Medical Science Is Now A Tool Of Oppression.

fda warning about bird flu

Revving up the fear machine: the public is being conditioned to accept the next big disruption. I don't think a new human pandemic with lockdowns will happen, but I do think bird flu will be used as the excuse to wipe out our food supply and create social unrest, panicking, and possibly rioting & looting. This will give our Zionist overlords the excuse they need to impose martial law. But if bird flu doesn't scare enough people, maybe they'll try whooping cough. 

Oops, they already did.

news headlines about whooping cough

The whooping cough propaganda is obviously a ploy to frighten parents into conforming with insane childhood vaccine schedules that governments impose upon healthy kids. It's big money for Big Pharma, greedy doctors, and bribed politicians. As increasing numbers of informed parents back away from unsafe & ineffective jabs, the control system has to pull them back in, using whatever dishonest tactics they can dream up. Side effects? They'll be hidden for eternity, with any data leaks immediately labeled as "misinformation".

Since 2020 we've lived in a world of constant, endless warnings of diseases and constant, endless propaganda to convince us we need constant, endless injections of mystery chemicals to stay alive. We're now experiencing the early stages of the biosecurity state, where everyone is considered to be dirty and diseased and a threat to others. Fake health scares have become the norm, followed by oppressive countermeasures pulled straight out of the most dystopian sci-fi movies you've ever seen. Increasing numbers of doctors no longer believe that viruses cause communicable diseases, yet viruses remain the number one tool of fear and control. We know "social distancing" rules had no scientific basis, yet people still keep their distance from others as if an angry monkey was about to attack. Face masks have been debunked so many times I've lost count, yet at every mention of a "disease outbreak", weak-willed politicians start talking about bringing back mask mandates. And every medical condition short of toe fungus seems to have its own vaccine now.

The reasons are clear. Many people are horribly ignorant, knowing nothing but what's been fed to them by the social controllers running almost all news media companies. They fear illness and death and they're desperate to avoid them both. And tyrannical politicians take advantage of ignorance and fear to push an agenda of totalitarian control. The people who rule over us want us tagged, cataloged, and tracked from the cradle to the grave. They want us to be completely obedient and spiritually broken. They don't want us rising out of poverty. They want us to be dependent on them, unable and unwilling to rise up and threaten their authority.

Medical science is the easiest way to achieve all that. Frightful propaganda throws us into a panic, ready to accept whatever limits to our freedom the government demands. As we saw during the COVID psyop, many people will ignore what they see with their own eyes and shut off all critical thinking when the fear of death is imagined to be near. The propaganda was so effective during COVID that we saw scenes where a person would die in a vaccination center as soon as the needle was pulled out of an arm, and the people in line watching the death wouldn't even leave. They stayed in line, rolled up their sleeves, and pretended they didn't see anything. This is the kind of madness that politicians exploit to gain unlimited power and control.

In decades past, many lives have been saved by our medical system. But times have changed, and what used to heal us is now being used to enslave us. I urge you to not fall for the fear campaigns currently spreading across multiple news sites. The people writing them, or paying to have them written, don't have your best interests at heart. 

News Bites: March 07, 2024.

Congress has a circle-jerk. Arizona feels the heat. Biden beats himself. And the CDC pushes fake science.

Biden state of the union speech

I didn't watch the State of the Union speech. If I want to see a room full of psychopaths and mental midgets stroke each other, I'll visit the nearest insane asylum. So let's move on to more important things:

Arizona heat officer

Under the direction of radical-left Governor Katie Hobbs, Arizona has named the first statewide "heat officer" to address extreme heat. Dr. Eugene Livar was appointed to the role under Hobbs’ extreme heat preparedness plan, the Arizona Department of Health Services said Wednesday. It's not clear what a heat officer does, but according to news reports, Dr. Livar will work on providing "cooling stations" and fans to Arizona residents, who are already used to heat since most of the state is in the desert. I'm not sure they need a high-paid doctor for the job, as Joe over at the Home Depot knows all about fans and he works for $15 per hour. I guess Hobbs thinks having a doctor in the role will add credibility to the climate scam agenda and keep the fear cranked up higher than the air conditioning in the Governor's office.

