Hate, Tyranny, and Oppression Report: December 23 2021.

Hate, tyranny, and oppression keep on coming during these last few days of 2021. Here's a quick list of this week's worst of the worst.

Vin Gupta

On Wednesday, MSNBC medical analyst Dr. Vin Gupta said on “The ReidOut” that it was time for the medical profession to begin sending un-vaxxed people to the back of the line for health care. In Gupta's evil mind, people who comply with government mandates are more important than those who think for themselves. Gupta said “This is where it’s controversial, but we need to talk about this, the bioethics of it broadly because this is not the last respiratory pandemic we’re going to face, Joy. What do we do with somebody who is unvaccinated who is taking advanced ICU therapies from somebody who is vaccinated in the hospital? How do we rank order that priority? We do it for organs, kidneys, livers, lungs. We say, ‘Did you smoke, did you drink recently?’ If you did, you’re lower on the list, even if you need it. We need to start thinking of that model. Have bioethics around it.”

Joy Reid

Marxist and professional racist Joy Reid made one of her most ignorant comments when she said "I know on the top of my head a half dozen people that got COVID — they are vaccinated but got it in settings of mixed group with people that were not necessarily vaccinated. So the unvaccinated are spreading this thing, and it’s mutating, let’s be frank, because of the unvaccinated." Science died a little bit when she spewed out that bit of divisive misinformation. Apparently Reid thinks we should all be vaccinated, even though the people she knows who got sick already were vaccinated, and allegedly got infected by un-vaxxed (and presumably asymptomatic) people. We know the vaccinated can transmit COVID, but Reid conveniently didn't mention that. Joy Reid is either too stupid to be on the air poisoning society, or she's just another paid propagandist for the pharmaceutical industry. Either way, she's too dangerous to be in a position of influence.  

Lori Lightfoot

On Tuesday, the anti-science Marxist Mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot,  announced vaccine mandates for bars, coffee shops, restaurants, gyms, and other entertainment venues. She imposed the illegal mandate after ignoring the evidence that vaccines don't stop the spread of COVID. But of course this is about her controlling the people and has nothing to do with protecting the public's health. Proving my point, Lightfoot tweeted, “To put it simply, if you have been living vaccine-free, your time is up. If you wish to live life as w/the ease to do the things you love, you must be vax’d. This health order may pose an inconvenience to the unvaccinated, and in fact, it is inconvenient by design.”

Hopefully the people of Chicago will rise up and send this tyrant to prison where she can try try to dominate her fellow inmates instead of the people she was elected to represent.

Leana Wen

And finally we have CNN "medical analyst" and propagandist Dr Leana Wen spreading unwarranted fear about the "Omicron" variant. Apparently trying to frighten people into getting the dangerous mRNA injections, Wen said, “I think what we will see with Omicron is a very large number of infections due to Covid-19.” She didn't mention that the "wave" of Omicron in South Africa seems to have already passed with no serious consequences and that it's widely agreed that the variant is less severe (although possibility more easily transmitted) than earlier forms of the virus. (Many experts think the virus doesn't exist at all, but that's a topic for another conversation.)

Wen lied to the public when she said, "I wish that he (Joe Biden) would go further to restrict the activities of the unvaccinated because they are the ones who are still spreading COVID and prolonging the pandemic for all of us.” She has to know that this isn't true. It is a well established fact that the vaccines don't stop transmission. A recent fact checking report by Verify confirmed this. Wen's misinformation does nothing but further divide us into a two-tier society while sending more profits to her bosses at Big Pharma. 

It's amazing to watch people reveal their true selves when they think their evil team is winning. But we're watching and we're keeping notes. And while the forces of darkness and oppression seem to have the upper hand right now, more people are coming out of their trance and seeing the reality of the world than ever before in recorded history. We are at the beginning of a tremendous uprising of the human spirit, and the peddlers of fear and suffering will soon face judgment by the people, and their punishments will be severe.

The Tyranny You Fear Is Already Here.

If you spend much time on social media sites you've probably heard a lot of people warning about the threat of tyranny. People talk about freedoms being taken away, but there's no sense of urgency. There's no outrage. There's no call to action. And there's definitely no focus on how the wealthy elites and technocrats are trying to enslave humanity in a digital worldwide prison. It's as if we don't see the threat as real. It's just another can we can kick down the road a few more years.

