side effects. The narrative never changes: "get vaccinated or die", and "it's safe and effective". 

But the evidence is clear: the vaccines are not safe and effective and they could end your life. 

Anyone who won't discuss this is probably not working in your best interest. So who are they working for?

The World Really Is Going Insane.

It's not your imagination: the world really is going insane. People are swept up in a mass psychosis of COVID-driven fear and confusion created by wealthy psychopaths and pushed 24/7 by a complicit news media. These Covidian cultists don't care about facts, freedom, logic, or anything else sane people care about. They only listen to propaganda and they seek comfort and safety from the very people who are creating their manic delusions. This is Stockholm Syndrome on steroids!

Can we save these people? It's probably too late. All we can do now is save ourselves from their madness.

CTRD Could Be The Real Driver Of The Pandemic.

How many COVID deaths were actually other illnesses misdiagnosed as COVID? I've heard reports that people with pneumonia, other respiratory conditions, and even illnesses totally unrelated to the lungs have been put in COVID wards and then had the Fauci death protocol forced upon them, often despite the protests of the patient's family. The patients die and become another statistic in the pandemic scam. This increases the fear, and fear sells vaccines.

Some doctors are complicit in the scam, but most either trust the NIH guidelines or are told by hospital administrators that the Fauci death protocol is the only treatment they can use. 

What is the Fauci death protocol?

It's telling people with COVID symptoms to go home until they feel worse. No early therapy is given, despite all the credible peer-reviewed evidence that ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), nebulized hydrogen peroxide, and many other treatments are highly effective at stopping COVID if treatment begins early enough. But in most cases, that's not the way it's done. In the Fauci death protocol, once the patient's breathing becomes difficult, they're finally admitted to the hospital. The proven treatments are still not given. Instead, they're administered Remdesivir, a prescription chemical that has been proven to be deadly and often causes the kidneys to shut down. Once the kidneys shut down fluid builds up in the patient's lungs, making breathing even more difficult. At this point the patient is put on a ventilator, and that's the end of the road for most. Another victim of the system becomes a statistic.

COVID Treatment-Related Death (CTRD) is tragic. It's avoidable. It needs to stop.

Don't allow yourself to become a statistic. Find out in advance what treatments your doctor is using. Avoid hospitals that deny patients early treatment and instead fast-track them to the Fauci death protocol. Consider signing up with telehealth providers who are willing to prescribe ivermectin and HCQ if your local doctor won't.

And you need to do it now. Because once you're lying on a hospital bed it will be too late. No one will listen to you anymore.

The Latest VAERS Data: The Death Count Keeps Climbing.

VAERS covid vaccine data

Data courtesy of the Open VAERS project.

The death count keeps climbing. The injuries are heartbreaking. Yet elected and un-elected officials around the world are pushing these toxic jabs with increasing intensity. They know the harm that is being done and they don't care. It's obvious this has nothing to do with the public's health. There is something sinister and malevolent behind the obsession with vaccinating every person on the planet. And we're running out of time to stop it.

VAERS COVID Vaccine Adverse Reaction Data Through July 30, 2021.

The numbers keep climbing but the corporate news media and Biden's White House refuse to mention it. This is the first vaccine that has been relentlessly pushed upon the public while intentionally suppressing data on the number of people the vaccine has killed or otherwise seriously harmed. Any politician, media figure, or medical professional who pushes these jabs without giving the public complete informed consent needs to be tried in a court of law and charged with crimes against humanity under the Nuremberg Code.  

Amazingly, in complete contrast to what the CDC's own data shows, Dr Brent McQuaid, lead COVID-19 physician with Cone Health in Greensboro NC said: “Sometimes, it helps to talk common sense numbers. Last year, I saw 6,000 patients sick with COVID. I've cared for zero patients who have had complications with the vaccine. Those numbers just speak for itself.” 

I have to wonder what parallel universe Dr McQuaid is living in. Unfortunately, there are many doctors who are downplaying the deaths and side effects, and it makes me wonder if Big Pharma's money and influence is driving this disconnect from reality. Even if not, I wouldn't trust my health to any doctor who promotes these vaccinations as safe and effective when the evidence overwhelmingly shows they are neither safe nor effective.

Do You Trust Your Government?

1951: Water fluoridation becomes official U.S. Public Health Service policy. Over the next several years fluoride became a regular addition to drinking water across the nation. The government and the American Dental Association told the public that fluoride was "safe and effective" based on studies funded by the chemical industry. But fluoride is a waste product of the fertilizer industry which needed to find a cheaper way to dispose of the waste. The fluoridated water campaign then began, and now the public pays the chemical industry for a neurotoxin, turning a waste expense into a profitable product. Some fluoride comes from China, which ironically doesn't add the chemical to their own water. Many dentists have now come out and said that fluoride has no benefit for teeth and in fact it makes our teeth and bones brittle.

1976: A U.S. government health official predicted that a new form of the flu would kill a million people. This was based on research after one person died in February of the same year. Blood work of the deceased man gave scientists a fright. Researchers at the Centers for Disease Control thought that what was happening could be a new, even deadlier strain of the flu that was genetically close to the 1918 Spanish Flu. The U.S. government decided that 80% of the population would need to be vaccinated, so a fast-track vaccine program was launched. The World Health Organization came to the conclusion that the virus wasn't closely related to the Spanish Flu, so it didn't back the United State's effort. Our government, likely at the urging of the pharmaceutical companies, decided to move forward alone. Once the vaccines began to be administered, adverse reactions began, including approximately 450 people with Guillain-Barre syndrome. Once news of this got out, and the public learned there really was no viral epidemic, the vaccination program ended.

2020/2021: This story is still being written, but what we know so far is that governments around the world used a fear-based psychological campaign to convince the public a super deadly pandemic was sweeping the globe and the death toll would be enormous. Even though year over year deaths barely increased from 2019, the public believed the lies and world governments and their news media partners kept the fear alive with daily case counts and false reports that hospitals were being overrun with COVID-19 patients. Several vaccines, which didn't fit the legal definition of vaccines, were rushed to market. These were actually experimental gene therapy injections, but the public was not given informed consent. Adverse reactions began to be reported right away, including thousands of deaths, heart attacks, blood clots, strokes, Guillain-Barre syndrome, and uncontrollable tremors. As of today, the government and the news media have been completely silent about both the deaths and the other adverse reactions despite the data being available on CDC websites, for anyone who looked. Doctors and scientists who have spoken up about the dangers of the vaccines have been threatened and censored.

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