Albert Bourla Doesn't Care About You.

Why take a vaccine made by one of the most criminal companies in the world run by a man with no concern for humanity? Profits and power are all that matter to Pfizer and its shareholders. Your good health is not their concern. But keeping you chronically ill and dependent upon their poisonous potions would certainly make them smile.

Don't be a victim of companies that put profits ahead of people. Learn more about Pfizer's criminal activities:

Justice Department Announces Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in Its History.

Pfizer Agrees to Pay $23.85 Million to Resolve False Claims Act Liability for Paying Kickbacks.

Pfizer Pays Out To Nigerian Families Of Meningitis Drug Trial Victims.

Pfizer Whistleblower Reveals Why She Finally Decided to Come Forward.

Excessive Pricing And Sham Patent Litigation: The Pfizer And AbbVie Decisions.

The 12 Biggest Conspiracy Theories In The World Today.

The brilliant Dr Vernon Coleman has written this list of the twelve biggest conspiracy theories in the world today. But it's not what you expect: Dr Coleman has flipped the script and exposed mainstream narratives as the real conspiracies that too many people still believe. Share this list with everyone you know. Maybe it will help a few escape the matrix of misinformation.

Conspiracy Theory no 1:
Conspiracy theorists believe that the earth is getting hotter (or colder) because of human activities. This decades’ old conspiracy theory has been revived and now has many uneducated followers. Politicians, journalists and a few other simple folk genuinely seem to believe that we are all either going to fry or drown. The science shows that there is no sense in this wild and dangerous conspiracy theory.

Conspiracy Theory no 2:
Conspiracy theorists believe that in the USA, the Twin Towers were demolished on 9/11 by terrorists. Every educated person knows that this was a false flag exercise but conspiracy theorists, led by senile politicians, are still trying to pretend that they’re right. In fact, of course, most people in the world know that the attack was an inside job designed to provide an excuse for oppressive legislation.

Conspiracy Theory no 3:
Conspiracy theorists believe that vaccines have helped eradicate infectious diseases. There is no scientific evidence to support this myth which is used by the drug industry to sell their products. The evidence shows that many infectious diseases were conquered long before vaccines were introduced, and that instead of helping people, over-enthusiastic vaccine programs do more harm than good. Far more research is needed. Meanwhile the promotion of vaccines should be regarded as a criminal activity.

Conspiracy Theory no 4:
Conspiracy theorists believe there was a pandemic in 2020 which killed millions. The evidence produced by governments themselves shows that the covid-19 infection blamed for the pandemic was no worse than the ordinary flu and that there were no more deaths in 2020 than in previous years.

Conspiracy Theory no 5:
Conspiracy theorists believe that the so-called covid-19 ‘vaccine’, an experimental mRNA product, is safe and effective. Evidence which I released in 2020 showed that the jab was associated with a wide range of serious health problems. Evidence also showed that the jab didn’t do what people thought it did. The warning was ignored and billions of jabs were given. It now seems clear that more people will be killed or injured by this so-called ‘safe’ product than any other drug in history. I’ve been asking government doctors to debate the safety and efficacy of these products live on TV with me for three years. When the authorities refuse to debate, you know they know they’re wrong and will lose the debate.

Conspiracy Theory no 6:
Conspiracy theorists believe that in order to stop global warming (conspiracy theory no 1) we must all stop using fossil fuels – even though this will lead to billions of people dying from cold and starvation. Cultists wrongly believe that electricity can be obtained from solar and wind power but figures show that these will only provide intermittent supplies and will only produce 5% of our current needs. Moreover, solar and wind farms are energy negative producers and are of very little or no value. Germany has wisely ripped out its onshore wind farms to get at the coal underneath them.

Conspiracy Theory no 7:
Conspiracy theorists believe that we should stop using plastic products and use products made from other substances – such as paper. Science shows, however, that paper bags, cotton shirts etc., are much worse for the environment than using plastic. Conspiracy theorists ignore the evidence and insist on banning everything made with plastic except face masks.

Conspiracy Theory no 8:
Conspiracy theorists believe that face masks help stop the spread of diseases. The scientific evidence, however, proves that face masks do more harm than good and are worn only by virtue signalling cultists and bank robbers.

Conspiracy Theory no 9:
Conspiracy theorists believe that encouraging immigration will help a nation’s economy by reducing the average age of the nation’s citizens. Unfortunately, the evidence shows that unlimited immigration may produce a severe economic burden if too many of the immigrants prefer to settle for benefits and free housing.

Conspiracy Theory no 10:
Conspiracy theorists believe that electric cars are good for the environment in some way. The scientific evidence proves the opposite. Electric cars are much more damaging than diesel or petrol fueled vehicles. Digging out the materials necessary to build electric cars is doing great damage to the planet.

Conspiracy Theory no 11:
Conspiracy theorists believe that getting rid of cash will reduce crime. In fact the opposite is true. Fraud has escalated dramatically as credit cards and digital money have become more widely used. Cryptocurrencies in particular are widely associated with criminal activities.

Conspiracy Theory no 12:
Conspiracy theorists believe that the BBC is a news organisation. This is clearly nonsense. The BBC is a propaganda organisation, now widely discredited, which seems to exist to promote conspiracy theories. Mainstream television programs should be renamed. I would suggest that suitable titles might be: `Propaganda at Ten’ or `The Nine O’Clock Propaganda Program’. Others might include: `Misinformation at Six’ or `24 Hour Nonsense’. The possibilities are endless.

[For more great content from Dr Coleman, please visit his websites at: and ]

This Is Child Abuse.

