Hate, Tyranny, and Oppression Report: December 23 2021.
Hate, tyranny, and oppression keep on coming during these last few days of 2021. Here's a quick list of this week's worst of the worst.
On Wednesday, MSNBC medical analyst Dr. Vin Gupta said on “The ReidOut” that it was time for the medical profession to begin sending un-vaxxed people to the back of the line for health care. In Gupta's evil mind, people who comply with government mandates are more important than those who think for themselves. Gupta said “This is where it’s controversial, but we need to talk about this, the bioethics of it broadly because this is not the last respiratory pandemic we’re going to face, Joy. What do we do with somebody who is unvaccinated who is taking advanced ICU therapies from somebody who is vaccinated in the hospital? How do we rank order that priority? We do it for organs, kidneys, livers, lungs. We say, ‘Did you smoke, did you drink recently?’ If you did, you’re lower on the list, even if you need it. We need to start thinking of that model. Have bioethics around it.”
Marxist and professional racist Joy Reid made one of her most ignorant comments when she said "I know on the top of my head a half dozen people that got COVID — they are vaccinated but got it in settings of mixed group with people that were not necessarily vaccinated. So the unvaccinated are spreading this thing, and it’s mutating, let’s be frank, because of the unvaccinated." Science died a little bit when she spewed out that bit of divisive misinformation. Apparently Reid thinks we should all be vaccinated, even though the people she knows who got sick already were vaccinated, and allegedly got infected by un-vaxxed (and presumably asymptomatic) people. We know the vaccinated can transmit COVID, but Reid conveniently didn't mention that. Joy Reid is either too stupid to be on the air poisoning society, or she's just another paid propagandist for the pharmaceutical industry. Either way, she's too dangerous to be in a position of influence.
On Tuesday, the anti-science Marxist Mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, announced vaccine mandates for bars, coffee shops, restaurants, gyms, and other entertainment venues. She imposed the illegal mandate after ignoring the evidence that vaccines don't stop the spread of COVID. But of course this is about her controlling the people and has nothing to do with protecting the public's health. Proving my point, Lightfoot tweeted, “To put it simply, if you have been living vaccine-free, your time is up. If you wish to live life as w/the ease to do the things you love, you must be vax’d. This health order may pose an inconvenience to the unvaccinated, and in fact, it is inconvenient by design.”
Hopefully the people of Chicago will rise up and send this tyrant to prison where she can try try to dominate her fellow inmates instead of the people she was elected to represent.
And finally we have CNN "medical analyst" and propagandist Dr Leana Wen spreading unwarranted fear about the "Omicron" variant. Apparently trying to frighten people into getting the dangerous mRNA injections, Wen said, “I think what we will see with Omicron is a very large number of infections due to Covid-19.” She didn't mention that the "wave" of Omicron in South Africa seems to have already passed with no serious consequences and that it's widely agreed that the variant is less severe (although possibility more easily transmitted) than earlier forms of the virus. (Many experts think the virus doesn't exist at all, but that's a topic for another conversation.)
Wen lied to the public when she said, "I wish that he (Joe Biden) would go further to restrict the activities of the unvaccinated because they are the ones who are still spreading COVID and prolonging the pandemic for all of us.” She has to know that this isn't true. It is a well established fact that the vaccines don't stop transmission. A recent fact checking report by Verify confirmed this. Wen's misinformation does nothing but further divide us into a two-tier society while sending more profits to her bosses at Big Pharma.
It's amazing to watch people reveal their true selves when they think their evil team is winning. But we're watching and we're keeping notes. And while the forces of darkness and oppression seem to have the upper hand right now, more people are coming out of their trance and seeing the reality of the world than ever before in recorded history. We are at the beginning of a tremendous uprising of the human spirit, and the peddlers of fear and suffering will soon face judgment by the people, and their punishments will be severe.