But the threat IS real. And it's here, right now, breathing its putrid stench down our necks. Need proof?

In Australia, concentration camps disguised as "quarantine centers" are being filled with people arrested for testing positive for COVID, being near someone who has tested positive for COVID, or for refusing to get the experimental and frequently deadly COVID "vaccine". Most vaxxed people eventually get to leave, but they have to reimburse the government thousands of dollars for their involuntary confinement.

In Austria, COVID jabs are now mandatory, and anyone who refuses to comply faces hefty fines and an ongoing lockdown. Non-compliance could also result in one year of imprisonment.

In New York state, Governor Hochul is ignoring the science and has reinstated an indoor mask mandate for all businesses. The tyrannical leader of NY lied and claimed “This was completely avoidable. This is a crisis of the unvaccinated.” She offered no evidence to support her claim.

Italy now has a mandatory vaccine passport program. Anyone without a passport will no longer be allowed in indoor restaurants, museums, and theaters.

Canada has arrested ministers across the nation for opening their churches for worship services. One church was completely fenced off by authorities to prevent anyone from entering the property.

South Korea has created what many parents are calling a "vaccine dictatorship". Starting in February, students aged 12 to 18 will be barred from public places, such as libraries, public study rooms, and internet cafes, unless they show a certificate of vaccination or a negative Covid-19 test.

Illinois state Representative Jonathan Carroll wants to change the state’s insurance law so that health insurers would no longer have to cover unvaccinated people who get Covid, forcing people to pay their medical bills out of pocket.

The government of New Brunswick, Canada now allows all businesses, including businesses that provide essentials such as food, to require proof of vaccination from customers.

In England, Boris Johnson has just expanded the nation's mask mandate. Masks will now be mandatory in cinemas, theaters, indoor stadiums, museums, and places of worship in addition to retail shops and public transport.

New York City has proposed 'Chancellor’s Regulation D-210' would give the Department of Education the authority to “discipline and remove” parents from Community Education Councils (CEC) — the city’s version of a school board — if they criticize the school district they are charged with holding accountable.

Beginning December 17, residents of Queensland Australia will be required to show a vaccine passport to enter restaurants, cafes, pubs, bars, clubs, cinemas, theaters, museums, libraries, and stadiums. Government officials will allow operators of "essential services" to require a vaccine passport in exchange for less COVID-related rules. The policy could make it difficult or impossible for unvaccinated people to buy food and medicine.

And starting in January, the city of Philadelphia will require a vaccine passport for anyone wanting to enter “any place that sells food or drink to be consumed on-site", according to un-elected bureaucrat and Health Commissioner Dr. Cheryl Bettigole. After January 17 2022, not even a negative COVID test will be accepted. But a person with an active case of any communicable disease will be able to enter a restaurant as long as they have their vaccine passport.

Those are just a few of the insane, illogical, and unscientific policies being forced upon us by both elected and appointed government officials. These puppets of the elites don't give a damn about what we want and they don't respect our laws or our Constitutions. They serve their masters, not us.

The tyranny they adore is spreading like a cancer, nation by nation, state by state, city by city. And we're letting it happen. Instead of making our voices heard, instead of taking to the streets to protest, instead of resisting with mass non-compliance, we meekly submit and find something else to watch on TV, or hide in the fantasy world of video games, or escape to the numbness of our drug of choice. We do everything except face reality and take control back from the psychopaths who think we're little more than livestock to be owned and controlled. And then we get on social media and whine about the threat of tyranny.

Here's your wake up call: The tyranny you fear is already here. And if we don't get busy right now to stop it and push it back to the hellish realm it came from, we won't have the ability to do it later.

This is a war for the future of humanity. Nothing is more important. Get in it. Do something real. Make a difference. 

It has to happen now.

World Tyranny Report: December 03 2021.

The global elite and their government puppets keep pressing on, destroying human freedom using the false flag of an alleged COVID pandemic. Here's the latest:

France: Citizens over the age of 65 will be required to show a COVID booster vax digital passport or be locked out of society. According to Reclaim The Net, French President Emanuel Macron announced new rules for the nationwide vaccine passport mandate. The vaccine passports of those above the age of 65 will be invalid if they have not gotten a booster shot. Boosters will be approved for the over-50 crowd in early December, so expect the mandate to include millions more very soon. 