Babies & toddlers must get injected by 5-6 kinds of different drugs simultaneously to boost the profits of the medical industrial complex. No testing has ever been done to see if combining all these drugs causes harm. And the torturous jabbing causes lifelong mental trauma.

We're told vaccines are needed to protect children against viruses, yet viruses are theoretical, not factual. And no disease has ever been scientifically proven to be caused by viruses.

Despite this, by the time time a child reaches the age of 18, he or she will have been injected with approximately 70 vaccines, resulting in a compromised immune system and chronic medical conditions requiring a lifetime of tests and prescribed drugs.

This is child abuse. Do your own research and learn the truth before you allow the for-profit medical industry to torture your children and set them up for endless pain and trauma.

A Quick Video On Why Virology Is Quack Science.

Thanks to pharmaceutical company propaganda we're indoctrinated from birth with the idea that many diseases are caused by super tiny parasites that can jump from one person to another. These parasites, called viruses, are so small they can only be seen with the help of an electron microscope. Images of viruses are still images, not videos, and they aren't even 3D. Those brightly colored pictures of viruses you see on the nightly news are computer simulations, not the real deal. 

The study of these mythical creatures is called virology, and it's an old belief that despite what you've been told, has never been proven to be scientifically sound. In fact, all attempts to prove the validity of virology have failed. But it sells billions of dollars worth of medicines and vaccines and keeps the medical industry profitable, so all attempts to end the virus delusion are met with fierce opposition.

There are many great videos comparing virology (germ theory) with the more modern terrain theory. The video above is meant to be a short introduction that will hopefully make you want to learn even more about what really makes people sick. A great place to go after this is the Dr Sam Bailey podcast page. Dr Bailey is a fantastic researcher who explains the myth of virology in a fun and easy to understand way.

Enjoy the journey!

"Died Suddenly" Is The Must-See Documentary Of The Year.

I've been too busy to watch the new documentary "Died Suddenly" from the Stew Peters Network. I've heard a lot of comments about it, mostly positive but some negative. Tonight I finally had the time to watch it, and I must admit it was informative and well done. I'm no fan of Stew Peters. Some of the comments he's made on his podcast have been ignorant and bigoted, and I stopped listening to him several months ago. But his presence in the documentary is very limited, which was a good decision by either Peters or the film's directors. It allowed the film to focus on the scientists, the funeral professionals, and the vaccine's victims rather than being a showcase for Peter's huge ego. 

In only one hour it tries to paint the picture of what is really going on with not only the vaccines, but also with the covid pandemic. while gently tying in the past lies told and the verified conspiracies committed on the public by the government. It's a lot to pull together without overwhelming the viewers, but I think the directors did a commendable job.

"Died Suddenly" contains some graphic and disturbing images, but they weren't included for shock value. I really felt like the images, while uncomfortable to watch, needed to be seen. It's one thing to think of a vaccine as a "clot shot", but it's something else entirely when you see an embalmer pulling rubbery ropes out of a dead person's leg. It really drives home the point that something is seriously wrong with the covid vaccines despite all the propaganda telling us they're "safe and effective". We've known from the beginning that they're neither safe nor effective, and "Died Suddenly" proves we were right. 

This is a documentary everyone needs to see. But will they? I fear it will eventually fade away just like all the other excellent covid films that have been made, viewed only by people who have already woken up to the horrors of the genocide created by predatory globalists, and ignored by the people who really need to see it. 

But make the effort anyway to share it far and wide. Maybe this will be the one that breaks through the hypnotic spell that has too many people under its control.

And 'thank you' to Stew Peters and company for making it happen.

UPDATE November 29, 2022: The documentary has come under fire for including video clips of people collapsing who didn't actually die. It also shows an athlete collapsing but the incident happened before the covid vaccines were available. So I have to ask, was this sloppy research on the part of the producers, or did they intentionally include it knowing it would be discovered and cause the health freedom movement to look crazy and ignorant? Some speculate that Stew Peters is controlled opposition, and including easily debunked sudden deaths in his film doesn't help his reputation. I'm hoping this is the result of rushing the film to market and there are no nefarious motives. But either way, it gives our opponents new ammunition to attack us with. I still think "Died Suddenly" is important and the overall message is true, but if we're going to defeat the globalists and their friends in Big Pharma, we have to be 100% honest and factual in everything we do.

Watch it below or directly on Rumble.

Shameless Vaccine Propaganda From 2021: Do They Have Any Regrets?

Johnston Health vaccine propaganda

I found this ad in the December 2021 issue of 'Our State' magazine. I was scanning through it before throwing it into the trash when I saw the ad. It features three healthcare workers from Johnston Hospital, which has locations in Smithfield NC and Clayton NC. The hospital is part of the UNC Health Care system which is in turn owned by the University of North Carolina, the same university where Ralph Baric allegedly helped developed SARS-Cov2 using gain of function experiments. (

In the ad, Dedra, John, and Annette, who we're told are real employees at the hospital, tell us why we should get the covid jabs, which we now know are ineffective and dangerous. John can't wait to vaccinate his daughter. Annette suggests the jabs will prevent transmission of covid: "If anyone is questioning whether or not to get the vaccine, I would tell them to do it - for themselves, for their family, and for their coworkers."

I'm not suggesting these are bad people. Healthcare workers were lied to during the height of the pandemic and many were threatened. But I do wonder: do they have any regrets about promoting vaccines that have caused tens of thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of life-changing injuries? Would they do it again? Have they apologized to anyone who may have been damaged by their propaganda?

I can't answer those questions. But I do hope they now realize what they did, feel some regret, and have made peace with themselves. 


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