Democratic primaries

The mind-control media is trying to be dramatic about Joe Biden winning Democratic party primaries, celebrating each victory as if Biden is actually competing with anyone. Even the New York Post, allegedly a conservative publication, proclaimed Biden is moving "closer to seizing the nomination again". But he's not seizing it at all. It's being handed to him by default, since he has no opponents on the ballot in most areas, and hardly anyone knows the few opponents who do appear. Even unopposed, Biden isn't getting all the votes. In North Carolina, almost 13% of Democrats voted "No Preference" in the March 03 primaries. And that's encouraging, as it shows that at least 13% of Democrats haven't lost their minds, yet.

CDC covid guidelines

And finally, covid is back in the news. The CDC (Centers for Disinformation Creation?) has issued new guidelines that still include mask wearing, despite a stack of studies proving masks aren't effective at preventing the spread of disease. The reason masks don't work is likely tied to the fact that viruses have never been proven to cause diseases. The "science" of virology is a theory, not a fact, but it's a theory that's been very useful for Big Pharma and authoritarian governments. It's critically important that we educate our friends and family about virology's shady past and the corrupt people who have been associated with it. As long as the virus theory is pushed by the propagandists, the public will be easily herded into control tools like fake pandemics, masks, lockdowns, and vaccines. Without those tools, the establishment loses much of its power and the people can finally begin to see reality.

The Story Of How Trump Sold Out & Sided With The Big Pharma Swamp.

An0maly Bill Gates

In this video from An0maly, we hear the story of how Donald Trump sold out and sided with Big Pharma and Bill Gates to become a cheerleader for vaccines even though earlier he had promised to investigate vaccine safety. He even planned to appoint Robert F Kennedy Jr to lead a vaccine safety commission until Pfizer and Bill Gates got involved and convinced Trump to join their side. It all led to Operation Warp Speed, the failed COVID vaccine program that killed or injured hundreds of thousands of people and is hurting people to this day. And Trump still brags about his leadership in this horrific pharma freak show.

Sit down and brace yourself as you watch this video. The truth is disturbing, but it must be told.

Find more of An0maly's work here:

When Authorities Lie, People Die.

photo montage of experts lying about covid vaccines

Dr Anthony Fauci, mad scientist: "When people are vaccinated they're not going to get infected." .

Joe Biden, alleged President of the United States: "You're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations."

Dr Rochelle Walensky, former director of the CDC: "Vaccinated people do not carry the virus and don't get sick." .

Rachel Maddow, propagandist at MSNBC: "Now we know the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops." 

Bill Gates, technocrat & eugenicist: "Everyone who takes the vaccine is reducing their transmission."

Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO and alleged reptilian: "There is no variant that escapes the protection of our vaccines."

Every statement above has been proven to be false, and yet none of these people have apologized to us for spreading misinformation.

When authorities lie, people die. 

It's time for these so-called leaders and "experts" to beg for our forgiveness.

Documents Prove The Department Of Defense Created The Deadly COVID Vaccines.

In this interview by Dr Jane Ruby with Project Enigma researcher Sasha Latypova, evidence is presented which Latypova says proves the United States Department of Defense created the toxic and deadly COVID vaccines before the pandemic was even announced to the world. The vaccines were then distributed by pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and Astra Zeneca. 

Latypova says top members of the DOD knew the agenda from the beginning and are traitors to America and indeed humanity, while lower level employees had no idea what they were really working on. If this story is true, it makes the entire "Wuhan lab leak" story seem like an engineered distraction away from the evil being committed by our own government. 

Blaming Wuhan For Covid Takes Us Farther From The Truth.

The propaganda machine cranked out a story worldwide today saying a Team Biden investigation uncovered evidence that the covid-19 virus likely originated from the Wuhan lab in China. Social media went wild re-posting the story as gospel, with even self-proclaimed critical thinkers saying “Look! This proves it was China!”. But slow down. What does it really prove?

Nothing, except that the government psy-op continues.

