Pro-Israel Lobbyists Own Our Elected Officials.

aipac money mitch mcconnell

Politicians from both parties take huge sums of money from Israeli lobbyists. This is a major reason why our government tries to shut down all criticism of Israel and the Zionists. Our elected officials don't really work for us. They work for AIPAC and other powerful influencers with stacks of cash. This 2 minute video shows you some of the dirty players and the amount they've received to support a foreign nation.

Anti-Zionism Isn't Anti-Semitism.

anti-Zionism isn't anti-semitism

With protests against Israel's atrocities in Gaza erupting on college campuses across the nation, propagandists working on behalf of Zionists are working overtime to spin the news in their favor. News reports and dishonest statements by our elected officials completely ignore the ongoing genocide while attempting to link support for Palestinians with Communism and Nazism. In the nation where freedom to assemble is a basic Constitutional right, police officers have been ordered to brutally assault and arrest people who are simply trying to stop the senseless murders of thousands of children in Gaza. But attempts to stop the protests have done nothing but reveal the dirty truth: America is ruled by Zionists. Our politicians, who receive hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars from lobbyists such as AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) are putting the interests of foreign nations ahead of their own, and then using police state tactics to hide their crimes. But we see it now. We know the motivation driving people like Mike Johnson, Mitch McConnell, Dan Crenshaw, Adam Schiff, and so many others.  It's not patriotism for the United States. It's money. It's greed. And possibly even a bit of blackmail and extortion. 

Dare we call it treason?

Republicans Versus Democrats: Who Is Really On Our Side?

[image credit:]

Of the two major political parties in the United States, which one:

  • defends free speech and the freedom to assemble as mandated by the 1st amendment?
  • consistently upholds the 2nd amendment: (the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed)?
  • respects the 4th amendment which protects against unreasonable searches and seizures?
  • works to create and maintain secure and valid voting systems that earn the public's trust?
  • puts the American people first in legislation and spending?
  • protects the homeland with secure borders?
  • maintains a sound financial system rather than a Ponzi scheme?
  • tells us the truth about the Social Security system and how it will soon be insolvent unless hard choices are made?
  • has seriously introduced and promoted the idea of term limits for members of Congress?
  • honestly investigated the 9/11 attacks and told us the truth about what happened that day?
  • honestly investigated the January 6 DC riots and released all the video footage from that day?
  • told us the truth about the COVID "pandemic" and warned the public about the dangers of the vaccines?
  • is telling us the truth including ALL the science on "climate change" so we can make up our own minds?
  • has told us about the WHO international agreements that could strip the US of its sovereignty on health issues?
  • has significantly reduced the size of the federal government and dramatically cut its spending and power?
  • investigated the allegations against Jeffrey Epstein resulting in the prosecution of wealthy pedophiles?
  • has called for world peace?

Okay, I admit these are trick questions, because neither party has done any of the things in this list. Despite claiming to be different and playing the "left vs right" game, on the issues that matter to freedom-loving and morally-sound Americans, both the Republicans and the Democrats are consistently and repeatedly failing us. Neither party is upholding the US Constitution and Bill of Rights and in fact they seem to enjoy trampling all over it. Politicians from both parties apparently serve masters other than the US citizens they're supposed to represent. We the people have become little more than tax slaves for the people hiding in the shadows who are really in control of the federal government, and many state governments as well. 

So if you think your vote will make a difference this November, consider this list and ask yourself how one party is going to do more for you than the other.  Without serious reforms, I'm afraid our political system has become little more than a distraction while the deep state and their global allies exploit us, enslave us, and hasten our demise.

It's time we take control before we find there's nothing left.

Israel Owns American Politicians.

hakeem jeffries AIPAC

American politicians accept millions of dollars in campaign contributions from AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) and in return they do whatever American and Israeli Zionists tell them to do. These "bought and paid for" compromised elected officials will always put Israel ahead of the United States.

What's the story on AIPAC? According to their own website:

"AIPAC brings together Democrats and Republicans to advance our shared mission: Building bipartisan support for the U.S.-Israel relationship."

"We encourage the U.S. government to enact specific policies that create a strong, enduring and mutually beneficial relationship with our ally Israel."

"It is the largest pro-Israel PAC in America and contributed more resources directly to candidates than any other PAC. 98% of AIPAC-backed candidates won their general election races in 2022."

American politicians know: if they give unwavering and unending support to Israel, they'll be rewarded with money and a nearly 100% chance they'll win their next election. Politicians who don't play along are shunned and soon find themselves pushed out of office. AIPAC has pledged to spend over $100 million on campaigns this election cycle to defeat any congressional candidates critical of Israel.

Israel gets what Israel wants. And ultimately, we pay for it all while our own nation slides into third-world status. This is the power of AIPAC.

To learn more about AIPAC's agenda and tactics, take a look at this research by 'The American Prospect': AIPAC Talking Points Revealed

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