United States (Nevada): The state became the first to impose a $55 surcharge on health insurance premiums of any Nevada state employee who has not received COVID vaccines. The state claims they need the revenue to offset the cost of the notoriously inaccurate PCR tests that the state requires the unvaxxed to take. This is a typical government action: create a problem (testing) and then extort money from the people to "fix" the problem. Officials claim the surcharge isn't a punishment for refusing the vaccine, but anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see the state is threatening to take people's money to force submission to an unnecessary experimental medical procedure.

Germany: In a move Adolf Hitler would surely approve, Angela Merkel and her successor, Olaf Scholz, are introducing a nationwide lockdown for unvaccinated citizens, claiming the country needed “a lockdown, so to speak, for the unvaccinated.” This is despite clear evidence that the COVID vaccines don't prevent the spread of the virus. But who needs facts when you're trying to create a two-tier society while on the way to global totalitarianism? 

The proposed measures, which are expected to be fully implemented soon, suggest banning those who won’t show a vaccine passport from non-essential stores and venues such as cinemas, restaurants, pubs, and gyms.

Didn't Germany try this once before? I don't think it ended very well for them.

Digital Passports Will Make You A Slave.

COVID vaccinations are only one step in the plan to enslave the world in a Marxist totalitarian system of control. While it's been well documented that the jabs are bio-weapons designed to exterminate large numbers of people, we know that many of the vaccine vials contain nothing but saline, commonly known as salt water. World leaders receive the saline injections but so do millions of us "commoners". The elites who created this fake pandemic nightmare may be psychopaths but they're also very smart. They know they'll need some of us to survive to maintain the infrastructure, make their toys, and satisfy their sick desires. But they'll want to control the survivors so that the elite's world of luxury and decadence is never threatened or destroyed. That's where digital passports, also known as vaccine passports, come into the picture.

Using the fear of a pandemic and manipulating the public's desire for everything to go back to normal, government authorities and corporate leaders, doing the bidding of the elites, are pushing the concept of digital passports which will prove a person has been injected the appropriate number of times to be considered a fully-privileged member of society. The exact number of injections needed is unknown, probably because it will be a moving target as new "variants" are announced and new pandemics are created out of thin air. Once the majority are vaxxed and have their passports, the unjabbed will be rounded up and sent to quarantine camps where they'll either comply with medical terrorism or they'll disappear in a cremation oven or open pit.

The compliant passport holders may think they've saved themselves but in reality they'll be prisoners too. But their prison will be a global open-air prison that looks free but is anything but. And that's because their passport won't just hold their health information; it will also hold every other scrap of data the government and it's corporate partners wish to track. Driver's license numbers, employment history, credit history, arrest reports, names of relatives, and even social media posts will all be stored and analyzed by the system which will then give you a score, known as a social credit score, that will determine if can go to a shop, get a job, travel out of state, or even leave your house. Every aspect of your life could theoretically be monitored and factored in to your social credit score.

Even worse, the passport system will eventually be combined with a government controlled digital currency system in which cash and private cryptocurrency will be banned and all transactions will have to use the government's system. Once this phase becomes reality, the government will know about every cent you make, every cent you spend including where you spend it, and they can tax you automatically however they wish. They'll have the ability to stop you from buying things they don't want you to have and they'll even be able to control your travel by preventing you from buying anything outside a defined radius from your home. Saving up for later may become a thing of the past as they'll have the ability to put expiration dates on your money: spend it now or lose it forever.

In this system, all of your freedom will be gone, and you'll nothing more than a robotic tool of the fascist state.

There will be no escape from this digital prison. Your app will track your activity and millions of cameras will be watching you. Artificial intelligence will know your face, and anything you do that displeases the state will result in a mob of police officers surrounding you and taking you away for questioning and re-education.

It's a frightening dystopian vision of the future and you may think it could never happen. But it is happening right now in regions of China where the Uyghur's are already being tortured by a control system very similar to this.

It's coming to the rest of the world. 

And it all starts with a needle, a vial, and a jab.

[photo source: unknown artist]
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