Let’s not forget that the covid virus has never been isolated and proven to exist. Capital ‘N’ Never. And taking a step further, let’s not avoid that fact that virology isn’t a definite science. The existence of viruses and their ability to cause diseases is a theory, not a fact. Many very intelligent and very experienced doctors and scientists have debunked the virus theory quite thoroughly. Their proof is so solid that when you hear it, you can’t help but laugh at the entire field of virology and the dishonest clowns who promote it and profit from it. So I question how covid-19 escaped from a lab if it doesn’t exist to begin with. And why is the alleged evidence of a lab leak coming from the Department of Energy? No one seems to be questioning this. Today’s propaganda also mentions a 2021 investigation by the FBI which concluded with moderate confidence that the “virus” escaped from Wuhan. Suddenly people on social media are quoting the FBI’s statement, even though for the past two years, some of these same people have brutally criticized the FBI for being corrupt beyond redemption. Can we now trust the FBI since they’re telling us what we want to hear? Even Alex Jones is jumping on the Wuhan bandwagon, saying “Biden’s Dept of Energy essentially admitted that covid-19 originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China”. Keep that virus lie alive, Alex. I thought you knew better.

If there’s no virus, what really happened? There’s no need to make it complicated with all kinds of bizarre theories that take us farther from the truth while protecting the guilty. Based on what I’ve learned over the past three years from reputable scientists and other researchers, the real story is fairly simple: Wealthy globalists, the so-called parasite class, think there are too many people on this planet and we’re ruining it for them. They think they own this planet and the rest of us are just useless eaters taking up space and consuming “their” resources. They’ve also convinced millions of gullible people, including many in government positions, that if the human population isn’t dramatically reduced soon, all life on Earth will be destroyed. So they want to depopulate us. This isn’t a crazy conspiracy theory: the parasite class has openly discussed the need to reduce the human population. You can prove it to yourself with five minutes of research, so I won’t cite the references here. Do the work and learn something. To reduce the population slowly enough so that we don’t connect the dots and realize a genocide is taking place, it was decided to kill us using vaccinations, specifically the covid-19 vax. But how do you get millions of people to line up, unsuspectingly, for their own deaths? Scare them with a pandemic. Create an event so frightening that it induces long-term trauma. Convince people that every death is the result of an invisible boogeyman that only trained medical wizards can see with their magical instruments. This was done with a chemical toxin or bio-weapon of some sort, the exact nature of which hasn’t been discovered yet. But we were poisoned with something in a very targeted manner that created the impression that the pandemic was real. All it really would have taken was the release of this substance in a few small shops or classrooms in a handful of cities around the world and the panic would begin. After the news media did their job of spreading propaganda and fear, the public would begin thinking every cold, flu, pneumonia, and virtually every other ailment was linked to the pandemic. Everything became covid, and the media and the government made sure they fueled the fire. Once the panicked public got admitted into the hospital, many were killed off with Remdesivir and Midazolam, which were sold as treatments but in reality fatally injured hundreds of thousands of people.

And then came the vaccines. And people practically begged for them. Sleeves were rolled up and needles stabbed into arms faster than cult members line up for their final cup of Kool-Aid. We’re now seeing the results of it all: The death rate is higher now than during the worst days of the pandemic. The jabs are killing people, which was the goal all along. The pandemic was nothing but a psy-op to brainwash us into euthanizing ourselves. The “virus”, Wuhan, and so-called “gain of function research” were just parts of the psy-op. So when we continue to hunt for the source of this “virus” and then believe what our assailants tell us, we’re pretending the psy-op didn’t happen. Maybe it was a real pandemic. Maybe it really was the Chinese. Let’s ignore the evidence showing that the United States Department of Defense helped create the vaccines long before any pandemic was announced. Let’s forget about the books and speeches from the globalists and the wealthy elites declaring that we need to get rid of a lot of people. Joe Biden’s Dept of Energy said it was all the fault of the Chinese, and we’ve all been trained to hate those people, right?

Don’t be fooled again. The Chinese government can’t be trusted, but neither can our own. Blaming invisible, mythical viruses and foreign labs in remote locations won’t bring us any closer to the truth, nor will it put the real guilty parties behind bars.

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